Doc Industries Shipyard

    Oct 23, 2013
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    August Progress Report
    Somewhat anticlimactic progress report, I just bought a new computer this month so spent a good chunk of time just moving into it, and playing around with higher end games.
    Although I don't have anything to show month, my Liberator CR-90 repaint is 95% complete, so I should have that posted some time tomorrow.

    September 2021 Plans/Ideas

    • Release Updated Millennium Falcon?
      • It's been finished for awhile, and I should just release this version as it is until my new interior is finished
    • Release Liberator?
      • Build is finished, just needs to be released
    • Y-Wing Variants
      • Holiday Special
      • Zorii Bliss
      • Clone Wars
        • Classic Yellow
        • Rex (Blue Deco)
        • Red Deco
    • Continue reskins for Tantive IV

    • Future Ideas - Ships that I haven't started yet, that I may or may not complete eventually
      • Havoc Marauder
        • The shuttle operated by the Bad Batch
      • Justifier
        • Cad Bane's new ship seen in The Bad Batch
      • Fennec's ship
        • Fennec Shand's new ship seen in The Bad Batch
      • Ghost
        • No serious plans yet, however I do want to begin a search for deck plans if possible, although I'm not certain they exist in full.
      • Nebulon-B
        • Still quite excited by the deck plans I discovered, and one day hope to build this ship, however if the CR-90 was any indication, it could take me eons.
      • Updated Millennium Falcon
        • A project that is truly never-ending... Basically, I just want to update the interior layout to the new canon specifications.
      • Video Projects
        • Showcase Video for all ships not yet showcased (including updated ones)
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    September Progress Report
    Somewhat anticlimactic progress report, I just bought a new computer this month so spent a good chunk of time just moving into it, and playing around with higher end games.
    Although I don't have anything to show month, my Liberator CR-90 repaint is 95% complete, so I should have that posted some time tomorrow.

    September 2021 Releases & Updates
    October 2021 Plans/Ideas

    • Future Ideas - Ships that I haven't started yet, that I may or may not complete eventually
      • Ghost
        • I want to begin a search for deck plans if possible, although I'm not certain they exist in full.Havoc Marauder
      • Havoc Marauder
        • The shuttle operated by the Bad Batch
      • Justifier
        • Cad Bane's new ship seen in The Bad Batch
      • Fennec's ship
        • Fennec Shand's new ship seen in The Bad Batch
      • Nebulon-B
        • Still quite excited by the deck plans I discovered, and one day hope to build this ship, however if the CR-90 was any indication, it could take me eons.
      • Updated Millennium Falcon
        • A project that is truly never-ending... Basically, I just want to update the interior layout to the new canon specifications.
      • Video Projects
        • Showcase Video for all ships not yet showcased (including updated ones)
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    October Progress Report
    Month came and went, but have been looking into what it'll take to create the Ghost from Rebels (Which included rewatching Rebels lol) and gathering these reference shots:

    October 2021 Releases & Updates
    Begun Construction:
    Phantom: Research
    Y-Wings: Research

    November 2021 Plans/Ideas

    • Future Ideas - Ships that I haven't started yet, that I may or may not complete eventually
      • Ghost
        • I want to begin a search for deck plans if possible, although I'm not certain they exist in full.Havoc Marauder
      • Havoc Marauder
        • The shuttle operated by the Bad Batch
      • Justifier
        • Cad Bane's new ship seen in The Bad Batch
      • Fennec's ship
        • Fennec Shand's new ship seen in The Bad Batch
      • Nebulon-B
        • Still quite excited by the deck plans I discovered, and one day hope to build this ship, however if the CR-90 was any indication, it could take me eons.
      • Updated Millennium Falcon
        • A project that is truly never-ending... Basically, I just want to update the interior layout to the new canon specifications.
      • Video Projects
        • Showcase Video for all ships not yet showcased (including updated ones)
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    December Progress Report

    This whole year has been a blur, but at least I was able to finish this month out with a few new builds.

