StarMade Ship Size Comparison Chart Continued!

    Oct 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    StarMade Ship Size Comparison Chart
    This thread is a continuation of the original thread created by Jake_Lancia, which can be found here.
    This chart represents a massive community-driven project aimed at recording the size of as many StarMade ships as possible, for reference and comparison
    Please submit your ships to help this chart grow!

    How to Submit your Creations:
    *Submissions should over 90 meters, and your own creation, no replicas. This chart is designed to showcase community designs, not be a general sci-fi scale chart.

    Include the following;

    Name of the Vessel

    Content Link/Download for the Vessel

    (Optional) Faction/Manufacturer of Vessel

    Where to Submit;

    Chime into the thread below, or Fill out a Google Form!

    If you wish to submit privately, forward me the information in a PM here on the dock,
    or contact me on Discord (DocPenguinDoc#3845)

    Last Updated: 2-7-2024

    View the Full List of Ships Here!
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    colonel lacu

    Gray, Red and black.
    Aug 1, 2015
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    some of my ships from 2017 seem to still be there on the queue. idk why i even submitted them. they're all quite flat and generally unimpressive.
    here's a recent ship that might fit a bit better
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    Chart rebuilt from the ground up using all publicly available ships seen in chart version ALPHA 0.501 (4-22-17)

    Good job! I looked at both versions, switching back and forth between browser tabs. You undeniably improved it already :)

    I too have something to submit that's worthy of inclusion, thanks to its interesting side-view profile.

    Name of the vessel: Watatsumi-class battlecruiser
    Content link: download page
    Manufacturer: Cyberspace Shipyards
    Length: about 420m (not a joke)

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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Thank you to everyone who has submitted ships so far! Being the Star Wars fanatic I am, activities tend to pile up this May 4th week, however I should have everything in que added by the end of the week.

    I also intend on creating separate charts showcasing each Community Build Initiative. I've already started working on the screenshots for those, and probably will have them done before the end of the month.

    Good job! I looked at both versions, switching back and forth between browser tabs. You undeniably improved it already :)
    Thank you! I hadn't anticipated that the consistency of lighting and FOV would inadvertently be improved of the across the board when I started.

    I will admit however I learned the lighting lesson the hard way lol. Only after completing the entire chart did I realize that every screenshot I took was from the dark side, and thus had to re-do the entire chart... The results were certainly worth it, but I sure felt like an idiot.

    The aforementioned lighting fail:
    v4-30-23.png Lighting Fail.png
    Some could say it was a... night and day difference.
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    I hadn't anticipated that the consistency of lighting and FOV would inadvertently be improved of the across the board when I started.
    The lighting consistency is certainly better, that's what I was mostly referring to.
    I wanted to recommend to nav-menu-select the more darkly colored ships, so that they get outlined against the black background (or apply a Photoshop stroke to them later). But on second look, they're better with no outline, that consistency between ships is an improvement too.

    Some could say it was a... night and day difference.
    Right, lol 😄

    I will admit however I learned the lighting lesson the hard way lol. Only after completing the entire chart did I realize that every screenshot I took was from the dark side, and thus had to re-do the entire chart.
    It happens... Look at it from the light/positive side, the willingness to redo without delay stands as testimony to your conscientiousness.
    By the way, the way in which the lit side of ships are shaded depends on where they are in a solar system (probably because angles at which light is cast onto surfaces, including if the "Shadows" option is off).

    Demo of the different shadings in two positions relative to the host star (in both cases, the ship is oriented towards the Galactic North):

    2.png 3.png

    1st screenshot's sector:

    2nd screenshot's sector:
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Update 1

