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      StarMade 0.08965: Factories, Modding, Missiles, Balance

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, since the last few updates didn't have a news entry, I will accumulate all the changes into this one. Factories Factories are now in the game. Beetlebear already made an awesome demo video on how they work: Modding Tool I worked hard on this last week. This...
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      StarMade Dev update

      Hi all, just a quick little update on why the next update is taking longer than expected. As content is piling up, I decided to do an extra shift and implement a GUI for the Block Structure editing. It will be available for everyone to mod, and update automatically on every new feature, blocks...
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      StarMade Dev update

      Hi, just a little update on our progress: We are working on a big new feature for StarMade (I won't say what it is). It's already done and now in pre-testing state (Testers will take a look at it to identify any gamebreaking bugs), before it's going to be release for the public. It will...
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      StarMade 0.0892: Planets, Minerals & more

      Hello and Welcome to StarMade, This new update brings again new features, as well as some important optimizations, and bug fixes. Changes for Items - fixed bug with loading items - implemented scalable method to warp items out of blocks to the nearest free space Changes for...
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      StarMade 0.089: Items in Space

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this version finally enables players to free up inventory space, or trade resources by dropping items from the inventory. Players are also able to pick them up as they walk over the items. To drop an item from the currently selected action bar slot, press BackSpace...
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      StarMade 0.08899: New Mineral Textures & more

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, I was sick yesterday and could barely move, but now I'm feeling better. This Update has a major improvement to the mineral textures, as well as an update to block descriptions. Furthermore, a lot of bug fixes, and server features. New Mineral Textures Mineral...
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      StarMade 0.08897: Space Stations, Graphics & Performance

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, I'm back! And here is the newest update: - increased character height The player avatar is now about 1.6 to 1.7 blocks hight - fixed physics bug that would sink players into planets when a player stepped on a plant, he began to sink into the planet -...
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      Back on Sunday

      Hello, I just want to inform you all, that there'll be probably no new updates till sunday. Someone close to me has passed away, and I need a few days off. I'll try to keep up with all forum posts as good as I can.
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      New Chat (IRC)

      As a lot of people having problems with the on-site chat system (including me), I switched to IRC. Click here or on "chat" at the main menu to access it. You can also download a client like mIRC(windows), to have better acessibility. This chat should be a lot more stable and robust. Best of all...
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      StarMade 0.08894 Physics upgrade & server crash fixes

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, another small update coming your way: landing module back online (still a little buggy though) fixed possible server freeze due to lag fixed freeze on server clean up (pushBack) I also managed to optimize the algorithm (still far from perfect) for...
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      StarMade 0.08893: Fixes & server messages

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, the ping timeout bugs have finally been solved. Big Thanks to VariousArtists, who helped me test and was providing reports & thread-dumps. Also, a severe physics bug has been fixed. An objects inertia was not updated correctly leading to glitches and clipping...
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      StarMade 0.08887 Hotfixes #2

      Hopefully, it works works now :)
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      StarMade 0.08886 Hotfixes

      The removal of the server freeze bug has brought some new critical bugs. Most of them should be gone in this version (hopefully)
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      StarMade 0.08885 Critical Server Bug fix, spawning, and a lot more admin commands

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, Bugfixes fixed a server crash when recalculating mass and optimized mass update function fixed AI attacking players from other sectors fixed AI routing when pursuing a player in another sector fixed server freeze due to deadlock when player gets...
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      StarMade 0.08882 Spawn bug & Shop bug

      Just a few fixes for some problems that cam up: Shop now isn't available anywhere anymore, when player entered a ship near a shop, and exited in another sector Re-Spawn Bug: upon death, the player wasn't cleaned properly, leading to updates for the previous (death) player avatar instead...
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      StarMade 0.0889 Planet gravity & accelerated block sprites

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, In this update, planets will have a gravity field around them that affects player avatars as well as whole ships. Also, there is now a whole new type of block to add more life to planets. All sorts of grass, flowers, and other stuff will now grow on the surface of...
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      StarMade 0.0888 Better textures, Working Doors & Light Switch

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This version features an all new awesome texture pack by beetlebear. He will tell you about it in detail soon. This Version adds a activation functionality to StarMade. Used in future blocks and systems, this feature will be quite valuable. For now, it is used to...
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      StarMade 0.0887 New Spawn System & AI option

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This update contains a new spawn system. You now set you spawn to the new spawn module. Also, a new option for the AI is in place. You can now choose "Selected Target" in the Aim At option. This will cause docked ships, that are set to turrets to shoot at the...
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      StarMade 0.0885 two quick fixes

      Hi, just a little update for two game breaking bugs: The new compression sytem was subject of running conditions (especially in single player), causing segment (chunk) errors, and a sorts of strange stuff. It now should work fine again. The physics update for changing sectors was not...
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      StarMade 0.0884 fixed memory leak for server

      Just a little fix so the servers won't crash (freeze; clients getting "requesting synchronize"). The compression/decompression system for segments (chunks) was allocating native memory for every segment that was being sent/received. This lead (mostly on servers) to a freeze, when multiple...