StarMade 0.0924: let threads handle it


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello and welcome to StarMade,
    here is a changelog for the update:

    Optimized physics for player avatars
    There was still some code active that used an ancient method of doing collision, while the new optimized method was already in place. The old method iterated over every segment of entities that the player was near to. This cause massive performance lost on larger objects like planets or ships.

    Faction chat will no longer display offline members with each message
    This annoying bit is now fixed

    Added invert mouse option as default for all views
    There is finally an option to use inverted mouse movement in the whole game and not just the ship flight mode. The option to use it for only ships is still there.

    Greatly improved performance to calculate clusters of usable blocks by using threads
    This is a pretty huge feature. I moved the calculation for the stats for usable block clusters (shields/power,thrusters/weapons/etc) entirely to a thread, and optimized the calculation itself. The stats now get calculated almost instantly.

    Removed blocking code on segment cache hit
    That's also given to a thread to handle. It removes lag with objects loaded from local cache.

    Implemented cluster visual tool
    This is not integrated in the GUI yet. You can switch through all of your clusters with NumPad-8 and NumPad-9, or switch between modules with NumPad-5 and NumPad-6. You have to be inside a ship to use it. This will greatly help in designing your ship since you can see misplaced blocks and watch the overall structure of ships.

    fixed gravity bug: gravity for ships was not working

    fixed gravity bug: after aligning to a ship, planet gravity was broken

    more stuff is soon to come!
    thanks for playing StarMade,
    - schema