Hello players,
As some people pointed out, a main problem of weapons vs shields is that weapons work on a per-group basis and shields as a total. While there are new shield features (e.g. focus on direction while flying) planned, there was need to give the weapons something that would make the...
Hello players,
as there was some confusion with the latest change in the shield system, here is an explanation:
The shield thing is NOT a nerf. it's a buff from complete deactivation when hit, to just a little nerf on recharge.
Basically before: when hit, shields will not recharge at all for...
Hello players,
This week has been a little slow, but I'm fully back to work now. (Available ~10 min after this post)
Here is the next prebuild:
(as always: "dev" is username/passwd. The build will be installed to...
Hello players,
This version has some important fixes for the server and client. It will be up about 15 min after this post.
get it here: http://files.star-made.org/build/pre/starmade-build_20131021_160157.zip
update: http://files.star-made.org/build/pre/starmade-build_20131023_142525.zip...
Hello players,
this version has a first test of chain docking. Get it here:
(as always: "dev" is username/passwd. The build will be installed to "play.star-made.org:4242". Server admins: please be careful with installing...
first of all, thank you all for participating in the discussion about shields. I still have to evaluate some more, but it seems that most agree (as do I) that the problem is less with the shields and mroe with the AMC. I did a first test with this new pre-release to tie damage and reload...
Hello and welcome to StarMade,
finally the new release is out. (should be available about 15 min after this post)
Here is the full changelog:
- fixed crash on faulty sector loading
- fixed crash when missile is trying to be updated in sector that gets unloaded
- fixed crash when object tries...
Hello players,
the discussion has been started. I'm using reddit to have a more organized view of sub discussions.
The new release will come in a few hours if there are no new bugs coming up.
Also, the...
Hello players,
found a big source of bugs, and I have to do another prebuild to test the fix.
http://files.star-made.org/build/pre/starmade-build_20131015_152625.zip (fixed a long existing bug that caused the game stop...
Hello players,
hopefully the final one before the real release
(as always "dev" is pass/user. It will be installed on the test server play.star-made.org:4242. Other admins, please use prebuilds with care as they can...
Hello players,
and the next one (available ~15min after this is posted):
(as always "dev" is pass/user. It will be installed on the test server play.star-made.org:4242. Other admins, please use prebuilds with care as they...
Hello players,
here is the next iteration in the current prebuild cycle:
(as always "dev" is pass/user. It will be installed on the test server play.star-made.org:4242. Other admins, please use prebuilds with care as they...
Hello players,
this dev version has some optimizations to eliminate bottlenecks.
get it here: http://files.star-made.org/build/pre/starmade-build_20131011_093740.zip
(as always: "dev" is username/password. The build will be installed onto play.star-made.org:4242 Please be careful with...
Hello players,
this pre-build has a completely new system to request and manage segment (chunk) transportation between client and server.
get it here: http://files.star-made.org/build/pre/starmade-build_20131010_001721.zip
EDIT: new one available...
I'm currently working on some other systems and redesigns while I'm still trying to remove the remaining causes of lag spikes and server crashes.
This prebuild can be used with the current release clients as nothing in the network communication system has changed. As always, please...
Hello and welcome to StarMade,
after testing the pre builds on the new test server, it seems to be running fine (2 days without crash or freeze). Of cause I can't promise 100% percent that this new version won't make any problems, but we did a lot more work to test.
Thanks to anyone testing...
Hello players,
I've had a lot of private things to do in the last weeks (family stuff) and couldn't work as much as I wanted. I'll be back to full in the coming week.
I fixed the scaling of tuning (glitching only flying a core), as well as the wedges being set wrongly (although the ships build...
thanks to all the testers on the new test server. With their help I managed to fix another bug that would have caused me a lot of stress had I released the build :)
Here is the fixed version: files.star-made.org/build/pre/starmade-build_20131001_223517.zip
(as always user/passwd is...
Hello and welcome to StarMade,
I have just setup a testserver for the abslute latest build. For fast access and profiling from my location it's located in Germany so US player might have a higher ping unfortunately.
Its IP is (nameserver entry will come soon)
The latest...
Hello players,
this is the next iteration in the pre-build. I think this will be the last one before the update comes for real. Please test the pre-build, as the quality of the official update directly depends on it. I will try to set up a pre-build server in the near future, so I would need an...
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