
    1. StarMade Lover

      Archonis II 1.0

      Semi-modular mid-sized shipyard, designed for easy mass production and fleet generation. Rooms for 4 people, relies on shipments of food due to its lack of a kitchen. Each room has 2 storage containers, 1 for food, 1 for personal items. Contains a medbay and comms system.
    2. Dire Wolf

      Wolf Pack Outpost MK01

      Featured: - 2 Goliath EM sniper cannons - 7 Foe Hammer Beam Cannons - 64 V.I.P.R AMS cannons - 8 G.T.O AMS cannons - 2 small warpgates - 2 small shipyards - 2 Bravo Class scout fighters - Blue Bird Shuttle - strong shields and fortess upgrades - Thick Armor
    3. sensei86

      Shipyard of the White Falcon Order

      I have finally got around to making my own shipyard thread. I will post here my finished designs as well as my WIP builds. But let's not waste time, let's get down to it. Introduction: I started playing StarMade back in 2015. I was new to the game and due to this I didn't build any kind of...
    4. Dire Wolf

      Standard Peace Corp Shipyard MK03

      Stats: pending
    5. DeepspaceMechanic

      MAKE THEM YOUR OWN: Skeletal station pack v1

      APPETIZER: Are you the type of space-architect whose creativity flows like a white-water river once you have something to build upon, but find it hard to get started when there's only empty space and a starter block in front of you? Or are you looking for a well-constructed shipyard to make...
    6. DeepspaceMechanic

      MAKE IT YOUR OWN: Industrial mega-shipyard v1

      APPETIZER: Are you the type of space-architect whose creativity flows like a white-water river once you have something to build upon, but find it hard to get started when there's only empty space and a starter block in front of you? Or are you looking for a well-constructed shipyard to make...
    7. StarGuy1701

      Interstellar Vanguard Shipyards

      Welcome to the Union Coalition of Interstellar Vanguards! --Interstellar Vanguard Shipyards-- _________________________________________________________________ Hi. Jim here, also known as StarGuy1701, with my first forum thread ever! It's been a while since I first started playing StarMade...
    8. docpenguindoc

      Doc Industries Shipyard

      Welcome to the Doc Industries Shipyards Here is where I will be posting updates on all the ships I build. Below you can find a condensed list which will link to video showcases of the builds which have them. For the builds without links, they should still posted here on the dock and can be...
    9. AngelusKutona

      W.E.C - Wexian Engineering Corporation Shipyard

      Introduction - The W.E.C. Shipyard is designed as a roleplaying / storyline / log based thread. The idea behind it is to record progression and everything displayed here will be created using standard or survival based singleplayer and multiplayer servers. Although creative mode is attractive I...
    10. Zilvs

      A collection of old or forgotten projects

      I used to be more active in this community up to late 2017, and I kept my eye on the game and community during my inactivity. I thought about returning for a few months now. So, in a fit of nostalgia fueled reemergence, I dug through my blueprints and found a number of old projects I had...
    11. Kraengis

      Kraengis's galactic assets

      Hi guys! I've built already a few ships and systems all centered around a common theme/timeline that I'd to show off and expand in the future. I didn't play for a few months but I'm slowly coming back to the game. I don't plan building around one build technique as I'd like to improve myself...
    12. MacThule

      Edit BPs in Shipyard

      Currently imagining how nice it would be if you plug a BP or schematic into a functional shipyard computer and literally edit it. Meaning, go into an edit mode, click on "Blue Basic Armor" where it needs 127,000 units of that, and then use a dropdown to change the item type to "Brown Advanced...
    13. NeonSturm

      Weltenwind - NeonSturms Productions

      My cockpit for a fighter may be 1 block wide and 2-3 blocks long. But "good Shuttles" already require 5-7 blocks wide and 5-7 blocks long cockpits and double-wall or slabs and heavy shuttles have even more space for crew along that bigger cockpit and considerable more cargo capacity of 1/2 that...
    14. Muffin_man17

      Muffin_Man17's Shipyard

      Hello everyone, Welcome to my shipyard! Here I will be posting my current work in progress builds along with sneak peeks of future builds and what you guys think of them. Little about myself, I started playing Starmade roughly early 2013 and was playing on and off. I really enjoyed just...
    15. MrGrey1

      MrGrey1's Shipyard

      Posting my shipyard progress, my ships in progress and links to my finished uploaded stuff. 550 meter's long and 360 tall... still very much an on going project. Templates ship on the top, the minigun turret shell and lots of marker blocks all still part of the construction mess. My mining...
    16. BoomMicGuy

      Star Corps Shipyard

      Brief Description: The shipyard focuses on Ship Construction and Maintenance to allied factions. Our main goal is to supply Allied Members with basic Patrol, Defense, and Offensive craft. That are cost effective and can be modified easily to suit the needs of the faction. This shipyard does not...
    17. Sachys

      Janus' Reach Shipyard

      Unlike many other shipyard threads, this one is more specifically about building a station / shipyard. There might be ships involved later down the line of course, but for now, my focus is on trying to get a decent station built in power 2.0 as so much has changed, and a good deal of what was...
    18. klawxx

      Klawxx - Shipyard | W.I.P. News & Screenshots

      Hello there, guys! I Would like to share something I'm working on as my fist power v2.0 project. It's not a replica, but I would say it really looks like the original design. I have replaced some curved surfaces with more plane or hexagonal shapes to reduce the "jagged" effect they produce...
    19. S

      Svaash ShipYards

      Here are the ships built in the Svaash ShipYards. Enjoy! Here is the Mad Cat Survey Ship. Here is the Granger Salvage Ship. Here is the Reliant.
    20. Kraengis

      UENSA TM-84-ID Demo 2018-08-01

      The TM-84-ID modules's description isn't really clear without an example. This shipyard shows how to wire theses modules and also demonstrate how they should be used. Modules : --------------- There are 2 sides on the shipyard, one with...