    New Additions:
    Salamis Class Assault Destroyer by Guthris
    Morgenstern battleship by colonel lacu
    "demon" assault frigate by colonel lacu
    Sleepwalker by colonel lacu
    STL-212 PB-Reaver by ASM
    STL-213 HSMD Lancaster by ASM
    STL-00 FC-Ulysses by ASM
    Succubus by BiohazardousFallout
    Wyvern Heavy Cruiser by Napther
    Ageis-Class Anti-Fighter frigate by madman Captain
    Hansa-Class Armed Cargo Liner by madman Captain
    Spearhead-Class Patrol frigate by madman Captain
    Phalanx-class by Wilavid7
    MCIV-230 (Content Link) by Captainredfox
    Gateway Class Dreadnaught by joshspaceboy
    Ajir-class Prototype Siege Destroyer by Ithirahad
    Avar-Lieth-class Cruiser by Ithirahad
    Avar-Sorek Prototype Cruiser by Ithirahad
    Vaiye-Saerias-class Battleship by Ithirahad
    Galactic Trading Vessel by Tshara
    Dakota by Tshara
    Arbalest Class Frigate by BriFleetworks
    Longbow Class Corvette by BriFleetworks
    Paladin Class Frigate by BriFleetworks
    Casseiopeia by colonel lacu
    Watatsumi-class battlecruiser by DeepspaceMechanic

    Congrats to BiohazardousFallout for setting the new size record!

    I want to clarify that the intention of the Community Scale Chart is to exhibit the ship designs created by the StarMade community, which is why replica ships aren't included.
    Well, better late than never. She may not meet others standards, but she's my pride and joy.

    Name of the Vessel: USS Constellation, Constellation Class Deep Space Explorere

    Content Link/Download for the Vessel: Constellation Class - Deep Space Explorer v3 | StarMade Dock

    (Optional) Faction/Manufacturer of Vessel - Myztek Shipyards - Miracle Workers Division
    While I appreciate the submission, I can't include it on the official chart. As someone else who builds replicas however, (and because it doesn't take much effort) I did include a version that comes with your Constellation Class:

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Crap...sorry I missed the Repilca part. Just got a bit excited about getting one of my ships there. But thanks for this. Guess She not as small as I once thought
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    Apr 10, 2023
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    Every true relationship contains a primary relationship — pure friendship. When you don’t recognize reality, life is miserable. Learn through fake people quotes to have a true relationship.
    Apr 10, 2023
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    Every true relationship contains a primary relationship — pure friendship. When you don’t recognize reality, life is miserable. Learn through fake people quotes to have a true relationship.
    Oct 23, 2013
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    Special Edition:
    Community Build Initiatives

    CBI Scale Chart.png

    Special Edition Chart for:
    Trident Foundries' Community Build Initiatives

    "Cargo Ship"
    Caravel-class Light Cargo Runner by BraveSteelDragon
    Atlas Renta-Freighter by AtraUnam
    NTI Type 1 Cargo Vessel by MeRobo
    SBS CS by SchnellBier
    Bitoruzu by Rechkalov
    SBS CC (Cargo Courier) by SchnellBier
    Pulsar Corp "Meteor" Transport by EricBlank
    TRU Transit-class Cargo shuttle by Jake_Lancia
    Spirit Class Cargo Transport by virtue1987
    Type 48 Cargo Transport by Dr. Whammy
    ASI Harmony Class Freighter by splatthecat
    AAA Type 32 Cargo Carrier by splatthecat
    AAA Type 64 Freighter by splatthecat
    SC_Aquila by SpaceCaptain
    McCloudCorp Light Freighter by Markus_McCloud
    OrbHead interplanetary courier by DeepspaceMechanic
    Ithel-Oras-class Light Courier Ship by Ithirahad
    Rotterdam Class Cargo-/Tugboat by Captain Tankman
    CH1R0P73R4 by mektek

    "Mobile Factory/Refinery"
    Deep Space Mobile Foundry by Dire Wolf
    DI Starcrawler by docpenguindoc
    WS Dakota by Tshara
    Atlas Mobile-Refinery by AtraUnam
    Phoenix Interstellar Mobile Drydock by refirendum
    SBS Levana by SchnellBier
    AF HWSS Wellington by Osborn14
    608 Minor Factory Ship by jw608
    MIC-583 mobile industrial complex by DeepspaceMechanic
    CMCIV Kyūyu by The_Owl

