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      StarMade 0.163 Bugfixes, Shield beams, Tutorials

      Hello players, another game update has been uploaded. Get the full info here: thanks for playing StarMade, - schema
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      New StarMade launcher v12 test release

      Hello StarMade Players, a test release for the new launcher has been released. Get the full info as well as the download links here: Thanks for playing StarMade, - schema
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      StarMade 0.1616 Infinite Chain Docking

      Hello players, a new version is out. Get the full news here: thanks for playing StarMade, - schema
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      StarMade 0.16 - Crafting and BattleMode

      Hello players, A new release is ready. Get all the information here: Thanks for playing StarMade, - schema
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      StarMade v0.15997 released.

      Hello players, a new version is being uploaded now (available in about 20 min from now) Get the full info here: The station contest is still going. We're loving the entries so far! Thanks for playing...
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      Starmade charity livestream #3

      Hello players, it's time again. Join us (19-th july, this saturday) at 12pm EST-8pm EST/4pm GMT-12am GMT for StarMade fun. Info-Update from Raiben: "I'd also like to point out the Charity livestream may start out on my channel, I'm not sure if Tomino will...
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      StarMade 0.1595 Display Blocks

      Hello players, another update for the game with some long requested features is here. Get the full information here: (build will be up in about 15 min) Thanks for playing StarMade, - schema
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      StarMade v0.159 Fixes & Mail System

      A new version is out. Read more about it here: Thanks for playing StarMade, - schema EDIT: Hotfix 0.1591 out:
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      Starmade V0.158

      Hello players, a new update is out: (also there is a little hotfix And I can now do main site news entries, but I missed the message that it was fixed for some time. Discuss the new patch here. Thanks...
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      StarMade 0.157 (optimization & fixes)

      Hello players, A lot of work has been done on some things that are not fully finished yet, but expect more features very soon :) Optimization: - another bottleneck removed: much less CPU(~factor 20x) usage when calculating groups of a ship, and a lot less memory use (this bottleneck was...
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      StarMade 0.155 (Fixes and Optimization)

      Hello, another update is ready: - fixed serious bug when activating any block using a special optimization only meant for doors (deleting them from its chunk octree) leading to physics inconsistencies and glitches - fixed serious bug causing chunk errors when a ship is loaded in while being...
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      StarMade 0.154 (fixes and features)

      Hello again, we're still having problem with my account posting news. So here is the changelog: - added new config value to select the type of block scaling for block groups by type. linear(weapons), box dim add (power), box dim mult (docking). - added recipe editor to modding tool - fixed...
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      StarMade v0.153 (next batch of fixes)

      Hello, I didn't do much on Sunday and Monday, but here here is the next batch of fixes. Expect a lot more this week. I know that a few people are frustrated by bugs, and I'm sorry about that. The testers found a lot, but we are still short on people. Fixing bugs has very little to do with the...
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      StarMade 0.152 (fixes and custom sector size)

      Hello, we're still having trouble with some permissions, so I still can't post on our main page. This is just a temporary solution posting news here. Another patch and a new feature: server/client NullPointer fixed kill_character finally fixed (and working) physics recovery for strange physics...
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      StarMade 0.151 (fixes)

      I currently can't post news entries, so I have to post it here (the news entry will be made later): I'm currently uploading a fix for the weapon combination curves. A calculator to see how a buff/nerf works has been added in the "tools" section of the client startup screen. Also there are a...
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      StarMade 0.15 is out

      Get your full update-news here: (we're currently having some problems with formatting the post. That will be fixed asap)
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      Admin Commands

      Edit (DukeofRealms): This list is most likely out of date/incorrect, the last edit was in 2018. Admin Command List (StarMade v0.201.157) add_admin DESCRIPTION: Gives admin rights to (param0(String))) PARAMETERS: PlayerName(String) EXAMPLE: /add_admin schema...
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      Small Status update

      A lot of work has been done. So here is the status update (excluding bugs): New planets (50% done). I'd like to make some basic changes on how planets are generated, and some core principles, so it's taking a little New block-controller system to check what is connected to what (100% done)...
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      Website launch today!

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This message will be visible in the launcher as long as the new launcher isn't deployed. News will be available on the new site, and your launcher will tell you when the new launcher is available. The website launch will now being. To migrate all database data...
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      Reveresed April fools: The new planets are real

      Hello players! First of all I'm sorry if that joke caused any annoyance or frustration. We basically tried to do an April fools joke without lying by telling the truth in a very odd way. Calbiri acted on my behalf. I told him to make a news post about the new planes as fishy as possible. And he...