
    1. E

      Soul Keeper Escape Pod 1.0

      Pavlov Corp. Presents. Soul Keeper Escape Pod 1.0 A cheap and simple way out of troubles ! (almost fertikeen free, keep it for wars!) First product released by Pavlov Corp. on the galactic market. This escape pod logic driven is provided with all modern fonctions expected. Now avaiable...
    2. DeepspaceMechanic

      CALCULATRON 9999 - An adding machine v1.3

      Allow me to introduce one of my greatest logic endeavors, Calculatron 9999 - an attempt at making a StarMade logic calculator. It's called "CalculaTRON" because I feel like the commonly used "tron" ending denotes machines with personalities, and the "9999" part is a reference with a twist to...
    3. Jake_Lancia

      Jake Lancia's Supersimple Compact Chaindrive V0.99

      Trident Super-Simple Chaindrive A very simple, low-maintenance, robust chaindrive. This is mainly for people who cannot handle the complexity of modern chaindrives such as Jaaskinal 's ( which btw is THE ORIGINAL public chaindrive) Features three separate clocks linked to twelve jump...
    4. Stormraven

      Mk 4 Hrolfsson Heavy Industries Logic Core 2017-08-25

      Greetings! Some of you may remember my last upload, the Mk1 logic core. Well, a lot has changed since then, and with advances in logic capabilities came significant improvements in both performance and overall mass. Compared to previous iterations, the Mark 4 is technically rather simplistic. A...
    5. AtraUnam

      Fulrent Mech 2017-08-20

      So a few caveats, due to the upcomming power update this mechs is presently a shell with the exception of mass enhancers and dockd thrust in the legs. As such if you want it to work you'll need to add more enhancers to allow the arm turrets to move. Additionally there is a little bare logic on...
    6. W

      The age old problem of "relocating/moving the ship core" I HAVE AN IDEA!

      ALL RIGHTY! This is gonna be a long one, But i guarantee A LOT of those who read this might like this suggestion. HERE WE GO!!! The Veterans and Master builders have all run into this issue and many of us who play this amazing game have all been wanting it for ages. The age old issue that...
    7. GaeasSon

      Display Module as Logical I/O

      1. Proposed: That the display module act as a linkable conditional switch based on the evaluation of a Boolean expression. Examples: eval: [structureHpPercent] < 20 :: true while [structureHpPercent] is less than 20. eval: [docked] = "docked" :: true while the structure is...
    8. -=DWM=-

      Very Simple Enemy Detector V1.0

      I realise there are a few detectors around. Ah well, I put my own on Starmade too. It's not too difficult to understand how this one works, if you are in logic. I guess that you need two of them, on a X-as and Y-as for a better scan. After detection and the situation is safe again, the scanner...
    9. AtraUnam

      PL Simple Lift 1.0

      The 'Practical Logic' rail lift is a result of a certain admin deciding that I should receive a purple name with little power and lots of responsibility, as a result I feel that it is my duty to provide simple and easy examples of practical logic to make the game more accessable for new players...
    10. Wilavid7

      USS Enginuity-class Shipyard Mk 1.0

      After several years of using contracted shipyard production, the United Sectors Shipyards is proud to present the first in its line of private stations, the USS Enginuity-class Shipyard. Intended for use well within faction controlled space, this station features modest defenses in case of the...
    11. Vitulus

      Possible Logic Bug

      This is probably a bug in logic. If no ones knows how to fix Ill upload to bug tracker. If this is a bug I really want a work around! Ok so let me explain. This glitch happens when you deactivate a block and activate it again on the same logic tick. Video: (If you can't see it - I'm still...
    12. Atheu

      VFS - Void Drive v2

      Version V2 Changelog: After taking the notes from the review done by Jaaskinal Removed Redundant T-Flips Modified clock section to remove gaps and added some lights (in case people want to use this as a display) Changed Footprint from 3x3x8 to 3x3x6 Jump-drive changes - Drives are now...
    13. Captain Fortius

      M-306 Vindicator Class Frigate 1.0

      This is the Mark 306 Vindicator class exploration frigate. It was built for the purpose of travelling the galaxy, identifying and destroying hostiles, and collecting raw materials. Defense: The hull is well armored with an all-around double layer of standard blocks, with tripple layering...
    14. MacThule

      Inter Ship Remote

      Suggestion: Inter-Ship Remote logic block. The current "Inner Ship Remote" is an Intra Ship Remote and is fantastic, but I think we really need an "Outer Ship Remote" for sending Inter-Ship commands (ie commands between docked entities and nearby ships you control). Especially now with fleets...
    15. Serene-Switch

      Simple Multi-Directional Display Rail Controller 2017-06-01

      A simple example of how to use display blocks to move rail objects in 3 dimensions using multiple input methods. There are multiple displays that (I hope) explain this setup well enough for anyone to expand upon. If anyone else has achieved the same result with simpler methods please feel free...
    16. Crimson-Artist

      Starmadepedia's List of Logic Circuits help

      Hey, everyone. Crimson-Artist here. For those that don't know I do a lot of work on the official Starmade Wiki, Starmadepedia and I'd like some help. I've noticed that we really don't have a common listing of helpful logic circuits similar to other games wikis like Minecraft's. I've taken the...
    17. BlackCrusader

      [HELP NEEDED] Complicated switch

      Hello all. What I actualy need is a one button press switch, which will in turn power on 1-9 activator blocks and then back to 0. For Example: I have 2 blocks activated. I press the button, I have 3 active. I press again, and I have 4. When I have 9/9 aktive blocks and press the button again...
    18. lucforlife

      Proposal new block: Transferable docked entity's connector

      My proposal is a rail block that transfers docked entity's from one entity to another. The idea is a block that is added to the end of a rail on one of the entity's and one on another entity so that the rail systems become one by connecting the 2 blocks by docking. This should be easily...
    19. DeepspaceMechanic


      WELCOME TO THE SHOWCASE THREAD OF CYBERSPACE SHIPYARDS! (A lore-less fictional company that builds perhaps as many non-ships as ships; things get much better than the first few pages) I've been playing the game since around August 2015. I approach StarMade as a creative game - I'm here to...
    20. Wilavid7

      USS Phalanx Mk 1.0

      Completing the main line of heavy USS capital ships is the Destroyer-class USS-Phalanx. It features the familiar central cannon design with improved detailing compared to it's predecessors. It serves as a support vessel for larger capital ships, but it can also lead small military campaigns on...