Doc Industries Shipyard

    Oct 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    July Progress Report

    July was a pretty productive month, and today comes with the release of my Sandcrawler refit, the Starcrawler.

    July Releases & Updates

    Pretty much wrapped up my plans for the Community Build Initiative with both the Sand & Starcrawlers finished now, which speaking of...

    Doc Industries Starcrawler

    You can find the Starcrawler here: Starcrawler

    Tried some new stuff with this ship, namely the engine assembly having speed sensors so they turn on/off. I'll probably try to do that on more of my ships in the future.
    Also tried to make this ship somewhat capable as far as the weaponry, so I was testing it up against Dire Wolf 's Raider Class Frigate since it had a similar footprint, and (although it was hard to tell fighting against bots) it did well enough for me, especially since this ship would just be picking on the little guys, but definately open to tips & tricks.

    Razor Squadron ARC-170
    Anakin's Podracer
    Y-Wing: Landing at Point Rain

    Millennium Falcon
    Razor Crest

    Begun Construction:
    Phantom - Completed
    Republic Gunship - 95%
    Red Squadron - Completed
    CR-92a - 10%

    Videos Released:
    Razor Crest

    Sandcrawler Conveyor Demo

    Starcrawler Conveyor Demo

    August Plans/Ideas
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    Jul 3, 2013
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    July Progress Report

    July was a pretty productive month, and today comes with the release of my Sandcrawler refit, the Starcrawler.
    View attachment 60642

    July Releases & Updates

    Pretty much wrapped up my plans for the Community Build Initiative with both the Sand & Starcrawlers finished now, which speaking of...

    Doc Industries Starcrawler

    You can find the Starcrawler here: Starcrawler

    Tried some new stuff with this ship, namely the engine assembly having speed sensors so they turn on/off. I'll probably try to do that on more of my ships in the future.
    Also tried to make this ship somewhat capable as far as the weaponry, so I was testing it up against Dire Wolf 's Raider Class Frigate since it had a similar footprint, and (although it was hard to tell fighting against bots) it did well enough for me, especially since this ship would just be picking on the little guys, but definately open to tips & tricks.

    Razor Squadron ARC-170
    Anakin's Podracer
    Y-Wing: Landing at Point Rain

    Millennium Falcon
    Razor Crest

    Begun Construction:
    Phantom - Completed
    Republic Gunship - 90%
    Red Squadron - 50%
    CR-92a - 5%

    Videos Released:
    Razor Crest

    Sandcrawler Conveyor Demo

    Starcrawler Conveyor Demo

    August Plans/Ideas
    You have no idea how much I love the starcrawler.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    • Community Content - Silver 1
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    August Progress Report

    Apologies for the belated update, I wanted to wait until I had the chance to go through everyone's CBI Mobile Factories.

    Just in terms of collective blocks placed, this CBI has gotten to be up there for Starmade, and considering this is 2022 Starmade, I find it quite impressive.

    MIC-583 mobile industrial complex - DeepspaceMechanic
    As a mobile factory/refinery, I feel this entry leans into the factory/refinery part most of all, with the mobile part coming second.
    I also love the scale of everything, it feels like it could accommodate Transformers with how big everything is.

    Deep Space Mobile Foundry - Dire Wolf
    I like the shape, and the design at the front helps give the ship a 'cathedral-esque' vibe if that's a thing.
    Also I could be mistaken, but this may be the largest interior Dire Wolf has made? So I certainly applaud the work here.
    Some blocks and bugfixes that could use another look-through.

    Atlas Mobile-Refinery - AtraUnam
    Watching the progress pics, I never had a clue what direction this ship would go next, definately one of the most unique.
    The Out of Order hangar is brilliant, and overall a great interior, the intentional choices with gravity is new.
    So many externally animated bits that a fun to watch.
    Misplaced block atop the first hallway ramp

    Phoenix Interstellar Mobile Drydock - refirendum
    My favorite design - Love the asymmetrical mobile shipyard look.
    I enjoy the open feeling with how many windows are throughout the interior
    Plus seeing the ship built on the YouTube streams is great too.
    Misplaced gravity block floating off to the right side

    SBS Levana - SchnellBier
    Probably the sleekest design, it doesn't feel like it sacrifices aesthetic for industrial function.
    Excellent interior, plus I'm always a sucker for slanted walls/windows.

