Frequent Suggestions Megathread

    Jul 24, 2013
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    LAST UPDATE: 18.06.2019

    Most recent DEV update on everything:


    With The addition of Outcasts & The new Trading guild the galaxy feels more alive and more interesting. Check the update here:
    Threads: StarMade v0.199.349 - NPC Faction Update
    As crew systems,and other ship systems get implemented,there will be opportunities to introduce more custom variables that can be displayed.
    and now with tons of new variables implemented,we can move this into "implemented" section,but more will always be on the way
    Recognized - Display Module
    Logic with Display Modules
    Recognized by Council - change monitors with logic
    Creating a fleet is as easy as a click or two, and adding members to that fleet equally as so. Each fleet has what's called a flagship, this is the primary ship that the other ships in the fleet position around and follow. This update will be rolled out in 2 parts,active and pasive.

    Active is now implemented: Fleets are active only in sectors that are loaded and have players in them controling them.
    Pasive (yet to be implemented): Fleets can patrol/wage war even while the sector is unloaded (no need for player control)
    Patrol,Reconnaissance,Escort,Attack,Deffend,etc.. Fleets,soonTM

    Dev Blog : February 13th 2016
    Read by Schine - Blatant Ripoff of Homeworld to Start Discussion for Fleet Stuff
    Recognized - AI Fleets and RTS elements
    It took us all by surprise,but this long sought feature is now implemented.
    Recognized by Council - Logic Pipe Visibility Controls
    >Removing the process of having to create each block shape separately..and instead giving us access to shapes in the same way we treat slabs now.< ..Well this one is done :)
    threads:Block Consolidation

    Not only is it planned to reduce needed steps needed to produce armor wedges/slabs/etc. but also streamline the process of producing many other blocks.
    Recognized - Remove Hull/Armor Manufacturing Cube Middleman Step
    Read by Council - Hull simplification for shapes
    Recognized - Craftable Multi-stack Armour


    The team is always looking into making planets bigger and further optimizing them. There are plans to make them bigger and have more variations (earth type,volcanic type,etc..) In the future,developing (possible) LOD tech (level-of-detail) that will enable us to make huge planets
    Read by Schine - Changes for planets
    Planned - Planet Wishlist
    on june 13th,Schine announced they are working on several new build mode tools,like line tool,fill tool,and more.. to improve and speed up the process of building large ships.
    details can be found here:
    Devblog 13th June 2017
    Just recently, Schine team got into contact with few individuals who are now creating various sound assets and music for the game. More information will be revealed as those assets get completed.
    In Developement - Sounds
    This long sought feature is now currently in DEV BUILD.
    Connected Textures & Meta Data
    Connected Textures
    Dinamic missions,Quests,procedurally-generated server-wide events and various other gameplay additions are in plans/development that will encourage players to engage in fights with NPC factions,and With bounty system and the new Faction points system (planned) addition that will be added,there will be a lot more opportunities for players to interact in such ways and to create a climate of true PvP and PvE
    In Developement - pvp and pve to boring
    This is currently in development,Currently there are plans for 5 big main factions each with their own style of ships and NPC-s ,in addition to the main factions..minor procedural factions will be introduced. You will be able to align yourself with them to better survive the harshness of the galaxies.
    Planned - Inhabited worlds and custom NPC/procedural faction ideas
    Dynamic Galaxies/Universe
    In Developement - Procedurally generated NPCs—including ones already of a specific race, like spiders!
    Recognized - Exploration/System Bonuses and Actual Empire Building
    This is currently in development,various planet/station/space critters will be added as part of the fauna update
    Read by Schine - Big Book of Aliens, Creatures, and Unidentified Entities
    Planned/in development,using our simple ‘C’ and ‘V’ system linking though, you will be able to link a chair to a duty station to allow the NPC/player to control that duty station from the chair.Chairs will also be able to be linked to the Ship Core, allowing you to enter flight mode from the bridge of your ship.
    Recognized - User assigned exit point from the core.
    Read by Schine - Movable cores
    Planned - No more being sucked into ship cores; cockpits!
    you will be able to recruit NPCs to your faction,and use them as crew on your ships/stations/planets.NPCs will have their own names, experience, health, morale, loyalty, and energy.If crew’s loyalty drops too low while their morale is low, they may turn and try to take over your ship, causing a mutiny.
    Brainstorm This - Crew: Stations, bonuses, specialties, experience & expense.
    Days after the new fleet update,Devs are still hard at work at expanding this new big feature! New formations ,orders and more..
    Planned - Various Fleet Command Ideas
    Trade routes,security levels on sectors,sharing information and the various methods of being able to obtain credits and resources etc will all add new elements to both the diplomacy and economy.
    Brainstorm This - #The Solution to Economy - The Exchange