    "Solar System Racer"
    SF4301 Racer by The_Owl
    Ulyses Star Racer by EricBlank
    Dusthopper Mk2 by Tyto
    Second star to the right by Tshara
    Piper Class Racing Shuttle by Dire Wolf
    11970 Avoid Cayuse R/T by Crashmaster
    Ladybug by Tshara
    JRS-Corbin by colonel lacu
    Atalanta-I Racing Yacht by sayerulz
    SLR-01 -Lightmare- by Dorianohero
    Sling Can Racer A2 by Top 4ce
    608 Single Engine Racer by jw608
    E10 solar dragster by DeepspaceMechanic
    4ce Fastback by Top 4ce
    CRS-Norrland by colonel lacu
    SC_Needletail_SSR by SpaceCaptain
    608 Solar Skipper Luxury Racing Yacht by jw608
    Burn Baby, Burn ! by kikaha
    Blue Bird Class Shuttle by Dire Wolf
    SBS Rosha by SchnellBier
    SBS Mirah by SchnellBier
    Custom Lynx Sprinter by Sven_The_Slayer
    Bully Class Troop Transport by Dire Wolf
    Crimson Flash by refirendum
    XSR-1 "Urzhejaath" Prototype Racing Ship by Ithirahad
    The Grape by Tshara
    UCS LX-1121-A1 Serval Racing Yacht by Sven_The_Slayer
    LTI T2 SRC by MeRobo
    RamenRacerV1.0 by ua2hk
    Marea Alta by ∞÷0

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Community Build Initiatives!

    For those curious how the charts compare:

    View attachment Main Chart with CBI Chart - Rescaled.png

    And please, keep submitting ships!
    Last edited:
    Mar 10, 2016
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    Special Edition:
    Community Build Initiatives

    View attachment 62627

    Special Edition Chart for:
    Trident Foundries' Community Build Initiatives

    "Cargo Ship"
    Caravel-class Light Cargo Runner by BraveSteelDragon
    Atlas Renta-Freighter by AtraUnam
    NTI Type 1 Cargo Vessel by MeRobo
    SBS CS by SchnellBier
    Bitoruzu by Rechkalov
    SBS CC (Cargo Courier) by SchnellBier
    Pulsar Corp "Meteor" Transport by EricBlank
    TRU Transit-class Cargo shuttle by Jake_Lancia
    Spirit Class Cargo Transport by virtue1987
    Type 48 Cargo Transport by Dr. Whammy
    ASI Harmony Class Freighter by splatthecat
    AAA Type 32 Cargo Carrier by splatthecat
    AAA Type 64 Freighter by splatthecat
    SC_Aquila by SpaceCaptain
    McCloudCorp Light Freighter by Markus_McCloud
    OrbHead interplanetary courier by DeepspaceMechanic
    Ithel-Oras-class Light Courier Ship by Ithirahad
    Rotterdam Class Cargo-/Tugboat by Captain Tankman
    CH1R0P73R4 by mektek

    "Mobile Factory/Refinery"
    Deep Space Mobile Foundry by Dire Wolf
    DI Starcrawler by docpenguindoc
    WS Dakota by Tshara
    Atlas Mobile-Refinery by AtraUnam
    Phoenix Interstellar Mobile Drydock by refirendum
    SBS Levana by SchnellBier
    AF HWSS Wellington by Osborn14
    608 Minor Factory Ship by jw608
    MIC-583 mobile industrial complex by DeepspaceMechanic
    CMCIV Kyūyu by The_Owl

    "Solar System Racer"
    SF4301 Racer by The_Owl
    Ulyses Star Racer by EricBlank
    Dusthopper Mk2 by Tyto
    Second star to the right by Tshara
    Piper Class Racing Shuttle by Dire Wolf
    11970 Avoid Cayuse R/T by Crashmaster
    Ladybug by Tshara
    JRS-Corbin by colonel lacu
    Atalanta-I Racing Yacht by sayerulz
    SLR-01 -Lightmare- by Dorianohero
    Sling Can Racer A2 by Top 4ce
    608 Single Engine Racer by jw608
    E10 solar dragster by DeepspaceMechanic
    4ce Fastback by Top 4ce
    CRS-Norrland by colonel lacu
    SC_Needletail_SSR by SpaceCaptain
    608 Solar Skipper Luxury Racing Yacht by jw608
    Burn Baby, Burn ! by kikaha
    Blue Bird Class Shuttle by Dire Wolf
    SBS Rosha by SchnellBier
    SBS Mirah by SchnellBier
    Custom Lynx Sprinter by Sven_The_Slayer
    Bully Class Troop Transport by Dire Wolf
    Crimson Flash by refirendum
    XSR-1 "Urzhejaath" Prototype Racing Ship by Ithirahad
    The Grape by Tshara
    UCS LX-1121-A1 Serval Racing Yacht by Sven_The_Slayer
    LTI T2 SRC by MeRobo
    RamenRacerV1.0 by ua2hk
    Marea Alta by ∞÷0

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Community Build Initiatives!