    AF HWSS Wellington - Osborn14
    Phoenix may take the cake as a shipyard, but this exterior is probably the runner-up as a factory/salvage ship
    I like most of the interior rooms, but admittedly I got lost in this ship more than the others, could benefit from less elevators.

    608 Minor Factory Ship - jw608
    Gives off the most 'industrial' vibe with the cobbled bits and bobs.
    It also gets extra bonus points for being the only technically functional mobile factory I believe.
    The breaker system is very unique, I don't think I've seen anything like that before.
    As always, love seeing the daily progress videos keeping the YouTube scene alive.

    CMCIV Kyūyu - The_Owl
    Some gnarly engines, and all around next-level greebles across the entire ship
    Walking through the hallways feels like a horror movie, very gloomy in an aesthetic way.

    WS Dakota - Tshara
    (Best for last of course)
    There is definately a gift when it comes to interior layout, because I never once felt lost.
    Even with the huge interior, no room felt redundant, and every room felt like it had a purpose.
    The attention to detail with the Easter eggs, and all the animation throughout the ship is mind-blowing as always.
    Also the diorama the ship comes docked with is brilliant.
    Misplaced block in transporter room

    Hopefully the community doesn't run out of steam, and
    I'm excited to see what the next CBI will be.

    August Releases & Updates

    I was on vacation for the later half of this month, so the only thing "new" is the default X-Wing colors were changed from Red to Blue, as a full Red Squadron complement is in the works.
    Aside from that, some of the "Begun Construction" stuff from last month is finished, I just haven't had a chance to finalize and post them.
    I also might hold off on posting the Phantom here until I actually have the Phantom II & Ghost finished just so I know they're all compatible.


    Red Squadron


    Begun Construction:
    Snowspeeder - Completed
    Roken's Transport - 20%

    September Plans/Ideas
    Now that I'm back home, I'm hoping I can wrap up some of my ongoing projects.
    I also want to keep making more video showcases, but they can be very draining, so we'll see. The CR-90 video will probably wait until after all the repaints are finished however.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Fall Progress Report

    After missing the past 3 reports, due to various computer-related issues, I bring you a special report covering what I did manage to accomplish during those fall months.

    Pretty much everything coming out today is just smaller fighters. The Phantom, and Republic Gunship are the most complex, with the Snowspeeder just being a inevitable addition to the fleet. There is also plenty of repaints with Red Squadron & Phoenix Squadon.
    You'll also see a medium-sized ship, that isn't done for this update, but hopefully will be ready for the next, and that is the transport seen in Kenobi which to my knowledge is still unnamed. Finally, the largest ship in this lineup, the CR-92a is a brand new corvette, but unfortunately is still pretty rough, and is basically just a hollow hull. Typically I dont post stuff that rough, but I've been sitting on this project for awhile, and wanted to get something out there. By January, it should hopefully done, or at least closer.

    Fall Releases & Updates
    Phoenix Squadron Fighter Pack (6 Ships)
    Red Squadron
    Red Jammer
    Republic Gunship
    Assassin-Class Corvette

    January Plans/Ideas

    Given that there isn't much time left in December, my next update will be for the following month. Most of the stuff I hope to complete is stuff I've listed several times in the past, but Ill list them again. Also in the above screenshot you can see the progress of my transport from the Kenobi show, and that will hopefully be, at least further, completed by the end of January.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Steam Reply 2022

    This year Steam has come out with a feature that shows your yearly stats, and somewhat to my surprise, Starmade was by far my most played game this year. It doesn't say the exact hours, but if I had to guess, its probably around 250-300 hours. I likely won't do a 2022 wrap-up video or anything this year, so I figured I would share this instead.

    1672341960197.png 1672342009600.png
    With all the computer troubles that plagued me this year I'm not surprised most of my time was concentrated during the summer, but still overall happy with the ships I've built or updated this year.

    Oct 23, 2013
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    May the Fourth² be with you...

