Planned Capital Ships and Motherships

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    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    This is a completely rewritten suggestion, that originated from my Nomadic Revolution suggestion, which was a suggestion on the idea of adding Capital Ships or Motherships.

    Please Note: None of this is final. I am willing to change ANY part of the suggestion, so long as it works and is received well with other people. If you don't like something, start a discussion here on it, and it can be changed.

    Capital Ships

    Capital Ships are end-game mega ships for large factions that will be very expensive, but very powerful. Due to this, they require significant limiting to prevent them from becoming OP, which will be in the use of class-defining Capital Components, which provide massive boosts in their areas.

    Capital Ships are designed with future updates in mind, that will make the obtaining of Capital Ships require significantly more skill, and prevent simple grinding. Updates such as the below will balance this out in that regard.

    - NPC update (Crew and workforce)
    - Economy update (resources found in different regions of galaxy, requires trading/war to acquire)
    - Empire update (Factions requiring the build up of a proper empire to provide for fleets, workforce, crew, etc.)

    In order to make a ship classed as a Capital entity, one must go into the ship settings, similar to the thrust changing, and choose to upgrade to a Capital. There will be a minimum amount of resources (In capsules, mesh and composite) in order to upgrade, and attempting to upgrade will fail until the minimum is met.

    - Due to this, Refineries and Micro-Assemblers will be allowed on Sub-Capital ships, as to allow a nomadic upgrade to Motherships.
    Note: If near a shop, a player can supplement the resources with credits, regardless of the stock in the shop
    Capital Ships can anchor and un-anchor. When anchored, certain Capital Components will be buffed in different ways, creating an incentive to use Capitals for Sieging/Factional wars.
    - When a Capital anchors, it will have to wait 5 minutes before being able to un-anchor again. The same applies for when it un-anchors.
    Note: The process of anchoring/un-anchoring is instantaneous, the timer is to prevent abuse of the switching
    On a Capital, the standard power-gen softcap will still persist, however, power capacitors will have 2x the capacity, allowing for the large systems to run, but not infinitely.

    All Capitals will require much more crew than standard ships, meaning designers will have to dedicate a large portion of the ship for the crews well being.

    -The debuffs from not meeting minimal crew requirements will be significantly greater than that of a standard ship
    Capital Ships will require a certain amount of Faction Points every hour that they're un-anchored in order to run.
    - This will not affect Motherships, as it does not cost FP to create a Capital
    - The time until the FP is deducted from the Factions FP pool, will not be consecutive, it will add the time that a Capital is un-anchored to an invisible timer, which will never reset
    Capitals can claim territory, if they're anchored in that particular system. The buffs that are usually received from a claimed system will be reduced significantly, making this a more temporary option, for say staging areas.
    - The moment the Capital un-anchors, the system will lose it's claimage.
    - One can destroy the claiming Capital's Faction Block in order to remove the claimage.

    As stated previously, there will be multiple class defining Capital Components, which supplement the station components, as a Capital cannot straight up use a station part. The costs of these parts would be significantly greater than anything else in the game, I'll leave the exact numbers to the devs.

    - Capital Cargo Space; This has 2x more space than it's non-capital counterpart, but costs significantly more. It is designed primarily for massive-scale shipping, but a Supercarrier can utilize it for it's production needs. Limits class to Freighter, Capital Industrial or Supercarrier.

    - Capital Foundry; The Capital Foundry is the only factory that can be placed on Capitals, and can produce every tier of item, from basic to advanced, and can use factory enhancers like normal. There is an increased power consumption and cycle time, but when anchored, both of these are reduced, but not so much that it beats that of a station factory. When un-anchored, every cycle of production (amount produced doesn't affect this) will add 0.01 to a material inefficiency count, maxing at 200% increased material cost. Limits class to Capital Industrial.

    - Capital Refinery; This is the capital version of a refinery. It acts almost identical to a Capital Foundry, except it refines a ridiculous amount per cycle, beating that of the station refinery without any enhancers, but not by too much. Limits Class to Capital Industrial.

    - Capital Shipyard; A shipyard on a ship. It can do everything a station shipyard can, however, there will be both a time and material inefficiency, which will increase both the time and materials cost based on the dimensions of the shipyard. On Capital Industrials, if the ship is anchored, then both the inefficiencies will be removed. The shipyard can only produce ships when anchored. Limits class to Capital Industrial Ship and Supercarrier.

