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    1. schema

      StarMade dev update: Meta items

      Hello, Here is a little update on what I'm working at the moment. The last days were dedicated to fix some bugs and improve performance. I managed to make significant steps in the save/load system, that is responsible for loading in all blocks in sectors. More on that when the update is...
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      StarMade: Game News

      Hello players, Here are some updates evolving around the game. Current Focus My current focus is still on bugfixing. The server stability has gotten a lot better, and the problems are getting less. There are still some very ugly ones though: Ghost ships, physics glitches, ghost players (0...
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      StarMade 0.09378: Fixes, shield balance & new admin tools

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update contains some critical fixes for the servers, a pretty big change to shield balance, some new handy admin tools, and some general fixes. Server Fixes Some servers had problems since apparently closing a socket does not imply flush() on some...
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      StarMade 0.093775: Server Hotfixes

      Hi, This update is a quick server hotfix patch to get all the broken servers back up. There are some other changes in this version as well. I release another version and a full update news article later, when I'm done with the rest of my daily todo list. cheers, - schema
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      StarMade 0.09377

      Hello again, Network I worked all day to figure out the ping issues that were plaguing some servers. Especially the issue when one high-ping user comes in, everybody's ping seemed to go up. Technical: I kept testing the issue with 3 machines (one real dedicated server I had to deploy on...
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      StarMade 0.09376: Economy, Performance & UDP

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update has taken a little bit longer, because it needed some testing due to changes in the cores of both the network as well as the graphics rendering system. Please excuse eventual errors that might still occur. In case of a new game-breaking bug, please...
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      Spot the difference

      Spot the difference :)
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      StarMade dev update

      Hello, just a little note one what I'm working on: I took a long tour into the graphics code and did research on various methods and functions I'm using. I found that I'm always reserving data on the graphics card for the absolute worst case (a checker-boxed chunk). The average data used is...
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      StarMade 0.09375: Critical bugfix & updated textures

      Hello and welcometo StarMade, due to an optimization to gel rid of lag for others when people are joining servers, the authentication system got broken, as in, fully ignored. This led to some serious problems with in-game security. Admins should immediately update their servers! But there...
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      StarMade 0.09374: individual balancing & lots of fixes *hotfixed*

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update contains a very special feature. It's now possible for server to modify their BlockConfig, and make their universe even more custom. Hotfix (if you haven't updated yet today, please ignore) Fixed error on servers that only changed block config. Fixed...
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      New Launcher & Invisibug fix

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, it seems like the invisibug is finally fixed (hopefully). I had to put all my focus in that from the last days. The update also contains several server bug fixes, and an optimization for clients to reduce lag. There are still some misterious lag spikes on...
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      invisibug & mirrors

      Hi, just a short notice the invisibug almost fixed. I basically just have to complete the new version of the launcher to allow download-mirrors, so the site can handle the load of the update. ETA is somtime tomorrow. cheers, -schema
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      StarMade 0.09372: Whitelists & teleport bug & uploading

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, Whitelisting now available After you start the game once the options in the server.cfg will get available, as well as the whitelist.txt You can also use the new admin commands (I will post them in the help article shortly) to do it on the fly. Whitelist mode...
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      StarMade 0.09371: Better error messages & crash fixes

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, First of all: Welcome to all new users coping over from Steam and Yogscast. Thank you for being here, and I hope you have fun playing the game! This update contains som interceptor method to give better feedback for people having problems with the game...
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      Chat will be backup shortly

      Sorry about that, I'm trying to work out the problem. It should be back up momentarily.
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      Report flood

      Hello, I just read through the log files and descriptions of exactly 1273 reports from just yesterday and today. It took me 8 hours without break, so what that means is that I can't possibly doing that anymore. I noticed ca 99% of the bugs are driver related (on which I can't even do much...
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      StarMade 0.0937: Crtitical Physics Bug-Fix

      Hello, another bug fix and optimization update. Phyical objects sometimes seemed to randomly wiggle around to the point where players couldn't even enter their ships. I spent 12 hours searching for the cause of this bug to find out to my surprise that it was actually a bug in the (pretty...
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      StarMade 0.09362: more fixes & optimizations

      Hello, Quick update: - improved method to calculate block grouping by a lot (big cause for server lag) - keyboard duplicate key assignment is now allowed (it can be switched back in the options) - slight NTprotocol performance optimization - slight physics performance optimization - fix for...
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      StarMade 0.0936: Sound Core Switch & more fixes (+docking fix) (+NullPointerFix)

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this version hopefully fixes several issues with sound. New Sound Library I switched for the the slick library to the paulscode libraries. They seem to be much more robust and faster. This already shows as the load time of the game did decrease by a lot (with...
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      StarMade 0.09359: Crash fixes, Enter/Exit ship method redesign *crah hotfix*

      Hello, just a little update to fix crashes happening on several servers. Also, the methot to exit/enter ships has been recoded, so that hopefully the teleporting bug will be finally gone (let me know if that is indeed the case). Here are some small other additions: Sound initialization...