    December 2021 Releases & Updates
    Delta Flyer
    Class F Shuttlecraft
    Type-10 Shuttlecraft
    Type-18 Shuttlepod
    Thunderstrike (CR-90)
    Rebels Blockade Runner (CR-90)


    Begun Construction:
    USS Defiant

    January 2021 Plans/Ideas

    • USS Defiant
      • As per usual, I plan on recreating the Defiant inside and out, with the full deck layout, rail doors, and docked craft. For the deck plans, I'm using the blueprints designed by 'Strategic Design' who have made beautiful deck layouts for various Star Trek ships
      • So far, I've taken alterintel 's buildfrom the dock, (as frankly, I can't imagine a better hull) and hollowed it out. Coincidentally my shuttlecraft I've made for the Defiant did happen to fit, despite being oversize, which means I don't need to make any major changes there.
        • My main issue with this defiant however is going to be the core placement & scale. My plan, like with the CR-90 Corvette is to have a full interior, fully railed-out etc. and that may require me to upscale the ship somewhat, and if that's the case, and I can't fit the decks within the existing hull, I'll just start from scratch. The other issue being the core placement, not being remotely located near the bridge section, which is going to require one heck of a copy/paste job, especially considering the amount of docked entities embedded.
        • TLDR - Options are still being weighed whether I want to make my own hull, or use this pre-existing one
    • Continued CR-90 Variants
      • In this shipyard post I listed a few of the versions of the CR-90 I was planning to build, but I wanted to layout an actual chart, or tree to better visualize the variants of the corvette I plan on building. Refer however to that original post to see links to the wikis of the ships I'm referring to.

    Ship NameSub-CategoryMain Difference
    Tantive IVClass 1Original
    Jaina's LightClass 2Full Interior, Less Docked Entities
    ThunderstrikeClass 3Tantive IV, but 100% systems
    SquadronsClass 3Minor Hull alterations. Systems are weapons-focused
    Bail OrganaClass 0Hull Repaint
    CandorClass 0Hull Repaint
    Dodanna's PrideClass 0Hull Repaint
    "Pirate CR90"Class 0Hull Repaint
    Renthal's FistClass 0Hull Repaint
    Star RavagerClass 0Hull Repaint
    Scarlet ThrantaClass 0Hull Repaint
    LiberatorRebels VariantUSD Gadget - None
    Unnamed RebelsRebels VariantUSD Gadget - Turrets
    Transport OneRebels VariantUSD Gadget - A-Wing Docking Tubes
    Class 1: Original Model. Includes all the docked entities & Rail Features.
    Class 2: Removes most docked entities. Keeps the interior.

    Class 3: Focuses 100% on systems. Virtually no interior.
    Class 0: Can be any class. Only difference is hull livery.
    Rebels Variant: Fighter-compliment capacity, Also modified turret design. Intended for interchangeable USD packages.

    Possible Future Variants:
    - CR70 Corvette
    - Vanguard c20 retrofit suite
    - CR92a Assassin-Class (Will make eventually)
    - CR110 Corvette

    Hopefully all the above will help to explain my process with the CR90 corvettes, and what all the differences exactly are. I'll continue releasing them as I finish them, and once it's complete I'll release them as a pack. The 'Class 0' ones I'll release all at once however.
    Oct 23, 2013
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    January Progress Report

    Been troubled with computer issues this month unfortunately, so until those are resolved, won't be much in the way of plans for February either. I was however able to squeeze in some Naboo Starfighters on my old PC for January. For those caught up with Book of Boba Fett, you may know where I'm going with those.

    January 2022 Releases & Updates
    Naboo Starfighter
    Queen's Naboo Starfighter

    February 2022 Plans/Ideas

    • Keeping the plate clear just in case I can't get my computer to cooperate
    • Continued CR-90 Variants
      • If my computer is up and running, I'll try to work on more reskins from the chart posted in my December Progress Report
    Sep 29, 2013
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    • Master Builder Silver
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 8
    Good luck resolving the computer issues. The Starfighters are nice looking ships. Its difficult to get something recreated at that scale. Well done.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    March Progress Report

    For those following The Book of Boba Fett, may have pieced together my recent Naboo Starfighter build, and for those who haven't, Spoiler Alert. Apart from that, not much to report, Slowly moving back into my old computer since my recent one seems to have bit the dust.

