Hello and welcome to StarMade,
this update features a completely redesigned catalog, with a lot more options and possibilities. Also some huge boosts to memory scalability.
New Catalog System
The new system now has its own tab in the context menu. It is structured into "Personal"...
Hello and welcome to StarMade,
StarMade now features a complex faction system for players to group together and organize.
This news post is long overdue, but I just now finally find some time to write up the main features of this new system.
Create and manage a faction
A faction in StarMade...
I apologize for the crude format. I'll do a properly formatted update soon.
- long chat history will no more cause a frame drop if chatbox is open
- long navigation panel will no longer cause frame drop
- shields of hombases are no longer hit
- restock command should work now
- core...
(this list is by far not complete. just a collection of the most important ones)
- sector switch fix
- box emptying out bug fix
- fixed GUI mouse resposiveness
- fixed possible deadlock with save admin command
- fixed possible deadlock on saving sectors
- fixed crash due to admin...
Here is the next status update for the upcoming factions update. The feature is nearing completion. I'm for taking a little longer, but there were just som many features coming up that I just had to implement to make the faction better, and more impactful for the game.
Here are some of...
Hi there,
after things were rather slow at the end of the year, I still managed to put some hours in to work on the factions system.
So now it will be in pre-testing for all the testers, since its a delicate system which could contain major bugs.
The reason it took so long was basically because...
Hello and welcome to StarMade,
Ive finally found out, why missiles where glitching, causing frame drops, and exploding at the wrong position (or not exploding at all). I mistakenly included the physical helper objects of missiles (a sphere) in the physics calculation. unfortunately, the object...
Hi there,
another update has just been updated.
It takes care of a physics bug which caused some weird glitches of not being able to build in certain situations and getting caught in other objects if rammed into them.
Furthermore, I finally fixed the lighting! These lighting bug were giving...
Hello and welcome to StarMade,
I just finished upgrading the physics engine with a LOT of optimizations.
This means in short: The server as well as the client will run a lot faster, especially with bigger ships colliding, or landing on a planet.
Technical Info
I implemented a port of...
Hi there,
because the docking system for ships was confusing a lot of people, I split up the docking into 2 different blocks:
Turret Docking Module: Works like the old docking system. to dock, there may not be any block lower then the core. The ship can be rotated while docked. This is for...
Hello and welcome to StarMade,
this version contains a database update wich will lead to ~85% less files in your database. It will also decrease saving and loading times of all objects. Please be sure to backup your files before you apply the migration progress. Do not stop the migration, or it...
Hello and welcome to StarMade,
The shield system has finally been refined to be much lighter on the resources, as well as easier to control and to design.
Shield System
The Spherical shield system has been replaced with a "skin" shield system, which can be understand as a layer on your ship...
Hi pilots,
another update has just been released.
New Chat & Private Messages
I improved the chat display with a backlog and some other twaeks.
Also, private messages are now possible:
just chat /pm playername your-message to use it
Memory Leak
Thanks to the testing on the US Server I was...
This update features a new option for server admins (default is off): required user authentication!
It works like this: If you log into a server that has authentication enabled with an uplinked client, the username you logged in with will be registered under your star-made.org name and be...
Hello and welcome to StarMade,
The StarMade Universe has grown bigger once again.
Rotational Systems
The Universe is now structured into 16x16x16 sector regions. Every region has a center with a special sector. Once you get near the center you enter the rotational system. Sector coordinates...
Hi pilots,
just a little update. The new Version is currently in pre-testing as a dev version for all official testers. It will be available for everybody very soon.
Thanks to all the players who sent in reports. You really help to get all those nasty bugs!
Here is a little Video from the...
here is a little teaser for what is coming soon.
It was a lot of work to make this as compatible as possible for all platforms making it look passable.
- schema
Hello and Welcom to StarMade,
this update features a huge extension to the factory system, as well as a new cleanup system that will greatly improve a server's long term performance.
Factory System
Beetlebear added tons of new manufacturing materials, factories, and recipes. A factory can...
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