    - Capital Weapons Computers; All weapons computers will have a capital counterpart, which will use the standard modules, and can still use slaves/effects without them needing a Capital computer. When un-anchored, the CPC will give weapons a 35% buff to damage and range, while reducing Rate of Fire and accuracy/tracking speed. When anchored, the CPC will give weapons a 75% buff to damage and range, with a significantly reduced Rate of Fire and accuracy/tracking speed. Limits class to Dreadnought.

    - Note: Capital Industrials will not be able to equip ANY kind of hard mount weapon, standard or Capital

    - Capital Turret Mount; This is a capital version of the standard turret axis, and will buff the turret that's docked to it in the same way as the Capital Weapons Computer, except without the anchoring buff. Limits class to Dreadnought, Supercarrier and Capital Industrial.
    Note: When on a Supercarrier or Capital Industrial, the buff will be reduced to 25%, instead of 35%
    Along with the class defining components, there will of course be a few universal components, that all Capital classes can use.

    - Capital Thrusters; These a monstrous thrusters which require at least 125 thruster blocks connected to eachother in order to run, but generate a LOT of thrust. If fuel becomes a thing, it will use fuel, but until then, it'll simply use a large amount of power.
    - Top speed cannot exceed server maximum

    - Capital Jump Drive; This is a jump drive that has a far greater range with each module accounting for more mass than it's non-capital counterpart, but using much more power. The range is limited to 1.5x the standard jump range, but another member of your faction can create a jump beacon (Not sure what to call this, need suggestions) which will allow to jump as far as 4x the standard jump range, however, when one activates this beacon, everyone within a 4 system radius can see it on the galaxy map.
    Note: Range is subject to change
    - Capital Armour Plate; This is a level of armour stronger than that of advanced armour, while being more expensive and MUCH heavier. In order for the armour to actually be stronger than advanced armour, a minimum of 200 blocks must be connected as one piece.

    - Fleet Booster; The Fleet Booster allows a Capital ship to provide it's allied ships in the same sector with a variety of buffs, to improve their effectiveness in a multitude of ways, via slaving a current system computer to determine the buff, and the % of mass/blocks dedicated to Booster modules to determine the strength. For example, slaving a salvage computer will increase mining speeds.

    Overall, the purpose of a Capital is to provide an end-game mega-ship experience for larger factions, to allow for larger scale war/operations, and opening up new styles of gameplay, from mining fleets to siege fleets.


    Motherships are a small factions (1-3 members) homebase, that allows for a Nomadic lifestyle by being a ship, and thus being mobile. It's able to use all of the current station parts, at base efficiency, and cannot use and/or is not limited to the Capital Modules, allowing players to build their home as they choose.

    - With regards to my Homebase Vulnerability suggestion, the Faction block will also have an inventory, for it's own Mothership unique items to be put in.

    To acquire a Mothership, you must first have a Capital classed entity. Once this is done, on the Faction block, you will have the option to set the Capital as the homebase, this will turn the Capital into a Mothership.

    - If a faction already has a home, or more than three members, then this will fail, and the ship will remain as a Capital.

    Like a Capital, a Mothership can anchor or un-anchor, when un-anchored, the Mothership will be fully vulnerable, and all station systems will run at 95% efficiency. When anchored, the Mothership will be invulnerable, and all station systems will run at 105% efficiency, creating an incentive to anchor.
    - When un-anchored, a Mothership will only be shown on the galaxy map, if seen or scanned
    - When anchored, a Mothership will be shown once a player enters the system it's anchored in

    - This will remain indefinitely, but will only update if the conditions have been met again.
    - This can be used to sell their location, once map discovery/sharing becomes a thing.
    - When a Mothership anchors, like a Capital, it'll have to wait 5 minutes before un-anchoring. Same goes for un-anchoring.
    A Mothership will have a faction member count (FMC) limit, which will have a range of effects once it goes beyond 3 members.
    - At an FMC greater than 3, the Mothership will start to become inefficient, increasing as the FMC increases
    - At an FMC greater than or equal to 5, the Mothership's armour HP will slowly decrease, and will actively use resources to prevent this. Members will also start to be fatigued, where they will move slower, and their inventories will shrink as the FMC increases.
    - At an FMC greater than 6, the Mothership loses it's invulnerability from anchoring.
    - At an FMC greater than or equal to 8, the Mothership will be put on the galaxy map for all players

    These effects will allow Motherships to be used with ease by small factions, giving them the option to live a Nomadic lifestyle, while providing large factions with an incentive to settle down, and become a proper faction, opening up Capital Ships to them.

