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    1. schema

      StarMade 0.09267: Symmetry build tool

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this version features a symmetry tool for the advanced build mode Symmetry Tool Reading /vg has convinced me to include the tool. As I stated in the past, I don't want to simulate a 3D modeling program. Making an impressive structure should not be easy. That's...
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      StarMade 0.09266: Bug fixing and safeguard

      Sorry for the crude changelog: - left over tmp files are now deleted if needed (caused: e.g. not saved factions) - fixed navigation algorithm - fixed server memory leak: inactive sectors were not cleaned up - fixed entity permanent deletion - fixed two pesky NullPointerExceptions - added...
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      StarMade 0.09265: System-Core updates

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update has some very important updates to the core adding performance and reducing memory usage. Graphics Updates mag texture filter now nearest (no more near blur). Option is still in the game to switch: This will basically give pixel crisp textures...
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      EA buys StarMade (EDIT: Aprilfools)

      Effective immediately: There is now a 100 block limit on all structures. Buy the new More-Blocks-DLC for 9.99$ You must install origin and always be online to play Download hulls in multiple colors for just 5.99$ a color All your ships will automatically be shared on facebook...
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      StarMade 0.09264: Heureka! Super bug is fixed (hopefully)!

      Hi there, This vicious bug has crippled the game for some time now. Its symptoms were very wide ranged. Most of the time, it caused power, weapons, thrusters, etc, not to be registered. Sometimes it could even cripple servers, so for example no ship would be usable anymore (stuck in-place which...
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      StarMade 0.09263: more fixes

      Hi, I'm currently working hard on the galaxy map. This is a intermediate version with bug fixes I'm doing alongside. - fixed NullPointer on start with corrupted config - fixed drawing of active thrusters - improved info/error messaging to be more new-player friendly - added line from...
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      StarMade 0.09262: db fix again & core system for maps

      Hello, I'm very sorry, that the last update caused so much problems. Handling databases is a very delicate process, and doing it on active data is even more dangerous. I switched to a logically unbreakable, but slightly slower (the thing is i don't even know if it really IS slower. Just...
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      StarMade 0.09261: crashfix

      Hi there, Sorry for the buggy version. I had the bug fixed already but I was kind of tired yesterday so I probably forgot to apply the fix. A new version is uploading now. If there are any more problems, please send in reports and I'll try to fix them as soon as I can. cheers, - schema
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      StarMade 0.0926: database transition completed & starmote

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, WARNING: This Version does a database migration, which can cripple your database if failed. Please be sure to back up your universe. (Blueprints are not touched or affected by the update) Database Transition Completed Finally the last step of transitioning from a...
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      StarMade 0.0925: more bug fixing

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, Here is the changelog of the new version: fixed possible server crash (NullPointer) when trying to handle factory blocks that haven't loaded yet fixed significator tracking of clusters (Caused crashes, wrong cluster stats, and gui errors) fixed...
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      StarMade 0.0924: let threads handle it

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, here is a changelog for the update: Optimized physics for player avatars There was still some code active that used an ancient method of doing collision, while the new optimized method was already in place. The old method iterated over every segment of entities...
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      StarMade 0.0923: Introducing StarMote

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update introduces StarMote, a very powerful administration and monitoring tool for StarMade. StarMote The game is finally much more easy to administrate. Admins no longer have to start up the game - they can just startup StarMote, select a previously saved...
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      I'm back

      Hi there, I'm finally back home and can now return to my usual work schedule. Expect new updates soon. - schema
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      StarMade 0.0922: Nullpointer Bugfixes

      Hi there, just a quick update. 95% of the logs I received were from 3 NullpointerExceptions. I hope the 2 most serious are now fixed. Thank you all for sending in reports. thanks for playing StarMade, - schema
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      StarMade 0.092: Soft-Borders

      Hello and Welcome to StarMade, This new update finally brings softborders to the world of StarMade. Soft Borders After lots of hours of work, the new version is finally in a releasable state. There might still be some bugs from the countless performance improvements and optimizations, which...
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      StarMade Launcher v8

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, A new launcher version has been released. Here are some of the bigger changes: Faster, and more robust download method for updates. Hopefully this will solve the download getting stuck. Full XHTML news view. This method now also uses the drupal API for...
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      Quick status update

      Hi there, sorry for the long pause. I'm currently not at at my home (not even in the country), and I just now managed to get power and internet. The soft-border update is coming along fine and is already in "tester" testing phase. I'll release the public update soon (3-4 days). I'm a little busy...
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      StarMade Dev Update: Soft Borders

      Hi there, I'm currently working on one of the most complicated features coming to the Universe of StarMade: Soft Borders. This basically means, that sectors won't load in right when you change it, but you will be always surrounded by preloading sectors. You will be able to see the objects...
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      StarMade 0.0915: New Database Layer

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, The new version features a new Database Layer on to of the already existing file database. Database Index While it is barely noticeable for players right now, it establishes the ground system for a lot of game changing features. Here are some immediate...
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      StarMade 0.091: Angled Shapes

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this new update features a game changing mechanic: Angled Shapes. Players will now be able to custumize their ships even more than before. Angles Shapes This update is pretty huge! There are wedges and spikes now available for any block that can be put into...