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    1. R

      New Testing Proposal

      Scine recently made a proposal to us about the new power overhaul. I have a proposal for Scine. One that like this change, also touches EVERYTHING involved within the current state of the game. It seems like Scine has quite a few projects in the works. one of those most openly concerning being...
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      Starter vessel contest

      Greetings I am Wolfe. I have a star made server, NEW Starmade streamer SERVER details on how to play on it are in the thread. I am gonna be hosting a build off event, on my star made server for new starter ship designs. we are a new community so we need cool things to populate our Galaxy. If...
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      NEW Starmade streamer SERVER

      Welcome fellow Astronauts! I am Wolfe. and I'm here to give all those aspiring Star Made streamers a new home to drop in and share their content. come to my new Galaxy open to the public. We hope to build a great new community for streamers by streamers. Our server host has the ability to...
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      Truster Plume Effect

      I have to tip my hat to Scine lately. what they have done with the game is amazing. the recent logic additions alone have been well worth the work put into them. I have been experimenting myself quite extensively. I felt that now was a good time to speak out about a certain thing that I hope...
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      Russian Minesweeper

      so I was toying around with the new logic blocks. I got this crazy idea involving the Randomizer. what if you make a circuit that is connected to a grid of buttons. then take these grids and connect them each to a Randomizer. then connect those to a warhead. you can see where I'm going with this...
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      3D model Exportation catalog

      now that we have the ability to actually export our ships as 3D models. there are a lot of potential for vast improvements of building ships. I was thinking maybe we need a place to catalog these exported models. because the game now supports this feature. we could be doing g some really...
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      New and interesting Economic Structure ideas.

      I used to be a big time player on the old Mushroom Fleet Server. I was immensely fascinated by some of the interesting ways they managed their servers economy. they had adopted some rather revolutionary means of trade by entirely doing away with the games default currency. I will begin this by...
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      Recognized Consumables for purposes other than a hunger mechanic.

      it has been a popular suggestion to add consumables to starmade for a long while. It has also always been popular to counter it, as being a reason to artificially add in an unwanted and wasteful development time for a hunger based mechanic. there are however a counter for that argument as well...
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      OK its time for a really heated topic to discuss. This is something that is going to get a little difficult to really talk about quickly, if we do not at first disclaim some assumptions most readers are going to make. First things first. lets get this very very clear! we are not telling Schine...
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      Server Under Heavy Load if this message persists please tell an admin to send a report.

      Server Under Heavy Load if this message persists please tell an admin to send a report. Press F7 to check on lagging sectors/objects. (if there is no sectors/object lag. it may just be connection problems.) yes I did just do this to make sure that people reading this get why this is so...
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      Shipyard Default Station Type

      OK we now have shipyards in the game, they are amazing too. now however, unless someone makes some, for at least one or all of the default categories, there wont be any spawning in the game. now as I suggested, you could just build some and put em in the default folders. but that isn't as good...
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      The tutorial is outdated agian.

      I recently started lurking around twitch and its many starmade streams. I noticed quite a few attempting to play through the tutorial. there was one set of trends that created a lot of frustration among them. this trend is that the tutorial still doesn't reflect or cover certain changes with the...
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      Server Concept Discussion

      I recently did a little bit of fun gameplay on the shattered skies server. it being a survival server with unique config settings. that makes it possible to do a lot of fun scenarios that other servers are just not capable of. I was doing some survival playing around my planetary colony, and I...
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      YT 1930 freighter

      I am looking for a SMedit model of this ship from star wars which will be featured in the new star wars movie. i want to try and build it in starmade. here is a pic i found of it. which is a 3D model of it so im guessing with a little Google work you can find it somewhere. but regardless I...
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      temporary stealth revamp

      OK I was checking out the new combat changes and so far I've been very impressed. the new hp system is really great, it makes the games combat so much more fun and interesting. So I then jumped onto my build server to go and give this whole system a go. and have to say it is so much more...
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      Brainstorm This Astronaut Mode gameplay.

      with the recent changes already being made to the game whats become more and more obvious, is that one area of gameplay has been more and more neglected. so i now would like to warn others of the incoming large sets of text to read, I'm highlighting the important parts with bold text to let you...
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      Starmade Development Plans

      It seems the community has kind of gotten lost the last few day on where Star made is in development. people are asking questions now that have already been answered. like what does Star made need? the answers are many, and all are as vague as psychiatric Moral evaluation exam. So rather than...
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      Implemented Logic Jedi Badge.

      we have been getting quite a lot of forum badges lately, and now that we have the council and stuff I think it's time for a new one which has been long in coming. We are becoming a growing community and lately we have been specializing. The counselors are community oriented members and there are...
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      Feedback: New docking.

      Well I took some time to do a little looking at the new docking system. So far its all mostly a positive light. I love everything about the new system, and its only developing in a good direction for the future. However I think I am doing something others clearly are not. and that is looking at...
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      It's about time.

      Its been one hell of a last year hasn't it? look at the games current state and you can clearly see it developing into quite the game. what is also clear is that it is developing some solid direction for a change. things are being planed out. concepts are being tested and implemented in ways...