
    1. downedpilot

      Read by Council Boarding and Breaching Additions

      Who here likes the Idea of jumping into a boarding vessel, breaking and entering into your enemy's vessel and destroying it from the inside out, or just flat out taking it over? Because I do. But there is one flaw that prevents me, and many others I know from doing such procedures, the fact that...
    2. downedpilot

      Recognized Cloaking should be an effect, or at the very least something like it

      As many have said, cloaking needs to be changed in some way or another, and I believe many of you will believe me when it comes to this. All of us have wanted at least once to design a ship that could cloak and still be capable for combat, and while the current system is alright many believe...
    3. N

      Antiblock weapons

      A question for the community, what would the best weapon be in this senario: Your large ship(1mil shield or so? You can support reasonably large weapons) is fighting another large ship and you just downed their shields. Before their shields reboot, try to do the most damage possible to them...
    4. U

      Read by Council Logic signal from computers

      I would like to get a logic signal from computers when they are activated. For example: I link a overdrive effect computer to a light block. When I activate the overdrive (via hotbar or logic) the light turns on. This would make it easy to indicate if the effect modules are working. Or...
    5. O

      Read by Council Japanese Anime Type Weapons

      Hello, everyone! I would like to make a suggestion about a new kind of weapon. Existing Cannons fire a lot of small bullets. I feel this tendency is somewhat inherited from Hollywood movies including STAR WARS. Existing Beams fire instantly vanishing light rays. I think this can be more showy...
    6. nightrune

      Read by Council Weapons Replacement

      I know there are many other threads about this one, but I think this dynamic works for both Players and AI. Please, If you have a thread post it here and I'll attach them to this one. Problem: Swaping out weapons systems on ships from a blueprint. You currently have to download, spawn in...
    7. nightrune

      Read by Council Cannon spread.

      Pretty basic. Add a small default spread to cannons, and increase it as you slave cannons. This would help differentiate beams an cannons in a significant way. Especially after they fix beams.
    8. Viridis00

      Survey: Ship Stats

      I'd like to get a better feel of what players look for in terms of ship stats in relation to their size. I'm mostly a builder, but I've been getting back into the game gradually and to sharpen my ship building skills I'd like to know what other players look for when they take a look at the stat...
    9. Benevolent27

      Brainstorm This Adding some excitement to combat - Small Ships - DOT Weapons - Hacking and more!

      Ok, hello there. Sit down and have some tea. So with the current state of thrust, weapons available, and turrets, there really isn't a whole lot that a smaller ship can do in most of the PVP fights I've seen. What I've noticed is that large titan ships just sit there and rely on their turrets...
    10. Lithia


      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a simple note here due to recent incidents. This is just a "Suggestion post" directed to the "Developers" on my opinion of what "I"...
    11. Snowfox1337

      Improved boarding viability

      During a discussion on another forum (link will be provided) We started on the subject of boarding and i realised boarding really isnt a viable oprion at the momment...either you run into shielding issues or you have to spend 5 minutes using the torch beam to cut through a single thick layer of...
    12. Benevolent27

      New Weapon + Thruster + Shield + Generator + Fuel Generator, using resources

      Hi, so this is a pretty simple idea at the root of it. The AIM is to make smaller ships more useful and help larger ships be a little less annoying to use by introducing fuel/ammo based versions of already existing blocks and adding a new block to make use of stars in farming. New Weapon...
    13. Benevolent27

      Read by Council A simple suggestion about Targeting

      I did a search for a thread like this, and couldn't find one. If there is one already, I apologize. But here's my suggestion. Allow players to select a target from within their targeting circle and stay locked onto it when using lock-on missiles. I suggest this because I tried to PVP someone...
    14. WalkerGain

      Can't destroy a ship

      Hey, I was just wondering if someone could please give me some kind of vague idea of how I'm supposed to destroy a single Isanth in less than 10 minutes. From what I hear, nobody else seems to think this is a problem. So I don't understand why I don't. I've been experimenting with turrets, and...
    15. NorseEngineer

      Turrets enhanced and weapons extended

      now, I have two ideas: Compact turrets, Advanced weapons. Compact turrets: Thoughts: a problem with turrets, especially after the new docks, is that they have a minimum size before they can function properly, they need: core, docker, AI and at least 1 weapon computer, so to have a nice looking...
    16. Ciaranhappy!

      conventonal weapon idea

      maybe add a weapon type that, instead of firing lasers or missiles or beams or stuff like that, fires a bullet, and this could maybe be useless in space as it would just flout of or not fire at all, but in an atmosphere of a planet, it would be rather useful and might even ignore shields
    17. CactusPungente

      Plasma Blades - Melee Weapons for ships

      I think a melee weapon for ships (other than disintegrators that are one hit weapons) shall be added to the game. The first thing that came up on my mind was plasma blades or something like that. How would they work? There will be a computer connected to N modules. One (minimum) or more of them...
    18. Employee763

      Quick, easy, small arms ideas

      Some quick ideas relating to small arms. 1. Limit it so only one weapon of each type is allowed per inventory. Having 10 snipers on you and gunning down anything in your way is OP, but totally allowed at the moment. 2. Personal force field. Currently, astronauts are really, really pathetic. A...
    19. Crimson-Artist

      Read by Schine Weapons Menu Improvements

      I've noticed that the weapons menu isn't as helpful as it could be. For instance if I have tons of weapon/system computers that all have their own slave it becomes confusing when u lose track or don't know what modules connect to what computer. For that matter the the menu only tells me the...
    20. Hykarunogo

      Ammo, NPC, many things !

      Hello everybody, ! To start, I need to say English isn't my first language, so please forgive me about my grammar, I'll try my best to be understandable :) First thing, Ammo : Little ships can't have big weapons : they need power regen, shield regen, shield cap', and many things in a small...