    Overall, the purpose of a Mothership is to provide small factions with an edge over large factions, in the sense that they can avoid those that wish to destroy them, while providing the unique Nomadic experience for those who desire it.
    Last edited:


    Aug 10, 2015
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    This is essentually a sand box game not an rts style game your only limited to what you can mine and your imagination much of what you posted for capital mounts are already optainable through explosive effect making antimatter cannons all the more deadlier so i dont see much use in a tier system


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    This is essentually a sand box game not an rts style game
    Where in this did I try and turn this into an RTS? Capital Ships are meant for large factions, as a means of end-game content, not to command your entire faction like a mindless horde of miners. :p

    your only limited to what you can mine and your imagination
    This still allows for a significant amount of freedom, but there needs to be a way to balance out capital ships so that they don't become a mobile homebase away from home. If a capital ship can do everything a homebase can, even with the slight inefficiency and vulnerability (Which wont be around forever), it'll remove the reason for a large faction to use stations and just encourage the one base problem.

    Works best under limitations. ;)

    much of what you posted for capital mounts are already optainable through explosive effect making antimatter cannons all the more deadlier so i dont see much use in a tier system
    Yes, but the guns would be even MORE powerful and have MORE dakka than a standard gun with explosive effect, thus making dreadnought. :p

    This also reinforced my previous thought about how Capitals need to be balanced in such a way, imagine a Supercarrier, that can produce it's fighters, carry an endless amount of everything, and have giant dreadnought mega guns. Seriously, that'd be unbalanced, and one could literally dominate an entire server, almost alone.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Alright... I was trying to keep an open mind but now it's clear that you have been playing waaaaaaaaay too much Eve Online... :confused:

    If you're really trying to bring Eve to starmade, I don't think this is the best way to do it.

    Seriously; the capital/mothership breakdown doesn't have to be that complex. We were making good headway on the other thread; allowing for nomads to have options and fluidity without becoming over-powered. I don't see options in this thread; but rather, restrictions. Everything here is so over-specialized that it locks people into a role. That is way out of bounds for a game with this level of creativity/diversity. To be honest, I would just keep my "Command System method" for any large scale ship and dock it to one of my "anchor stations" and get the abilities of all your stated options. Also, I could set it up/break it down in far less than an hour.

    Come on man! Why make it so complex? Why not keep the whole thing simple and let the player decide how he/she wants to build a ship and let their own imagination guide the design process?


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4

    Alright... I was trying to keep an open mind but now it's clear that you have been playing waaaaaaaaay too much Eve Online... :confused:

    If you're really trying to bring Eve to starmade, I don't think this is the best way to do it.

    Seriously; the capital/mothership breakdown doesn't have to be that complex. We were making good headway on the other thread; allowing for nomads to have options and fluidity without becoming over-powered. I don't see options in this thread; but rather, restrictions. Everything here is so over-specialized that it locks people into a role. That is way out of bounds for a game with this level of creativity/diversity. To be honest, I would just keep my "Command System method" for any large scale ship and dock it to one of my "anchor stations" and get the abilities of all your stated options. Also, I could set it up/break it down in far less than an hour.

    Come on man! Why make it so complex? Why not keep the whole thing simple and let the player decide how he/she wants to build a ship and let their own imagination guide the design process?
    I've stated already why it's so complex. Capital Ships, are again, are now mega ships for late-game factions to use. I had a look at the current progression, and there honestly isn't that much, especially when you become a massive faction. You can still do as you wish, fly around as a Mothership and do everything the original Mothership did, no restrictions on that, except for the anchor/un-anchor timer, the reason for that timer being is because invulnerability will be removed from actual homebases, thus there needs to be some sort of balance brought from that over to the Mothership. We can't have all Motherships being invulnerable 24/7, using the hour makes the anchoring just that more important, that you need to be careful about when you anchor/un-anchor, as invulnerability will be in the future.

    And Capitals, the reason they're so different from the original thread, is because they were originally written in a a part of a Nomadic Lifestyle, except for large factions, which simply reinforces the idea of having one base. I've been pushing to remove such a thing, is it's a big gateway to PvP, but my Capital Ships system completely circumvents that. So, I thought about how to change capital ships, and use classes. They need to be this restricting, as their no longer homebases, they're now end-game ships, which factions use, so there needs to be a way to prevent them from a) using them as a home away from home, and b) Being able to literally dominate a server, which I posted in previous post thingy.