    For those curious how the charts compare:

    View attachment 62629

    And please, keep submitting ships!

    Well done! It was so nice to see my "Mick" industrial complex there, such a surprising shape with this field of view setting... Coincidentally, I started building its interior a week ago, and seeing this chart will certanily help keep up the motivation.

    Happy holidays to you! :)
    Jul 7, 2014
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    Special Edition:
    Community Build Initiatives

    View attachment 62627

    Special Edition Chart for:
    Trident Foundries' Community Build Initiatives

    "Cargo Ship"
    Caravel-class Light Cargo Runner by BraveSteelDragon
    Atlas Renta-Freighter by AtraUnam
    NTI Type 1 Cargo Vessel by MeRobo
    SBS CS by SchnellBier
    Bitoruzu by Rechkalov
    SBS CC (Cargo Courier) by SchnellBier
    Pulsar Corp "Meteor" Transport by EricBlank
    TRU Transit-class Cargo shuttle by Jake_Lancia
    Spirit Class Cargo Transport by virtue1987
    Type 48 Cargo Transport by Dr. Whammy
    ASI Harmony Class Freighter by splatthecat
    AAA Type 32 Cargo Carrier by splatthecat
    AAA Type 64 Freighter by splatthecat
    SC_Aquila by SpaceCaptain
    McCloudCorp Light Freighter by Markus_McCloud
    OrbHead interplanetary courier by DeepspaceMechanic
    Ithel-Oras-class Light Courier Ship by Ithirahad
    Rotterdam Class Cargo-/Tugboat by Captain Tankman
    CH1R0P73R4 by mektek

    "Mobile Factory/Refinery"
    Deep Space Mobile Foundry by Dire Wolf
    DI Starcrawler by docpenguindoc
    WS Dakota by Tshara
    Atlas Mobile-Refinery by AtraUnam
    Phoenix Interstellar Mobile Drydock by refirendum
    SBS Levana by SchnellBier
    AF HWSS Wellington by Osborn14
    608 Minor Factory Ship by jw608
    MIC-583 mobile industrial complex by DeepspaceMechanic
    CMCIV Kyūyu by The_Owl

    "Solar System Racer"
    SF4301 Racer by The_Owl
    Ulyses Star Racer by EricBlank
    Dusthopper Mk2 by Tyto
    Second star to the right by Tshara
    Piper Class Racing Shuttle by Dire Wolf
    11970 Avoid Cayuse R/T by Crashmaster
    Ladybug by Tshara
    JRS-Corbin by colonel lacu
    Atalanta-I Racing Yacht by sayerulz
    SLR-01 -Lightmare- by Dorianohero
    Sling Can Racer A2 by Top 4ce
    608 Single Engine Racer by jw608
    E10 solar dragster by DeepspaceMechanic
    4ce Fastback by Top 4ce
    CRS-Norrland by colonel lacu
    SC_Needletail_SSR by SpaceCaptain
    608 Solar Skipper Luxury Racing Yacht by jw608
    Burn Baby, Burn ! by kikaha
    Blue Bird Class Shuttle by Dire Wolf
    SBS Rosha by SchnellBier
    SBS Mirah by SchnellBier
    Custom Lynx Sprinter by Sven_The_Slayer
    Bully Class Troop Transport by Dire Wolf
    Crimson Flash by refirendum
    XSR-1 "Urzhejaath" Prototype Racing Ship by Ithirahad
    The Grape by Tshara
    UCS LX-1121-A1 Serval Racing Yacht by Sven_The_Slayer
    LTI T2 SRC by MeRobo
    RamenRacerV1.0 by ua2hk
    Marea Alta by ∞÷0

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Community Build Initiatives!

    For those curious how the charts compare:

    View attachment 62629

    And please, keep submitting ships!
    Yay, my transport ship is in a chart, I am so happy right now.
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    i don't see any wolf pack ships.
    if you mean the main one, did you submit anything?
    your stuff is on his community build initiative contest chart