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      StarMade Prerelease 0.09392: Exploits

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, starting with this update I'm going to pre-release new versions for everyone to download and test, so that game breaking bugs can found faster without pushing the update onto everyone. If you want to test, please don't overwrite your actual version with this, but...
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      Community involvement

      Hi there, just wanted you to update on a decision I've made: For exactly the issues which I feel like they need a lot of different views and, and hands-on player experience, I'm going to start official reddit threads. Now I know that not everybody here is a fan of reddit, but in this...
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      StarMade 0.0939: Personal Shops

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This update has got a great new feature: Players can now manage their own shops from their space station and their planets. Hotfix#1: Sorry, there was a compatibility issue with the new shop feature for old station/planet data. The new update should fix it...
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      StarMade dev update: why spherical planets don't fit in a block world

      Hello players, The newest update is currently in testing, and will come very soon. Meanwhile I did some proof of concept. While I always knew that spherical planets in a full 3d block world give problems, I've never actually tried to do it. Until now. don't get excited, this will probably...
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      StarMade 0.09387: Huge batch of bugfixes & fixed recipes (hotfixed #2)

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, Hotfix: messed up some debug stuff for future features. It caused the gravity to not work for astronauts. #2 buying fixed recipes is fixed (I'm truly sorry for the mess ups on my side) I apologize for recent slacking. I'm back in full control and full power now...
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      StarMade 0.093865: Small but important fix

      Hello players, I'm now trying not to push updates too often, except when there is something critical or a substantial new feature. This time it's something critical. There was a huge bug in the client's calculating entities near them (in sectors). This caused random glitches of objects...
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      StarMade 0.09386: Faction Structure Management

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, just a little update this time. Faction Public Permission Block This new block is to customize permission within the faction stations/ships. Players can now give public access to single blocks if they place the permission block next to it. It should work with...
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      About suggestions

      Hello players. As there seems to be some misunderstanding, I just wanted to clarify a few things about suggestions, and where I take them from: First of all: I do care about suggestions no matter where they come from. But I use suggestions just as what they are: suggestions. There are...
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      StarMade 0.09385: Lock & Load

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, all the preparations and abstractions is paying off with this new feature. For the first time, players are able to use a personal item. EDIT: uploading fix for nullpointer exception now. no server update required. Personal Weapon The system is made for an...
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      StarMade 0.09384: New weapon type (fixed)

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, Edit: for some reason it uploaded the dev build and not the new version. I'm sorry! Real new Version is on the way now! this update features an all new weapon system: Pulse weapons This weapon can be a very valuable asset in game. It's best to build in...
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      StarMade 0.09383: Intermediate Update

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, I'm currently working on bigger features. This is another intermediate update to fix some bugs and do some smaller stuff. Missile Damage Update Since calculating missile hits is performance heavy I can't do full detailed calculations (yet). However I'm trying to...
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      24 stream, Thunderdome fights, tourneys and giveaways!! This Saturday at 11am EST!!

      24 hour THUNDERDOME!! live stream stating at 11am EST!! We have plenty of giveaways including 4 Starmade purchace licences, a $15 Steam package and a $10 Steam package!! Collect Sockets while you watch and use them to gamble on fights then convert them to raffle tickets to win prizes...
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      StarMade 0.09382: Fix for the fix

      Hello again. I apologize for the current bugs. As always: Don't panic :) The last fix had a pretty bad effect on the network. The instruction to send data if there is nothing more to add was in the wrong position, which causes unforseen lag in sending info to clients. Furthermore there are...
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      StarMade 0.09381: Critical server fix

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, as you can see this version does only increase the build number. That means that old clients from the same version can join updated servers, and updated clients can join old servers. The main thing for this version is a critical fix for the server I've been...
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      StarMade: Stuff

      Hello, I'm sorry for not updaing in a while. I was mostly busy with working on concepts on how to realize the steam release, as well as releases on other publishers. However I did some work mainly on one thing: rotating sectors. The way they are now really gives me a hard time solving the...
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      StarMade is greenlit

      Can't really say much more. I'm still in shock. Thank you all for voting and supporting the game! I'm gonna get myself a beer. Cheers!
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      StarMade 0.09381: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException hotfix

      Hello, sorry about this bug, it was introduced with the beacon fix, since I had to clean up more stuff when handling beacons (so they won't remain). This caused a case of one segment being cleaned up twice trying to remove itself from an empty array. Servers do not require to update if they...
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      StarMade 0.09381: Recipe Levels & fixes

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, in this update, a way to increase the efficiency of recipes is introduced, as well as multiple fixes for clients and servers. Recipe Levels Recipes will now record, how many blocks where produced with it. This value is stored on the server to make it save from...
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      StarMade 0.0938: Add On

      Hello, just a little fix/addOn for the latest update: Recipes won't use items, that do not have the InRecipe Tag set to true in the blockConfig.xml. By default this value is set to what items are available in shops. Also, servers/clients will no longer crash if an inventory with invalid block...
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      StarMade 0.0938: Meta Items & new factories

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, Additional to a lot of bug fixes and optimizations, this version is introducing an all new meta-item system, and a new factory system. Meta Items A structure for items that have a completely free set of data has been implemented. It was actually one of the most...