    This is planned to come out with "capital-ship systems" in the future that will enable a certain sized ships to install equipment currently only available on stations
    Read by Schine - Mobile Shipyards (shipyards on ships)
    Altho this is currently marked as recognized,there is no real reason not to implement this one day into the game. Its currently low priority
    Recognized - Firing a Weapon Outputs a Logic Signal
    Weapons output logic signal when firing
    There are plans to make galaxy a much more interesting places with adding various new factions,stellar phenomena,nebulae,comets,making void spaces between galaxies more empty and dangerous
    Recognized - Galaxy Redesign and new types of Galaxy.
    There are plans to give players more freedom with gravity blocks for use on stations and on ships
    Simple Gravity Control
    Planned! Various weapons and equipment will be added in the future to give you more options in close quarters battles/exploration,All equipment will be visible on the astronaut model
    Read by Council - Astronaut Revamp: Equipment & Weapons
    New handheld weapons for astronauts and NPCs.
    Making handheld weapons
    Recognized - Jet pack
    This highly wanted features is planned
    Read by Schine - Movable cores
    Planned - Move the ship core. Simply.
    Advanced LUA scripting is 100% planned, and the basic form of LUA is currently used for the NPC dialog system,but Advanced one will not come in the near future (unless the cat surprises us once again) and players will be able to create custom missions for other NPC-s and players to take part in.
    It has been confirmed in the past Q/A that more shapes will be added,and more changes will come to the advanced build mode helper that will make it more robust and easier to use . But there are no extra details on this one yet.
    Good news! All 3 are planned,Ice wedge and few slabs wedge variants are confirmed
    Along with the future "capital ship systems" update ,many new features will be added that will make capital ships "moving home bases",and make them even more unique with being able to place factories and other station-only systems,but due to this feature still being in early development,no additional details can be revealed
    In the future ,it is planned to make ships more a vulnerable place for potential crew in battles. More critical features are needed before this can be implemented
    Power & Oxygen systems
    Computational Feasibility of Ship Atmosphere
    Schema confirmed this. He also made note that future improvements could be made to the lighting in the game. Rejoice :)
    Planned - spotlight block (using same lights as flashlight)
    More settings will be added when the features that support those new settings are added,example: making support tools stronger and then adding target friendlies option. But those things could be further down the pipeline.
    Other settings might be here very soon!
    Brainstorm This - My Two Cents on Turret AI
    One more target setting for Bobby AI : Ships
    Recognized - User Programmable AI, via a grid system
    Its planned,but not while we are in alpha development where features are/will be pushed out every 1-3 weeks,making the API broken each time ,and all other mods broken with it every time new feature release is here,making Schine spend extra time to update API and forcing people to fix mods accordingly because of such fast development cycles..
    So again,API is planned,just not this early
    Kupu: "We're almost stuck in a limbo. We've been planning to implement particles and newer weapon effects that require new code that would render such improvements redundant. It's always a tricky call as a small team to balance not only work vs yield, but knowing whether the small improvements would need rewriting in the future and be rendered a waste of resources."
    Kupu:"Yea, i like the idea. I think this has been brought up before too.

    This is something i'll look at with the new texture set to avoid having to double up on workloads."
    Planned - Green Force Fields
    Bench:"We definitely have different plans to encourage expansion to do with factions." This will also tie in deeply with the new Diplomacy and space economy,new procedural factions.etc.
    Dont have any solid confirmation on this one yet,cats are silent. All we know this is planned in some form
    "it would be useful all around to have a navigation option that shows the stars radiation fields, so that way we can avoid those sectors all together."
    dev response: I thought some sort of indicator was already planned. I also already know about this suggestion. I cannot simply wish it upon Schema though.
    threads: Recognized - Map screen needs a "star radiation sector"
    "Build "single, unedited core" functionality into astronauts so we don't need to spawn a core to go anywhere. Cuts down on entities, makes astronaut gameplay a lot more enjoyable, makes boarding more possible."
    dev response: I believe this is already planned in some form. It will be worked on when we get to astronaut gameplay and gear.
    threads: Planned - Astronaut Emergency Transportation: The RCS pack.
    "I think a storyline would be one of the best ways to give direction to exploration and PvP, among other activities that are currently lacking proper risk/reward. Having an objective like 'capture this rare object/creature/ship' broadcasted to multiple players would definitely ensure some fights..."
    dev response: Essentially, if we give StarMade a story, a few things need to happen.

    It needs to scale with the players present.
    It needs to be dynamic.
    It needs to be optional.
    It needs to only progress if the player(s) want it to.

    Any sort of short story lines we include for the individual factions are easy. If that faction is gone, then you simply don't have those missions anymore. It could also adapt, giving you other ways of completing or starting missions, even if the original source is gone. Short isolated stories are not really an issue and will be prominent throughout the universe as missions or a series of missions given by factions.

