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      StarMade 0.0928 New texture pack alpha & separation of power

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update features the first version of the new texture pack. Beetlebear is working hard on improving the game's textures, so give him some love and feedback. New textures The new texture pack defines an all new color style for StarMade. Less "happy" colors...
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      StarMade 0.092768: More performance, less bugs *ver. num fixed*

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, another core update to combat lag and bugs. My changelog is pretty cryptic without knowledge of the code, so I'm going to explain the changes here informatively. More data of all structures is now requested dynamically The requests for segments were on a...
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      StarMade 0.092764: Redesigning core parts for performance

      Hello, there isn't much to say about this update, except that it has a lot of performance upgrades. One new feature is customizable max speed (in the server.cfg), but please use that with care. Normal computers will run out of memory, if there are 20 sectors per second to load in. An out of...
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      StarMade 0.092763: AM bug & Clocking/Jamming fixes

      Hello, another update coming your way: Huge thanks for the reports I have gotten and the help of Calbiri & Ira, and other people providing buggy ships and reports! Cloaking & Jamming changes Other than actual being able to use them, the cloaking and the jamming modules have received a system...
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      StarMade 0.092762: Crash & Bug-Fixes

      Hello, most of the crashes were due to the change in the core of the last update. I also finally fixed some bug that have been around a little longer: - fixed client crash (hopefully): "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!" - fixed several server...
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      StarMade 0.09276: Startup Synchronization & Missiles

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, I made some pretty good progress in optimizing the initial synchronization when joining multi player servers. Also missiles are now way better. Network Protocol Optimizations The huge waiting for the synchronization has bothered me for a while now. I finally dug...
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      StarMade 0.092753: Intermediate Update to fix some stuff

      Hello, I'm working on some stuff taht takes a little longer now, but I wanted release a quick update to fix some of the current bugs/crashes: - fixed bug that would stop cluster updating on clients - adjusted buffer size for writing out segments to improve performance - fixed bug that would...
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      StarMade 0.09275: More AI, Projectiles-over-sectors, Turret Fix, Bulk Connection

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update has some major fixes and updates: Enemies without borders AI is now capable to aggro and pursue its enemies over the borders of sectors. Until a coming update that will specialize pirate spawning, please don't do trains to much :( Projectiles...
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      StarMade 0.092749: Enemy AI

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update has a few tweaks to the behavior of AI, especially their targeting algorithm. They are now a tiny little bit stronger than they used to be... This is a pretty low setting of difficulty. Other changes: - fixed bug that would cause ship physics to...
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      StarMade 0.092748: Server performance & Memory leak

      Hello and welcom to StarMade, I'm back to my usual working schedule, and there are 2 updates today. The main focus for both were on server performance. A big thanks to Doomsider for giving me access to his server. Being able to grab logs and remotely profile the running program has revealed a...
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      StarMade 0.092746: a few fixes for server stability

      Hi, I'm sorry, I had some other things to do and didn't have much time to work on this weekend. This update contains some fixes to prevent a server from crashing, as well as a possible fix for the duplication bug. I'll be back to full focus tomorrow. Thanks for playing StarMade, - schema
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      StarMade 0.092744: Who you're gonna call?

      Hi there, I'm pretty busy at the moment so I have to keep this short: The ghost bug should be fixed (some objects that were in a ghost state might be warped a sector or two but should be fine after that) Serveral server fixes The server will most likely crash again since I purposely didn't...
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      StarMade 0.092742: Server Crashes

      Hello, Thanks for all the mail notifying me of the server crashes. I was able to catch 2 bugs that were resposible for 17 out of 17 today. Seeing how essential it is to catch the logs on the point of crashing I added a "copy-logs-before-each-start" to the star script of doom's server, so I can...
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      StarMade 0.09274: More Faction Options & Credits Trading

      Hello there, this update features new faction options and the ability to drop credits into space. Faction Options Factions can now be set to "consider neutrals enemies": All neutrals will be considered enemies of the faction (and their AI) Factions can now be set to "declare war on hostile...
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      StarMade 0.09273: Custom Docking Area & much more

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This version features customizable docking areas, remote activation with beams, symmetry mode for wedges&spikes, as well as some bug fixes and smaller features. Customizable docking area The docking area can now be shaped by aligning the docking-enhancer-blocks...
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      StarMade 0.09272: Collision System Level-Up (Hotfixed)

      Hello there, This update is dedicated to the physics collision system, as it was glitching a lot lately. It also was the main cause for servers to become unplayable. With this new update I hope that there is finally a LOT less glitches (there might be some leftover that didn't fall into my...
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      StarMade 0.09271: Added rest of the wedge shapes

      All rotations can now be chosen in advanced build mode. All spike-shapes are not yet implemented (would be 24 more roations), but will come somewhere in the future, as well as maybe half-blocks. Thanks for playing StarMade, - schema
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      StarMade 0.0927: A few small and a big one

      Hello, another bugfix update. I originally planned to add features today after a few bugfixes, but a report was posted on the forum that finally gave showed me how to reproduce a bug that has been hunting me forever: one of the ugliest kind: random physics glitches like stuff falling through...
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      StarMade 0.09269: More fixes & small enhancements

      Sorry for the short news. I'm still down with a cold and pretty tired at the moment. fixed local catalog saving Notice: Please re-save any ship you saved locally by using the "save local" button on a multiplayer server (blueprints saved on servers are not affected) added function to...
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      StarMade 0.09268: Symmetry feature + flood fix & security

      Just a little update additional to the last: Added symmetric mode for odd block counts this can be turned on and off in the advanced build mode and will basically move the planes into the middle of a block, enabling players to use symmetry modes for odd counts. Server could be overloaded...