CALCULATRON 9999 - An adding machine

    CALCULATRON 9999 - An adding machine v1.3

    Game version
    Compatible with both old and new game versions
    Allow me to introduce one of my greatest logic endeavors, Calculatron 9999 - an attempt at making a StarMade logic calculator.

    It's called "CalculaTRON" because I feel like the commonly used "tron" ending denotes machines with personalities, and the "9999" part is a reference with a twist to the famous HAL-9000.
    (I later discovered a MineCraft calculator named "Calculatron 3000", total coincidence.)

    • This is a calculator of a rudimentary design that can only perform addition with max 5-digit numbers (it was still hard to make, and this design can be easily expanded for more digits).
    • This system might malfunction in laggy conditions (please consider your environment before concluding that it doesn't work).
    • Professionally or education-wise I have nothing to do with electronics or any other field relevant to this kind of engineering (so don't blame me too much if it falls short of standards) ;)

    • I built this rudimentary calculator with near-zero formal education or private study in the fields of IT, electronics, or the likes.
    • Any example of sub-optimal efficiency, wasteful component economy or lack of functional elegance should be viewed in the light of the above fact.
    • I had to identify and solve the many sub-problems of automatizing computation by myself, except for the seven-segment digits of the display, the number pad layout, and maybe a few other things.
    • I gave it some thought and am aware that mechanized addition is a much simpler problem to solve than mechanized subtraction, division or multiplication (it's unlikely that I will ever try to build those into future versions of this machine).
    • As any logic system with delayed signals, this calculator might malfunction in laggy conditions (please make sure to rule this out if it seems that the system has an error).
    I never was exactly the typical nerd, never was especially inclined to the kind of thinking required in this kind of engineering... But one day, 4 years ago, I sat in an office -- I think I had some daydreaming imagery flashing in about possible ways in which the light sensors of digital cameras might work -- then I took a glimpse at a desktop calculator, and some connection between the two was recognized. I felt humbled after realizing that that cheap thingy, made of some plastic and copper, could do all that fancy arithmetics, and that there must have been a metric ton of clever thinking going on sometime in the past that made all this "tech magic" possible.

    Naturally, I couldn't go any further than a few superficial, qualitative insights about what it might be doing in order to give quick, correct and comprehensible outputs as a reaction to intelligible inputs. Not knowing much about logic gates and stuff, I messed around on paper for a few days, settling only the most trivial basics on an abstract level. Some time later, I started thinking of concrete solutions, in terms of ancient electro-mechanical designs, with relay switches and such.

    Only then did I read a bit into the history of mechanized computation, which was inspiring, but humbling again. Of course it wasn't for me to re-invent this wheel. But then I got familiar with StarMade and its logic system. From there it took around 2 years to give it a try, and see how far I can get with the tools provided by this game. At first I just wanted to experiment with a 6-digit array of seven-segment displays, to make a simple digital clock, but then I managed to figure out, in a week's time, how to make addition work.

    With the final logic refinements and completion of the casing, it took a total of 2 weeks from spawning the core. And as one of the results, I have much more respect for the good folks in electronics and IT than before.
    The blueprint catalog says that it has 2,346 logic blocks in total:

    Button - 74
    Activation module - 372
    Flip-Flop - 152
    AND-gate - 953
    NOT-gate - 153
    OR-gate - 45
    Delay module - 221
    Wireless transmitter - 376

    2.png 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg

    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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    Latest updates

    1. Removed outdated power blocks

      Removed outdated power blocks.
    2. Fixed a mis-connection in display digit #2

      The #3 partial sum input of display digit #2 was accidentally wired in a way to show "2" at...

    Latest reviews

    this is very cool
    Thanks! :)
    this is completely...
    "This is completely... 5 stars?" - Thanks, I'm glad you like it :)
    I do not know anything about logic (apart from putting a button that opens a door or turning off a light ^^) so I am very impressed by a creation like this ... great work ^^
    Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it! - I had to put all my 2 years of experience with StarMade logic into this project to make it work :)