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    1. R

      Some thoughts on the new planet dynamics.

      I was thinking about the latest news going on the old site, and a lot of exciting stuff is happening. new changes are going to be making it very fun for the game. the one thing that caught my mind most of all is the new planets coming soon. we are finally getting some planets we can actually...
    2. R

      so when is the new site coming

      i was curious as to how long a wait time will be for the new site. I hope they make it more user friendly, the forums are so archeichly antient its amazing it dosnt anoy the devs of the game so much they drop everything else to fix it. i also would hope they make the chat a little more usefull...
    3. R

      Star Trek Phasers: Did you know they arent actually beam type weapons?

      I know I am going to be called a real nerd for posting this thread so get it over with now. yes, I do watch alot of Sci Fi, and yes, I do actually know a bit about science and space and all that. OK anyways, lets gat to the topic subject. \We have all watched Movies and shows like Star Trek...
    4. R

      change is good-current state of the game.

      Well, it has finally been yet another year of star made. I like to look at games ive played for this long and assess just how good and bad they are doing. in this peticular games case its doing quite well considering. Right now the new pre build is out for testing so the new changes are...
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      game website redesign.

      a while ago schema announced tha tthe gaame website would ber undergoing a major redesign. so I thought it mite be about time to start discussing that change now. we know it means a few changes to the forums. but I personally think the catalog system is getting a tad dated as well. right now...
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      Gravity blocks wont turn off.

      ive noticed that the new directional gravity blocks will not turn off. the onlty way to get out of a gravity blocks influence is to fall out of it. this is when playing the most recvent dev build.
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      AI Diffaculty or Stupidity Level. Depending on how you look at it.

      ok this is something I think is needed to be brought to the very forefront of discussions. right now the game is in alpha I get it dont rub it in, we've all heard it before, you do not need to respond like the robot automatic answer. "the game is buggy, thats alpha." we arent stupid like the...
    8. R

      New Ship System Mechanics Construction

      New Ship System Mechanics Construction (Modular System Control Panel) OK its been forever since a real update has made it worth attempting to play agian and since a few game stopping bugs (like no stores spawn properly and many others that impede actuall depth of play.) have creeped up I'm...
    9. R

      Cockpits-Ship Cores, Which should we really be flying the ship from?

      OK, I know this may seem like a blind topic but if you will bear with me my point will be made quite clear. this is something that has been bugging me since I first played the game. I understand why the game designed code dictates that we are to controll the ship by entering the core, this is...
    10. R

      Difference between Alph's and Beta's

      OK I hear alot of double talk and plenty of labeling, when it comes to vidio games and gane design. I am not a vidio game designer, nor am I even remotly skilled in programing. but even idiots who spend thier free time on something and feel pasionately about it, can learn enouph to understand...
    11. R

      Escape Pods or ejection mechanics.

      I was playing a bit in single player while attempting to build a Star Furry from Babylon 5. anyway one thing the sci fi shows often have is the concept of an escape pod or ejection device in some of thier starship designs. so this had me thinking, wouldnt it be really interesting to have...
    12. R

      lets talk about the state of the game.

      lets talk about the state of the game. OK, I know immediately I'm going to get told something silly like "I'm too serious", or "maybe I need to play another game", or" why am I being negative." first off I am not intending upon being negatiuve, in absolutely any way, you are simply perceiving...
    13. R

      I think its about time

      OK I've been watching this game for a while, I've also been watching several other games that follow its basic design as well. Some of them have things this game really would seem to need. but lets face it this game is freeware and freeware never evolves beyound a beta unless some investor funds...
    14. R

      Importing Space and Planetary Stations.

      I was trying out a few new ships I downloaded, and i had them hanging around my faction base, and next to my station they looked quite dwarfed by the massive dock which I had built, and it actually occured to me that there is a way to import and export ships, but yet that station would be pretty...
    15. R

      Skins crash game

      I recently updated my client and noticed that old custom skins no longer work such as the female one from the mainsite. if you try to use one, it causes a crash. I thought this was due to the recent update because I saw the following in todays patch notes. Astronaut head movement: The head of...
    16. R

      Encounter Senarioes.

      I was playing starmade for a bit the other day, and then I realized how insanly bored I actually was. yes I do realize the game is only an alpha version its unfinished, much is still broken or missing in state. stating such is pointless, unnecissarry, and wastes time, so save your breath and...