    On a side note, just realized this, did I word the Mothership anchor/un-anchor timer so that it sounds like it takes an hour for the anchoring PROCESS? If so, oops, that's meant to be between anchors/un-anchors. :p


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Once anchored, a capital will have to wait 1 hour to un-anchor.
    Let me start off this post with "No."

    • Capital Weapons Computers; All weapons computers will have a capital counterpart, which will use the standard modules. The Capital variant provides a significant buff to alpha damage and range, while lowering the rate of fire considerably. It will use much more power than the standard variant. Limits class to Dreadnought.
    • Capital Turret Mount; This is a capital version of the standard turret axis, and will buff the turret that's docked to it considerably, providing more Alpha damage, range, while lowering rate of fire and turning speed. It will also use up more power. Limits class to Dreadnought.
    Significant buff to alpha damage and range while lowering RoF... You mean X/Beam?

    I like the additions (besides the weapons), but the limitations that come along with them are bad. If I want to build a ship that sends out miners, refines the materials they bring back, then turns those into functional blocks and then into drones, I should be able to do that.


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    If I want to build a ship that sends out miners, refines the materials they bring back, then turns those into functional blocks and then into drones, I should be able to do that.
    Then you can, all of that fits into the Capital Industrial class. The only reason the limitations are there, is to prevent that same ship from being that Capital Industrial ship, but also a Supercarrier and a Dreadnought, which would in turn reinforce the idea of one base living, which was one of the problems you had with my original broken suggestion.

    Thus is the reason the Dreadnought is to have a lot of alpha. :p

    Let me start off this post with "No."
    So far, nobody seems to like this part, would you rather it reduced or removed?
    Oct 16, 2013
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    Why do I get a very, very EveryoneVersusEveryone Online vibe, especially when I got to clones. Just imagining podding people becomes a thing in Starmade.

    But, couldn't this be simplified into a computer/module system that makes the ship into a mothership? Think like a Jump Inhibitor. The amount of module blocks to ratio of mass dictates the buff and anchors the ship, and perhaps only when this computer is active can station blocks be used on the ship? Otherwise, you can place station blocks, but they are unable to be used/off when the computer is off/inactive.

    Also, regarding cooldowns, use the mechanic similar to the Radar Jammer/Cloaker. While turning into a stationary 'station' can be instantaneous, and can be just as quickly turned back into a ship. However, once turned back into a ship, the computer has a cooldown that rises in correlation to ship mass.

    Also, nothing really to complicated, just a large power drain for that computer as a cost. A really, really high cost.

    EDIT: Forgot to say, faction homebase is only possible when anchored.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Then you can, all of that fits into the Capital Industrial class. The only reason the limitations are there, is to prevent that same ship from being that Capital Industrial ship, but also a Supercarrier and a Dreadnought, which would in turn reinforce the idea of one base living, which was one of the problems you had with my original broken suggestion.
    The limits should not be hard. It should just be so difficult to support all those systems at the same time that it wouldn't be viable without disabling a lot of other systems.

    Also, the Cap Ship weapons- completely unnecessary. We already have weapons with "longer range, higher alpha."

    So far, nobody seems to like this part, would you rather it reduced or removed?
    Not completely removed, but massively reduced. 5-10 minutes sounds fair to me.


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Why do I get a very, very EveryoneVersusEveryone Online vibe, especially when I got to clones. Just imagining podding people becomes a thing in Starmade.

    But, couldn't this be simplified into a computer/module system that makes the ship into a mothership? Think like a Jump Inhibitor. The amount of module blocks to ratio of mass dictates the buff and anchors the ship, and perhaps only when this computer is active can station blocks be used on the ship? Otherwise, you can place station blocks, but they are unable to be used/off when the computer is off/inactive.

    Also, regarding cooldowns, use the mechanic similar to the Radar Jammer/Cloaker. While turning into a stationary 'station' can be instantaneous, vie versa there is a cooldown that rises in correlation to ship mass.

    Nothing really to complicated, just a large power drain for that computer as a cost. A really, really high cost.
    You appear to have completely missed the point of this whole suggestion relative to the previous one. :p

    But, couldn't this be simplified into a computer/module system that makes the ship into a mothership?
    But, a Mothership is meant to be a small faction's home, if they want to be Nomads? That's already simple, as it just uses the faction block...

    EVE Online vibe
    That'd be because I ain't good with naming stuff, so I just ripped the Capital class names from EVE. :p

    Simply something to balance out respawning on Capital Ships.

