
    1. jayman38

      Reverse Connection Block

      I haven't heard anything about multi-C-selection being implemented, so in case that is too hard to implement, I wanted to recommend a new logic block that implements an alternative way to connect multiple masters to a single slave block with less effort. You slave this connection-reversal block...
    2. Crashmaster

      1D-4U Sierra Dropship 2018-08-30

      Based off the UD-4L Cheyenne dropship from Aliens. Heat-seekers in the weapon pylons, bombs in the hardpoints. Couple of salvage beams in the lifting body. *Broken by updates* (light bar corners became physical)
    3. Kraengis

      4 Bit RK 2018-08-17

      A set of modules that allows to build differents kinds of radios that can be used for many purposes (but it was originaly made for ship identification when approching a station). Radios can be really simple to setup if they are basic builds but as you add differents functionnalities the...
    4. Kraengis

      4 Bit Radio-Kit User Manual

      A few weeks ago I posted in the CC a template of 2 modules for wireless ship identification (https://starmadedock.net/content/uensa-tm-84-id.7576/). But those modules, that are basically radios, have a big flaw : sometime the wireless blocks don't respond too well so data was lost quite often...
    5. Kraengis

      Global variable logic block

      The concept is pretty simple, it's a new logic block on which you set a name like for inner remotes and it takes the state of all others globals blocks with that name. It's general behavior will be similar to wireless blocks but when it's state change, it changes the state off all others...
    6. Kraengis

      UENSA TM-84-ID Demo 2018-08-01

      The TM-84-ID modules's description isn't really clear without an example. This shipyard shows how to wire theses modules and also demonstrate how they should be used. Modules : https://starmadedock.net/content/uensa-tm-84-id.7576/ --------------- There are 2 sides on the shipyard, one with...
    7. Kraengis

      UENSA TM-84-ID 2018-07-27

      Advanced UENSA wireless technology allowing to setup automated shipyards with a full system of autorization and control. 8 bits request and 4 bits answer (for each message 2 bit are reserved for message detection, so it's more like 6 and 2 bits). There 2 modules : boths are transceivers but...
    8. Kraengis

      "Logic loop protection: Signal stopped from traveling to another entity!"

      Hi all, I recently got back in the game, and now all my wireless modules, when activated display that message, no matter the complexity of the logic system. But those systems still works perfectly. Is that a bug? If not how to get rid of it?
    9. MrGrey1

      USD With Pickup Rail Countermeasures.

      USD with pickup rail countermeasures. Pickup rail countermeasure logic is framed within the door. As soon as the docker gets docked, the activator turns on the clock, the clock's Not and AND are connected back to the docker so it detaches whatever tried to pick it up pretty much instantly...
    10. arkahys

      Some tools with logic

      I open a topic to post some interresting stuff i don't find answer and to explain ressources I posts. Delay don't react to a too short signal, there is a simple way to straighten signal With the frequence gap between rail and delay, you can get a simple clock around 10 tick by sec : Make...
    11. arkahys

      base 10 logic counter 2018-05-17

      a simple B10 logic counter as I don't find anybody who share or explain this on forum I explain how to here Rates and comments are welcomed !
    12. Feanor_Arran

      USS Avalon 2018-05-14

      Logic Frame/Shell I had intended to upload this once I had the profile and shell done. Oops. No major subsystems; Reactor and Stabilizers are in, along with Propulsion and Docking. What you get is the shell and much of the logic I've put on, along with some chibi-fighters. Features: Working...
    13. arkahys

      Improve Logic and display

      There is some things who I'am interesting to get, who can reduce logic circuits space and/or reduce calcul charge : Xor gate : 1 gate instead of 4. Make ratio (on speed rail controller, sensor) with less activator : activators slave of activators are counted in ratio of controller. then link...
    14. arkahys

      light level of light blocks by number of activators.

      All is in the title : as you set the speed of rail by % of number of activator on controller, set a % of light emmited by light blocks by connect more activators on it. Allow soft light, fading effect, etc ... Go further a "multicolor light block" who can be connected by other color light block...
    15. S

      Sensor and weapons

      Can sensors be set to read weapons systems or chambers?
    16. BoomMicGuy

      SCS-Ranger-Skiff 1.1

      BUILDERS BoomMicGuy Troll82 Back Ground This ship is designed to be the starter ship on Endeavour. The server uses a special configuration that allows all power types to be used and you dont have to be picky. Here is a link to endeavour server: Novus Galaxy: Endeavour | StarMade server A...
    17. Shiniyami

      Your coolest logic creation?

      We all know and love the fact we can make all sorts of fun things using logic in starmade, What are some of the most creative or impressive or downright insane ways you guys used logic in starmade? In my case i created severall things i find noteworthy. I created an orrery of the solarsystem to...
    18. Coyote27

      Analog Logic: Sine and Dial

      Here's an idea for two logic blocks that are analog rather than binary, and would open up a wide range of new possibilites especially for rails. SINE generator: Generates an analog sine wave with a frequency of 1 second. Similar to a speed controller, the frequency can be stepped up by linking...
    19. Coyote27

      Individual chambers/effects toggleable by hotbar and logic.

      This is a smallish suggestion and should not be that difficult to implement, but it'd really add so much to the game as it is right now. We need a way to toggle individual chambers and the effects thereof, firstly on the hotbar - so we can swap between different defensive effects, toggle jam and...
    20. Arcaner

      Why are delays as they are?

      I mean, c'mon, why are delays not configurable? I really need to use long timers a LOT. Is there some reason this isn't possible? Performance? Memory? Stubborn Schema? (That was a joke). Rails are not exact enough. They don't even have a we'll rounded off speed! (But that is another problem...