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      Some graphics memory improvements (GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY)

      Hi, just a little update with three improvements: The game is using compressed textures now: This will for one give more performance in general (texture throughput is a bottleneck), and also hopefully fix the GL_OUT_OF:MEMORY exception that some people are getting when using highres texture...
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      StarMade 0.1 (Prebuild)

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, finally the next version is in a state to be tested in public. The milestone features are in and a lot of testing has already be done internally (thanks to my crew, arsat, andy, and all the other testers). Tom (Kupu) and Keaton(Omni) have done some amazing artwork...
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      StarMade quick fix

      Hello, While still working on the new update day and night, I also did a little update on the current version (thanks to svn branching). This update should eliminate 2 pressing bugs (a lot more bugfixes will follow in the actual new release). The first bug is a bug that causes faction...
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      StarMade Lighting Sphere Tournament 24h Live Stream 3 hours from this post

      Hello StarMade players, come watch or join join the Lighting Sphere tournament 3 hours from now (starting 8AM mountain time) at Hosted by Muzzle & Yelby Prize: 50$ In Steam Games or Amazon The Lightning Sphere in a nutshell The lightning sphere in its...
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      StarMade dev news #3

      Hello players, I'm sorry for the long delay for the next version. That doesn't of course mean I work any less. The graphical assets are almost finished, and I have begun to implement them. I also did some major performance upgrades as well as some new graphical effects: Dynamic Traversable...
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      StarMade dev news #2

      Hello, I'm a lot better. Thank you all for your wishes and support! Here is a little teaser of what was just finished: Basically introduction 2 all new shapes. A Tetrahedron like shape that is all composed of triangles (pic 2), and a 5 sided cube that is missing that tetrahedron like shape...
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      StarMade dev news

      Hello, first of all, I'm sorry for not giving any news in such a long time. Unfortunately I caught the flu on Friday, and was unable to even look at a monitor till Sunday (else my head would have probably exploded). I'm a little better now but still not quite well. just a little update on the...
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      StarMade 0.09473: Security Fix

      Hello players, I have to release a new version now, as there is a security leak on older version that can be exploited. Security Note that passwords were never in danger (as they were never sent to anything besides, it was only possible to reset the password on ones account...
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09472

      Hello players, A new prebuild is out: (as always: "dev" is username/passwd. The build will be installed to "". Server admins: please be careful with installing pre-builds on your live server as they...
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09471: Structure panel

      Hello players, A new prebuild is out: (as always: "dev" is username/passwd. The build will be installed to "". Server admins: please be careful with installing pre-builds on your live server as they...
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      StarMade 0.0947: Update Inbetween

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this version is released in the middle of some new features. That's why the changelog isn't very long. This update contains a database migration which can take a little on the first startup with the new version. Please do not terminate the process. Hotfix #1 (no...
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09444

      Hello players, This prebuild will test more scalability options and some fixes on them. I will try to release new version soon (as some of the bigger servers are experiencing game breaking lag, which the fixes should resolve)...
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09443: Scalability

      Hello players, This pre-build will test new scalability optimizations and improved physics performance (especially with lots of objects) (as always...
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      StarMade dev news

      Hi players, I'm still working hard on new features. There will be more info at the end of the week (TM). Also, I'm still working on stability and performance, and there are some great news. A bottleneck cause physics to do a lot more work then they needed to on servers (suspected main reason...
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      New player models coming up.

      Happy Halloween, Here is the first (from many other) new feature I'm working on. New player models. I know some players come to like the old player, as do I, but an update has to be done. The one who has done the new model and texture is Keaton. He will work on all 3D model related stuff. The...
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09442

      Hello players, another release cycle has started. Here is the new pre-build (up about 15 min after hits post): (as always: "dev" is username/passwd. The build will be installed to "". Server admins...
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      Small server adjustments

      Hi, I'm going to release a new build with small adjustments and optimizations I wanted to push out before bigger changes raise the risk of bugs. This update does not require a client update, as it's changes only affect servers (but it's recommended for clients) There is a new server cfg...
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      Server Problems *fixed*

      I'm fixing the server issues right now. seems like we got a pretty complex deadlock (6 threads involved). I'll fix it asap. FIX: The deadlock has been fixed hopefully. Here is a picture of the mess (taken from a frozen server) I apologize for this mistake. It happens on bigger servers, so we...
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      StarMade 0.0944: Chain Docking, Balance, Fixes

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, the new version is ready to go live. This version will improve server stability, improve balance, and finally allow players to dock with a ship, that already has docked structures on it. EDIT: v0.04441: Hotfix: fixed log spam (happening on big ships) Here is the...
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.094398 - Release Candidate #1

      Hello players, Thank you for your input regarding the new AMC balance. I will try the current version for now, as this update needs to get live as soon as possible, as servers currently are very unstable. The balance isn't final and will of course be further optimized or changed completely if...