    March 2022 Releases & Updates
    The Mandalorian's Naboo Starfighter

    April 2022 Plans/Ideas

    • Not setting anything in stone, but I do want to begin work on the Star Wars: Rebels ship, The Ghost.
    Oct 23, 2013
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    April Progress Report

    It's May already!? Apologies for the belated progress report, April whipped right past me. I've unfortunately got nothing to show for this month and I expect May could be similar. It seems that pandemic freetime has officially dried up as stuff has been picking back up for me.
    Also happy belated May the 4th, more sad I missed that one ;-;

    May 2022 Plans/Ideas
    • If there are any exciting new ships in the Kenobi series, I may give a go at some of them
    • Still want to work on the Ghost, but may have to wait until I'm back from Star Wars Celebration
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    May Progress Report

    I've returned home from Star Wars Celebration freshly inspired, and although I don't have any progress to report for May (no surprise there unfortunately) I can confirm that I'll be working on some stuff for June.

    Although I missed out on participating on the Cargo Ship Community Initiative, I do have some ideas for the new Mobile Factory Initiative which I do plan joining. I may however still build a ship for the Cargo Ship Initiative since I'm only doing this for fun anyway, I have no interest in the competition aspect, but I just wanted to put a thanks out there for those running the Community Build Initiative since it seems to be breathing some more life around here.

    June 2022 Plans/Ideas
    • CBI: Mobile Factory project
    • No other concrete plans, just anything that peaks my interest.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    June Progress Report

    Today we not only have a progress report on time, but also with some actual progress to report!

    I've started work on the Mobile Factory Project, and (to the surprise of nobody) it is a Star Wars replica. If I have time, I do have ideas to make it a little more unique, but that'll depend if there is time. I suspect the vessel I'm building for this initiative is much smaller then they intended, however the idea of "Mobile Factory" brought me straight to this idea, plus I've been looking for an excuse to build it anyway. I've learned some interesting stuff from this project, some of which you can see applied in my updated 'ARC-170'

    June Releases & Updates
    Clone Wars Y-Wing Pack
    - Classic
    - Anakin's
    - Captain Rex's


    Begun Construction:
    CBI: Mobile Factory Project - Completed

    July Plans/Ideas

    • Continue work on the CBI: Mobile Factory Project.
      • Currently I'd say the hull is about 80% done, with some of the major external logic features implemented, just need to clean up the internals, and complete the interior (& Systems)
      • If I have enough time remaining, I may also create a second build which branches off of the current one, and have that be my entry, but again, that'll depend on time (and how the initial build turns out)
    • Clone Wars Y-Wing - Red Deco
    • StarSpeeder 1000/3000
    • Phantom
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    Sep 29, 2013
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    If I have enough time remaining, I may also create a second build which branches off of the current one, and have that be my entry, but again, that'll depend on time (and how the initial build turns out)
    You’re a fast builder if you manage to do that. I’m probably going to obsess about every little detail of my build until there is no more time remaining.
    Oct 23, 2013
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    I’m probably going to obsess about every little detail of my build until there is no more time remaining.
    That's what makes you one of the best builders here.

    I feel obligated to retrofit my original idea because even though I'd consider it a mobile refinery/factory, It wouldn't be considered space worthy, which I feel is an implied requirement.
    Plus at a mere 100mx50mx25m, my build is quite a lot smaller than the competition, and likely will leave enough time for retrofits.
    Sep 29, 2013
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    It should give you plenty of time to add lots of interactive features. I know your good at that.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries Razor Crest
    The long overdue showcase video for the Razor Crest is finally here!​

    Finally getting back into the swing of things as I gear up for a video showcase of my upcoming Mobile Factory, which should be coming soon.