    The limits should not be hard. It should just be so difficult to support all those systems at the same time that it wouldn't be viable without disabling a lot of other systems.
    I see where you're coming from, but I still don't really like the idea of a everything in one ship, even if you have to turn things off for other things to run. We'll need to think of some other way to limit or an incentive to have separate ships. Maybe an efficiency multiplier, for the more specialized a Capital becomes?

    Also, the Cap Ship weapons- completely unnecessary. We already have weapons with "longer range, higher alpha."
    Sure, people can already get really big guns, but for a Capital, they need MORE dakka! :p

    We could make it that the Capital weapons act as normal weapons, with standard damage and such, but when anchored, it gets a massive buff? That way, it would encourage the use of it for say sieges, or something similar.

    Not completely removed, but massively reduced. 5-10 minutes sounds fair to me.
    Sounds good, I'll change the OP to 10 minutes.
    Oct 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    You appear to have completely missed the point of this whole suggestion relative to the previous one. :p
    What was the the actual difference?
    Sorry, I'm still a bit out of it thanks to Christmas parties XD


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    What was the the actual difference?
    Sorry, I'm still a bit out of it thanks to Christmas parties XD
    The difference here is that I'm trying to make Capital Ships end-game mega ships for larger factions to use, whereas in the original one, they were pretty much just a non-homebased Mothership. :p
    Oct 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    The difference here is that I'm trying to make Capital Ships end-game mega ships for larger factions to use, whereas in the original one, they were pretty much just a non-homebased Mothership. :p

    I mean, the end game ships large factions would make would probably dwarf a non-static mobile base 1-3 people could make, if you give both side the same amount of time XD


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Capital Cargo Space; This has 2x more space than it's non-capital counterpart, but costs significantly more. Limits class to Freighter, Capital Industrial or Super-carrier.
    Tech-2, really? Capitals better than stations? :(
    • Capital Foundry; This is the only factory that can be placed onto a capital, and devours power when the capital is un-anchored. It can produce anything from all factories, except at a slow speed when un-anchored. When a capital anchors, the power requirements will drop significantly, and the speed will increase, but neither will surpass that of a station. Limits class to Capital Industrial.
    Class limits might be it's own suggestion thread.
    BTW: I think it should be an option, not affecting balance.
    • Capital Refinery; This is the capital version of a refinery. It acts almost identical to a Capital Foundry, except it refines a ridiculous amount per cycle, beating that of the station refinery without any enhancers. Limits Class to Capital Industrial.
    Again: Tech-2, really? Capitals better than stations? :(
    • Capital Hangar; This is effectively a shipyard, except that it cannot produce anything, being limited to only holding and repairing ships. Limits class to Supercarrier and Freighter.
    OK … the best part until now
    • Capital Shipyard; A shipyard on a ship. It can do everything a station shipyard can, except at slower speeds and with a 5% material inefficiency (it will cost 5% more in materials). Limits class to Capital Industrial Ship.
    NO. just NO. Please think about another downside compared to stations, this is just dumb :(
    • Capital Weapons Computers; All weapons computers will have a capital counterpart, which will use the standard modules. The Capital variant provides a significant buff to alpha damage and range, while lowering the rate of fire considerably. It will use much more power than the standard variant. Limits class to Dreadnought.
    It's called overdrive effect :D
    Because explosive pierce and ion are somewhat limited too, maybe just make a new effect type instead.
    • Capital Turret Mount; This is a capital version of the standard turret axis, and will buff the turret that's docked to it considerably, providing more Alpha damage, range, while lowering rate of fire and turning speed. It will also use up more power. Limits class to Dreadnought.
    beam = instant death for all which are too far away to dodge the turning speed.
    btw: missiles?
    • Clone Pod; this is a module that'll have to be placed at the bottom of a capsule, that has 2 spaces of free space, in order to fit a clone. It can be used to create a clone of ANY player, whether they're part of the faction or not, and when a player dies, they can choose to be sent to one of their clones. A player can have a max of 3 clones alive at once, when a clone dies, there'll be an hour cooldown before another can be made. It doesn't use much power, but will require some meat from animals when fauna is put in. Limits class to Capital Industrial and Supercarrier.
    Good idea, but needs it's own thread.