    Criminally late, but just in time to hit a 4² pun. Apparently this is also my first 2023 post! Oops. At least I have my hard drive failing to use as a scapegoat. In any case, we've got a few new ships, notably finally finishing out the major Rebellion starfighters with the B-wing, arriving just in time for the Episode VI 40th Anniversary.


    New Releases & Updates

    TIE Fighter - Mining Guild [POST COMING SOON™]
    TIE Fighter - Sabine Wren [POST COMING SOON™]

    Eta-2 Jedi Interceptors - Complete Overhaul [UPDATE COMING SOON™]
    TIE Fighter - Wings updated [UPDATE COMING SOON™]
    TIE Fighter - Inferno Squad - Wings updated, now posted seperately. [POST COMING SOON™]

    EDIT: Sorry for the delay uploading the ships. Currently in the middle of finals week.

    Begun Construction:
    TIE Phantom (Update)

    Videos Released:
    May the Fourth be with you...

    Summer Plans/Ideas
    It has been awhile since I've given a big rundown of plans/ideas, so I'll give a bigger breakdown even if historically I never make it through these lists. Anyhoo, here is basically the top three (smaller scale) ships I want to do from each faction this summer.
    The rebellion is nearly finished, with Ahsoka coming this summer however, I want the Phantom II, and hopefully Ghost ready. Also I'm told the E-Wing may be making a return to canon soon, so I should probably get on that. My Republic faction has been growing, most of the main stuff is covered. Hoping to finish out the last tentpoles. I haven't done any Separatist ships yet, and its about time I do. The main thing that has held me off is they are debatably much more complex then the other ships, and I already have a headache thinking about the Vulture droid. Finally my Imperial ships have barely been touched since I started posting stuff in 2020, and they are overdue for some overhauls. Firstly though, re-doing the Phantom, and using what I do there to finally do the Defender should be a good start.

    Phantom II
    A-Wing Trainer (RZ-1T)


    Vulture Droid

    TIE Phantom
    TIE Defender
    TIE Advanced

    There are some other things I have on my mind, but I'll keep them to myself for now, because I barely even trust myself to get through the list above. Although one I am somewhat keen on trying is an AT-AT walker, so if anyone has advice on doing walk cycles, and tips/good demonstrations of robotics in StarMade, I am all ears.

    Community Scale Chart
    I should also plug the new project I've started, which is the continuation of the "StarMade Ship Size Comparison Chart". Its been pretty fun having an excuse to explore peoples ships, so keep them rolling in.
    There will also be new charts coming, one for each of the community build initiatives. Not sure when I'll have time to get around to them, but they are coming sometime this summer, hopefully before the next initiative starts.

    Doing this chart has also really boosted my desire to start creating some of my own ship designs. I've never really been able to come up with anything particularly special, which is why I mostly stick to replicas, but as the person maintaining the chart I feel at least a little bit of responsibility to have something up there lol. I've got a few ideas cooking, but if anyone has advice on how they come up with ship designs, I'd love to hear them.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    June Progress Report

    How has it been a year already!? I'm back to reassure everyone I'm still alive. (And I've brought a ship with me!). I know the ships from last May the 4th are still "COMING SOON™", which is my bad. I'll finally be putting them up this month, and the B-Wing at least will be getting a showcase video.
    New Releases & Updates

    What I have brought with me however, is the ship from Lethal Company! I had initially built just the Computer Terminal during the winter, to mess around with display modules, and finally had the chance to put that system into a ship over the past few days.

    I also played around with the new beige hull blocks (they were new at the time) turning the "Snowspeeder" into the "Sandspeeder", which is picture above. That will also be posted later this month.

    Lethal Company Ship
    Sandspeeder [POST COMING SOON™]

    Videos Released:
    Lethal Company Ship

    Future Plans/Ideas
    Nothing set in stone at the moment. Likely will finally try chipping away at the previous "Plans/Ideas" section finally

    Community Scale Chart
    I'll also plug the Community Scale Chart again. We're always looking to add more ships, so don't be shy, and submit your ships!
    Also, if there's enough interest for another chart, for ships below the size requirement, I can look into creating a secondary chart. It would be similar to the "Special Edition" chart for Trident Foundries' Community Build Initiatives contestants, which I posted back in December.