StarMade 0.09265: System-Core updates


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello and welcome to StarMade,
    this update has some very important updates to the core adding performance and reducing memory usage.

    Graphics Updates

    • mag texture filter now nearest (no more near blur). Option is still in the game to switch: This will basically give pixel crisp textures when you are near blocks. You can still switch back if the texture blur is preferred

    • fixed and improved beacon drawing: random beacons will no longer be in sectors. Also bugs with higher count of beacons are fixed, and draw performance has been increased)

    Logic updates

    • fixed shield power draw overflow: switched to double precision

    • AI now uses full acceleration.

    • improved physics object management synchronization: may prevent ghost ships and other physics related bugs

    Performance updates

    • removed unnecessary client operations for objects that are not in the sector of the client: reduces lag

    • optimized segment-signature and segment requests by using schine's own network transfer buffer: reduced lag for others, faster processing, much less error prone

    • now preventing segments to be HD-cached on client when they are not fully loaded and verified: less bugs when crash occurs

    • fixed drawArray size (faster segment drawing): this should speed up overall segment drawing. It also might fix some display bugs

    • implemented fast billboard picking algorithm

    • improved performance and memory usage of network protocol for primitive variables

    Memory usage updates

    • Sectors now use much less memory by default, cutting down the size of sectors being loaded by about 99%, giving especially server a lot more scalability

    • decreased memory usage for all structures


    • fixed bug where the system would despawn some used entities even if the option was unused-only

    The galaxy map is being implemented.

    EDIT: quickfix thanks to grimzod: Mass Asteroid sectors bug has been found and remove (hopefully). There might still be some leftovers from sectors that got loaded before the update

    Thanks for playing StarMade,
    - schema