    You can find the Razor Crest here: Razor Crest
    And you can find The Mandalorian's new ship here: Mando's Starfighter
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Was definately a fun project, there's a good chance I'll also be making a spacefaring refit later down the line.
    This is actually the third voxel based Sandcrawler I've build! Always been one of my favorites. I may show off the ancient ones I made in Minecraft in a video at some point, but they've not aged well lol.

    You can find the Sandcrawler here: Sandcrawler

    Oct 23, 2013
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    Will this be possible?

    Been working on my Phantom which is a small shuttlecraft with wings that fold out.
    1658477871814.png 1658477927614.png 1658478272611.png
    The shuttle itself is an auxiliary craft for the Ghost which is about the size of the Millennium Falcon.
    This means the shuttle can't be build with the wings static open, because it needs to dock.


    I've more or less got the size/design, but ,it has plex wings... which I strongly dislike.
    There's 12 blocks of internal systems space at my disposal, but I can't image that's enough room for the logic & systems
    The ship is 14m long, 8m wide, 5m long.

    Although the animation isn't perfect, initial attempts at rail wings were decent... except it takes about 60 blocks, which is far too many
    starmade-gif-0019.gif starmade-gif-0015.gif

    Enlarging the ship, and simplifying the wing deployment allows it to fit in a decently sized shuttle...
    However the shuttle shape has become too wide, and the wing shape is too abstract, so It'll be the original hull or bust


    My question is, without majorly changing the original shape, will rail wings be possible?​
    Mar 10, 2016
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    My question is, without majorly changing the original shape, will rail wings be possible?

    Fun challenge! I think it mostly depends on the specific mechanism you choose for wing deployment, maybe you could find simpler ones... But as general advice on compact rail/logic contraptions, you could try less redundant logic blocks, slabs to get more internal volume, and small buttons or invisible rails used externally.

    The circuit below exemplifies wasteful component economy. It's meant to change the direction of a rail on a docked entity. It contains a wireless receiver which turns itself off, through a cross-connection with a button. Obviously, it could be turned off by its signal source, a main-entity transmitter, controlled by an auto-toggle-off hotbar remote. And the need for auto-toggle-off is only because the use of a flipflop, which can also be eliminated.

    The circuit below has the same function as the one above. Instead of a flipflop, one direction is defined by the wireless receiver itself. Unfortunately, it turns out that the opposite can't be defined by the NOT-gate (tests resulted in the rail dropping its attached entity). Instead, you can use a small button for that, which can be placed on outer surfaces of the wing. Looking like a bolt, it can add detail, but note that its appearance will change to a full cube button at a distance; it also has collision. The green linear rails, invisible in flight mode, can be placed outside as well (not only the direction defining ones, but the ones that actually hold docked entities; this will necessarily mean visible dockers).

    And it's always useful to double check whether you can remove full cubes by using quarter slabs around them, if that doesn't mess too much with aesthetics and collisions.

    Also, while there aren't any invisible rotators, they can be used to replace armor cubes, with their bland faces exposed as hull plating. Good luck, and have fun with it :)
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    • Thinking Positive
    Gave it some further thought... Check the screenshots in the spoiler.

    With the second setup, you add two blocks to the main entity, to subtract one block from the docked entity. Might be favorable.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Instead of a flipflop, one direction is defined by the wireless receiver itself.
    Never thought of using a wireless block or ship remote as the flip flop, so I'll definately be using that in the future.

    For space saving, I'm thinking forgo the rotating aspect and do something more in-line with my X-Wing S-Foils instead.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Got the wings to a functional state, without compromising the ship

    Still had room for the interior, forward cannons, & aft "turret" + shields
    starmade-screenshot-0090.png starmade-screenshot-0094.png
    Will definately use the ship remote as a flip flop more often in the future.

    With the Phantom finished, I can finally move on to building the Ghost, which will still take some time to get to.
    In other news my Sandcrawler refit is basically finished, so just need to make a video and release it.​