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Tech-2, really? Capitals better than stations? :(

    Class limits might be it's own suggestion thread.
    BTW: I think it should be an option, not affecting balance.
    I'm personally not great on coming up with mechanics that limit shit, I'm open to any new ideas, but so far, this is what I've come up with. I personally don't like it too much, but it's the best that could come to mind. However, I like the efficiency multiplier I mentioned earlier. :p

    Again: Tech-2, really? Capitals better than stations? :(
    Again, nope

    NO. just NO. Please think about another downside compared to stations, this is just dumb :(
    What you fail to consider, is that the limits prevent an all in one ship, thus keeping stations relevant. You'd need to build multiple Capitals in order to have all systems, and even then, everything being on different entities would ultimately cause problems with materials and such. You'd be far better off having your main stuff put onto a station.

    For Capital Shipyards, you forgot to quote the slower speeds for the Capital Shipyards. I haven't put too many specific numbers (And for those I have, they will be changed according to others' opinions) and the reason is because I'd much rather leave that level of balance to the devs, who'll know what to put them at. When I say slower speeds, I mean MUCH slower, to the point where it'd really only be worth making fighters with them. Not only that, but the 5% material inefficiency multiplier, that's there to again, to create an incentive for using them to make fighters, rather than say a cruiser. As the overall cost of the ship increases, the extra amount taken away does as well, costing much more than normal to build that cruiser, combined with the slower speed, it'd be much more worth it to have a shipyard on a station rather than a Capital. To improve this, we can make both multipliers increase with the size of the shipyard, encouraging to have smaller shipyards.

    It's called overdrive effect :D
    Because explosive pierce and ion are somewhat limited too, maybe just make a new effect type instead.
    Dammit, why don't people understand the concept of MORE dakka! :p

    Sure, you can achieve it with those effects, but this doesn't replace the effects, it simply adds to the weapons. You can still put the effects on, and get EVEN MORE DAKKA. Do you understand now? :p

    beam = instant death for all which are too far away to dodge the turning speed.
    That is a valid point, but I do have a possible workaround. What do you think of the Capital Weapons only getting their buffs when the Dreadnought is anchored?

    btw: missiles?
    Nukes? :p

    Overall, I'd just like to say, not just to you, but to everyone, please don't just explain why certain parts are bad, also add onto them, and suggest changes or put in ideas. I'm not a Nazi, I'm willing to change any part of the suggestion. :p
    Jun 24, 2015
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    Alright... I was trying to keep an open mind but now it's clear that you have been playing waaaaaaaaay too much Eve Online... :confused:

    If you're really trying to bring Eve to starmade, I don't think this is the best way to do it.

    Seriously; the capital/mothership breakdown doesn't have to be that complex. We were making good headway on the other thread; allowing for nomads to have options and fluidity without becoming over-powered. I don't see options in this thread; but rather, restrictions. Everything here is so over-specialized that it locks people into a role. That is way out of bounds for a game with this level of creativity/diversity. To be honest, I would just keep my "Command System method" for any large scale ship and dock it to one of my "anchor stations" and get the abilities of all your stated options. Also, I could set it up/break it down in far less than an hour.

    Come on man! Why make it so complex? Why not keep the whole thing simple and let the player decide how he/she wants to build a ship and let their own imagination guide the design process?
    You might like my suggestion:
    Jul 23, 2015
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    Have to say i like the other thread much better, as its far less restrictive, and much more fluid than this one. The idea of a mother ship appeals to me because i like roaming, this however does not appeal to me in its current form. Going to agree with Dr.Whammy here.


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Have to say i like the other thread much better, as its far less restrictive, and much more fluid than this one. The idea of a mother ship appeals to me because i like roaming, this however does not appeal to me in its current form. Going to agree with Dr.Whammy here.
    The Mothership is the same as it used to be in the original thread, the only problem with the original were the Capitals as they were effectively Motherships that weren't Motherships. Giant factions could make their own Motherships, which again, reinforces the idea of one base living, which we're trying to remove. They were too similar to Motherships, and ultimately what brought the suggestion down.

    I can imagine that the class limiting is the real problem with Capitals, but do you have any ideas to improve it, other than get rid of it? Capitals in this thread are now seen as faction mega ships, so they need to be limited to prevent the effect from the old Capitals, and to prevent complete server domination with a single ship.

    Yeah pretty much :p <3
    It appears that me making myself sound friendly caused a bit of confusion. Thread hijacking is one of the rudest and most shameful you can do on any forums, thus, that was me asking you to remove that friendly little message. However, it was my mistake to create the confusion, so I'll make it blindingly obvious. :p

    Remove the hijack, immediately