    IF StarMade was to have a larger, server-wide story, would you guys want that if it was optional and if we could pull it off?

    This is speculation. This part of development comes far down the line, as we have yet to introduce NPC factions. I personally think we have an opportunity to introduce a worthwhile story for players to engage in, in a sandbox style game. Something not seen too often, if at all. I think this is where the PvE side of things fall flat with these types of games.

    threads: Developing Stories for the Frontier

    More ways of generating power are possibly planed and in works. In one of the official streams it was suggested one of those ways will be solar panels. no further information on other power options.
    threads: Recognized - Different way of having Power
    Suggestions where you have to place thruster blocks in certain orientations to provide thrust is only a way to complicate ship building further,and make it almost imposible to make any future changes to ratios in larger ships during battles/when needed. The balance of the current system is a much more immediate issue and most efforts regarding thrust should be spent there, or making suggestions that dont cement the thole ship forever
    physical ammo/fuel is not in plans/desired (yet)
    There are no plans to force players to "eat to survive",but the NPC crew that you will be able to hire to operate ships, will (possibly) need it. So its not off the table.
    There will be new improved mechanics for both cloaking and jamming in the future. With fleets in development,this rework will be all more important and Devs have this on their list
    Currently ,its only possible if you have 2 separate entities docked near each other to create the effect of seeing 2 separate blocks in the same space. But there are no official plans to make that a possibility on a single entity yet
    Ability to paint hull blocks in different colors without having to select the right normal/standard/advanced versions manualy. This is something that was suggested multiple times,but with >current< limitations it cant be so easily implemented. But the Team does like this feature and will look into it in the future.
    Several devs love this idea,some are more skeptical. but before they start thinking about solar panels,several other features of the game need to be implemented once the panels are in game,there are no balance problems.
    But solar panels are very likely to be implemented in the future
    I am happy to say that devs really wnat this,but since that requires the game engine to be more than slightly re-written to actually support it,physical water is a bit down the road,but still a highly wanted feature!

    We will eventually need to play long term as a team to ensure the game works or is balanced. This is something we discussed but it isn't something we planned anytime soon.

    This is not really planned or wanted in the game due to HEAVY performance hits associated with high poly counts of the shield bubbles that need to be calculated and drawn.
    Rejected - Shield management
    Rejected - Bubble Shields
    Yea, we currently don't have reflective properties in Starmade with no current plans to add them, so it's much more transparent for us to reject the idea. Things may change in the future, but this verdict is given with the info we have currently.
    Due to OBVIOUS copyright and possible legal actions against Schine corporation,any music that is not originaly created FOR starmade ,wont be added officialy. We have our own music in production.
    Planet instances would break immersion,something Schema and everoyone else does not want. The ships interacting with planets from space is planted deep into the game,and instances would break this. Main reason for people wanting instanced planets is so we can get huge minecraft like worlds,but With future LOD tech planets will get bigger so there is no need for this type of work-around
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    Feb 22, 2015
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    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    SkylordLuke plz, you didn't even mention any of my suggestions. Not even the Dynamic Galaxies one! :p

    One a side note, to anyone reading this, could we start discussion back up for Capital Ships 'n' shit? It was getting somewhere, but then it just stopped suddenly...

    [DOUBLEPOST=1454746224,1454746054][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh you did, just under wrong category :p
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    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    SkylordLuke plz, I was hoping ye'd fix it. :p

    The Dynamic Galaxies thread isn't one for terrain/galaxy shit, it's for empires and factions and such. Hell, I never even mentioned void sectors, yet it be in that category.


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    SkylordLuke this is the single most important publicly viewable thread made since the Council exists. Clarifies so many things and helps a freaking lot to let the community know that they are listened to!
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    Jul 1, 2013
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    I'm thinking that a good add to the game might be customizable skins for the npc crewmen, also speaking of npc's if new species could be added to the game on random planets and eventually if we'd be able to trade with these colonies and species that would be awesome.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Suggestion #25 [NEW]
    Not only is it planned to reduce needed steps needed to produce armor wedges/slabs/etc. but also streamline the process of producing many other blocks,in the future factory rewamp
    threads:Recognized - Remove Hull/Armor Manufacturing Cube Middleman Step
    Read by Council - Hull simplification for shapes
    Recognized - Craftable Multi-stack Armour
    OH FOR PETE'S SAKE! Just put all the shapes into something similar to the way slabs work and have a single item called "Hull/Armor Plate." There is no better solution. The only question is how to handle the user interface.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Can we have "fleets" under "implemented" now, with a possible note saying how we will be getting unloaded battles in the future?