
    1. Arcaner

      Some much needed logic keybinds

      I recently built a lot of logic circuits and experienced a lot of pain over some things that could've been avoided had there been a couple more aditions to the C + V method of linking... -Shift+C then V onto another block: Would work the same way as Shift+V. Would allow the player to connect a...
    2. DeepspaceMechanic

      KORTHEX - The Deepspace Mech v1.6

      KORTHEX The Deepspace Mech Please check this thing out in-game because the pictures/GIFs don't transmit the full magic of this mighty mechatronic exoskeleton! Try out the gun in the left hand and shoot some stuff with hotbar turret control. Have fun and share your impressions! ;D FUN-FACTS &...
    3. DeepspaceMechanic

      GAME IN A GAME: "Pixel Jet Fighter" platform v1.3

      The "Pixel Jet Fighter" platform A 2D jet-fighter-vs-enemy-cascade shooter game on a 105-pixel display! It actually works: different kinds of enemies spawn in random positions, they proceed towards you, and you can either shoot them down, or move out of their way, or else they take you out...
    4. Sven_The_Slayer

      Logic Interaction For Reactors And Chambers

      One key component I find missing from the power 2.0 update is the inclusion of logic interaction. We can manually switch reactors and chamber branches but this would allow for so much more freedom if it could be done via logic giving us a little more freedom in a very restrictive system. You...
    5. Captain Fortius

      Logic + Salvage beams

      As odd as it is, it took me this long to try my hand at an automated salvager array. What's stranger still is that I'm still building stuff in these turbulent times, but let's cut to the chase. Here's a small test machine that was supposed to sweep back and forth with a salvage beam. The SVG...
    6. DeepspaceMechanic

      THE FUNCTION SELECTOR - 10 or more functions in 2 buttons! v1.3

      Ever felt that it's kinda weird that taking control over our ships means magically disappearing (when using the core block) and giving commands to the ship basically through telepathy? Ever felt that it would be a nice roleplay feature to be able to both control and monitor your ship without...
    7. Gmodism

      GI_4XFS-RMS Mk1

      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GI 4XFS-RMS Mk1 The Gmodism Industries brings the latest advanced rotary missile system, it fires 4 missiles rotates between the launches. The system is Mc and has decent damage. Gmodism Industries Shipyard. Brought to you by Gmodism Industries. Gmodism...
    8. Gmodism

      GI_Rotary Missile System (Counter-Clockwise) Mk2

      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GI Rotary Missile System (RMS) Mk2 The Gmodism Industries brings you this practical missile system that rotates and fires a missile automatically from the magazine of 4 missiles. The missiles are Heat-Seekers and are designed to be fired at a close range from a...
    9. Captain Fortius

      M-205 Vanguard Class Destroyer 2017-12-30

      This is the M-205 Vanguard Class Destroyer; A compact, swift and agressive escort ship for the fleet. Overview: When flown solo, it's great for shorter missions, where it's high manouverebility is of more value than the raw power and capacity of a larger vessel. - Not to mention, it's...
    10. Gmodism

      GHI Elevator Template Pack With Simple Set-Up STANDALONE

      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GHI Elevator Template Pack - Standalone Release The Gmodism Industries brings you a time saver from our template pack as a standalone release, as this is one of the most requested thing to have as a template, figured you in particular might not want the other...
    11. Spartan-228

      Turn off your Rail Docker

      This is a relatively simple idea. It would be nice if we could use a logic block to turn on and off the docking block or blocks on our ships. That way we wouldn't need to worry about some one hijacking our ships with a core and a rail block, through our exposed rail dockers.
    12. NeonSturm

      Is there a way to count arbitary blocks types in storage without withdrawing them?

      Is there a way to count arbitary blocks types in storage without withdrawing them? I wanna setup a factory which automatically produces capsules (easy) and a fixed number of paint stored in a single storage (hard). I want the same system to produce 5x every type of computer and not more by...
    13. ProfDriftwood

      Big Zaku Project

      Hello, I'm sorta new to the game and I'm working on a mech, because starmade needs more mecha. Right now it's just a shell and some basic systems, because like everyone else I'm holding off until the new power system goes live to deal with that. All the same, there's tons of work to be done in...
    14. Captain Fortius

      M-95 Gunship v2.0

      Wingspan: 55 meters Height: 20 meters Length: 95 meters Mass: 5,430 units Shields: 500k cap w 50k/s regen Thrust ratio: 2.1 Cargo capacity: 20k internal +100k external Additional systems: -Enhanced shields -lvl 2 mining bonus -Scanner with lvl 4 strength, lvl 2 duration...
    15. xX_Tyvier_Xx

      Rail Logic Glitch/Solutions?

      Anyone who is having similar problems please let me know. When I dock entities to my ships/stations (Specifically doors) after a while, they fail to continue working properly. In the case of doors, when I hit the button to start my logic sequence to slide doors open, or rotate them, they...
    16. StormWing0

      Password Locked Logic Storage?

      How is this done? Been meaning to make a Personal Storage system for faction members and need a little help on the matter. Anyone figure out a super reusable version that can be extended as needed?
    17. Micro753

      Bug Rails Undocking

      So, I loaded up a ship I built six months ago, and all the rail doors, landing gears, etc. undock when i toggle the direction of the rails with logic. To be sure I just didn't screw up my logic, I built a simple mockup to test: The button is only linked to the flip-flop, the flip-flop is linked...
    18. Crashmaster

      Turret extender maybe 2017-09-23

      Spam-proof rail logic with rotation step.
    19. S

      Need help on how to make a non-spammable activation block?

      I have made a rail contraption, and it breaks if you press the activation module while the rail parts are moving. Therefor I am trying to make a way so that as soon as you've pressed the activation module, it cannot be changed after e.g. 10 seconds (time it takes for the rail system to finish)...
    20. E

      Soul Keeper Bay 1.0

      Pavlov Corp. Presents. Soul Keeper Bay with Escape Pod 1.0 A cheap and simple way out of troubles ! (almost fertikeen free, keep it for wars!) First products released by Pavlov Corp. on the galactic market. This fully automated bay for escape pod logic driven is provided with all modern...