Search results

    1. R

      concerning custom station spawns?

      how do we get our custom stations to spawn? the instructions on the update news post weren't very specific, and what if say my directory is missing the specified folders?
    2. R

      texture packs with sound?

      I was wondering, how possible is it to add sounds to textures? it appears plainly possible to do it based upon the one block which right now has this feature. the core makes a rumble engine big ship sound when close by. As much as I do like the fact it makes sound, I think this particular one...
    3. R

      Super Fun with logic!!!!!

      I was chilling out with someone on a server. he had an epic huge sprawling base. anyway we were chilling, and he happened to be busy with modding Starmade. not that easy to do with the games current state, but he showed me a few mods he was working on. one mod allowed him to setup decoy blocks...
    4. R

      State of the game.

      OK then, I used to do threads like this all the time on the old site. there were several with the same title, if you were to bother to look it up on it. these threads all had the very specific purpose. to discuss the current state of the game. regardless of how many there was, they all were...
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      Password will not update.

      I've been having an issue with my password. I've tried changing my password, and I go though the motions of changing the password through the registry, however upon doing so all seems to be working until I try to use the new password. it however will still except the original password as is...
    6. R

      Dave counterpart name Vote

      I've made a new female skin. I had the idea of using the default Dave Skin, but I gave him a gender change operation. I didn't change much just basically his face and simulated some bumps on his chest to give him a feminine look. but the result was something that looks like Dave's wife...
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      Sugested Names for the female Dave Counterpart

      I've made a new female skin. I had the idea of using the default Dave Skin, but I gave him a gender change operation. I didn't change much just basically his face and simulated some bumps on his chest to give him a feminine look. but the result was something that looks like Dave's wife...
    8. R

      Station forum section

      I noticed how there is a shipyard section for posting your custom ships in, but what about Stations? we now have the ability to save them just as we do ships, it's a bit more involved at the moment, but it is now possible to do so. and some have already. if you look on the community content you...
    9. R

      working buildable robots.

      I was watching a live stream of this game where someone basically built an AI module controlled robot. They then saved this as a blueprint ship, and then used an army of them as their home bases defense. the ones they made were basically a floating pair of guns with armored hull for protection...
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      Wolf Tech mega corporation

      Welcome to Wolf Tech! this is where I will be showing off some of the ships I build. I thought I would use the name of my faction on our old build server since they don't play anymore. anyway lets get started with my first design...
    11. R

      shops need some looking into.

      I've been really heavily looking at the recent changes happening to the game. for those that know how to find ans use it, the Dev builds are a good way to get sense of this. I do know the early state this game is in, and you can save your automated response for someone that cares. the game is...
    12. R

      this game is greenlit right?

      then why isn't it on the steam store for purchase? not that concerned as to why it isn't, as the beta is free and all, but I am a bit concerned for the future. my worries aren't for the success of the game. its too good to fail in that department. schema cares enough about the game to resolve...
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      Spaceman Equipment.

      General apology if this is in the wrong forum heading. I really didn't know weather to post this in general discussion. or here? as we already have the gun and helmet items, it is somewhat already in the game. so if this does become more in proper discussion for general discussion I will urge a...
    14. R

      Half Height Blocks-flat plate blocks-cover panel blocks.

      WE KNOW!!!!!!! this has been discussed on the old site. you do not need to troll by pointing this out!!!!!! the old site is dead please move on!!! and morn its passing properly it is also going to be inaccessible soon so stop bringing it up! it has been killed by the one we have now it is far...
    15. R

      is the wiki gone?

      is the wiki going away? if it is where do we go to get the info about the game which the tutorial leaves out, like the admin command list? there seems to be a lack of this kind of information from the old site, but I think even that is too outdated to be useful anymore. I think its time we...
    16. R

      Skin request thread.

      I'm surprised by how useful the new site is with skins, but more so surprised by a lack of a skin request thread, that was one of the first things done on the old site and that was impossible to post on. I hope I'm doing this in the right sub forum, but I was hoping someone else would woman up...
    17. R

      Some Rather Disturbing Disillusions.

      I've been noticing a few rather disturbing disillusions have become more and more blindly obvious since the new site came online. it seems some people are under the impression that the best way to affect change in the game is to do one of two things. hold a poll, or gather enough like votes. I...
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      Docking needs a revamp.

      I think its high time we stop ignoring the elephant in the game room. it's wrecking the pool tables anyway. Puns aside I also think its time to start discussing less of the game in the suggestion section. that's why this isn't there, and also its something already in the game so it doesn't...
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      New Weapon Types.

      Ive been looking at some of the many star trek ships in the content section. there are lots of them. but most of them tend to have to put turrets all over them. this isn't that big a deal because from star trek online we do know turrets are in star trek. but I'm seriously curious as to why no...
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      Patch Notes Archive

      I know the new site is a bit in disarray, while all the dust clears and the new features are bug hunted. It's all going very well to improve how we all collaborate and even to an extent play the game itself. What all that means now, is that it is going g to take time to weed out all the clutter...