Latest reviews

    Stunning replica!
    Works ok as of version v0.203.164

    It still switches turrets on/off, when you're in a build mode of a ship or station and typing in Displays, naming Storages/Transport Controllers/Shipyards/Designs/Ships etc.

    To work around that, one can rebind them to some rarely used keys.

    Since the keys are checked with the `getChar()` method, it has to be a character from the Alphanumeric part of the keyboard. Wont work with Home/End keys or +/- from numerical keyboard.

    Myself I've ended up binding them to Curly Braces: ` { ` and ` } `

    Changed contents of the file found at
    `Steam\steamapps\common\StarMade\StarMade\moddata\TurretHotKey\config.yml `


    OffKey: }
    OnKey: {
    Works great as of v0.203.164.
    Both moving the part being pasted in relation to the target block, and multiple hotbars in Creative Mode.
    For CombatCam in Mods
    Sadly doesn't work anymore as of v0.203.164
    Cool to see this ship! It's been on my to-do list for awhile.

    Some things I noticed:
    - The vent system is a neat idea, but (at least on my download) it wasn't working automatically. (The destination had to be reset which is not accessible/possible (depending on the vent).
    - No gravity blocks? I could be blind/it was automatic.
    - This ship may require a user manual. Tasks were not quite as intuitive as the real deal lol.
    - Ceiling gap in the lower engine room.
    Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to get back into it next week.