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    1. R

      Analyzing StarMade.

      Recently, I was in some rather intuitive creation discussions with a fellow writing enthusiast. the person I was talking with understandably wishes to remain anonymous. So I will respect that wish now and make no more mention of his identity. Amway, this babel all has a real point. when we were...
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      half blocks

      YES WE KNOW ITS BEEN SAID, TALKED ABOUT, AND MENTIONED, WHATEVER ALREADY SO YOU DON'T NEED SAY SO. use your brain and add something more useful to the actual topic please. This is an idea that's been tossed around for a while, and it also has been debated about quite extensively. but, since the...
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      Epic Beards Adventure server.

      Welcome to the fun! join the epic beards server today. we are a friendly laid back server, but will deal with aggressors if necessary, the rules of the ship are simple don't grief and have fun. you can find us and the server address on the public server list as long as it is online, via the...
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      Forums Rating System

      OK, first of all let me get the disclaimer up front and center. I have a personal opinion, these opinions do not reflect the minority, or the majority, of those that use these forums. as such you are welcomed to share you personal opinion if you wish to do so. Whether it agrees, or disagrees...
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      Libertarian Alliance

      Greetings Universal denizens of this galaxy! I am Lady Wolfe of the Libertarian Alliance. I have come from a galaxy of oppression and hardships, i have suffered much in my life. much as many of my kind, we were once enslaved by an evil emperor, but today I an a slave no longer. Today, I offer...
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      Ship builders challenge

      I thought it mite be kinda fun to hold some ship builders challenges basically a simple contest to see how many can best attempt the current theme of the challenge. It's not intended to be official or hand pit prizes or anything. this is simply to sharpen our skills at trying to create ships...
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      Starmade: State of development

      Starmade isn't the program you coded back in your nerd basement anymore! Its been going on strong for what, a good few years now? look at how far we've come! this game has matured. It has gone from being a glitch riddled block space builder program, (lets face it back then, calling it a game...
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      Rechent Developments.

      It's been a bit of a low period of late, so maybe its about time we start discussing some of the recent developments. for those that aren't versed upon the latest news of starmade, Shceema has revealed quite a lot on what hes working on. one of those things is what he called the rail system...
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      Lets talk Shop

      I didn't actually know whether this topic belonged here or in suggestions. but if desired I'd allow for it to be moved if need be. but as this subject includes a feature that is already in the game, this was as good a place to start. well, anyway to begin with ever since the last update...
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      time to look at balance agian.

      recently there was a massive balance update for all the ship components. and that was done gloriously. it fixed a whole lot of issues, maybe caused some new ones, but point is it was done. it mostly focused on just ship components. now I think its time to do the same for mob and other entity...
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      account linked to steam, but launcher crashes when attempting to play through steam

      I was able to get my account to link through steam, but immediately upon doing so, the launcher stopped working entirely. I found out that steam reinstalled starmade, but did so in the steam directory. OK, not a problem right, wrong because the original launcher still recognizes the original...
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      Wolf Squadron (recruiting)

      Welcome We are Wolf Squad! Who are we you ask? We are a group of merchants and mercenaries that have wondered across a few galaxies. We have a wide presence across several Starmade Servers. Some more heavily than others. We try our best to be a helpful as we can to those we deal with wherever...
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      The Docking Paradox

      I know the new universe it all exciting, and it just dumped over to release, so a lot of really excited people are going to probably geek out over it for a while. That's fine I'll let y0ou do so, because I'm right there with you. Since the old docking general discussion thread is getting a bit...
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      remember this thing?

      hey you guys remember this mod? I do, and I think since its getting easier to do this kind of thing we need a new one. it time to make new decorative blocks. the problem is getting someone up into a computer chair to do the damn thing...
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      Custom Blocks. what can they now do?

      OK then the latest update was a rather big one. It boasts so many good changes. So naturally many people are just trying to wrap their heads around what just happened. It's allot to take in on such seemingly small amount of changes. custom blocks have been greatly improved now. below is a snip...
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      Feedback Forum

      I was perusing the forums a bit lately, and Ive noticed a rather large missing type of forums heading. it occurred to me that we really don't have a place to talk about the features of the current game state, or specific problems with it. I have often made my criticism about the docking system...
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      Docking needs a REVAMP!

      I know its been said before, Docking needs a revamp. but obviously it didn't sink in. there have been several threads on the subject and its only getting worse lately. here are some I found just by typing in this threads title. Docking Orientation Module C-Command to enable/disable docking size...
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      FTL Feedback

      Now that the proverbial cat is out of the bag, Ive seen several threads ranting and Geek Gasaming over the new fast travel mechanics recently added to the dev. builds. so generally most of us have noticed that they are at the least, happening. so I felt the NEED to start talking about them...
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      Official Help Link not working

      there is a new Official help link on the bottom of the forums now. its not working. when I click on it I get this, its about like saying 404 error page not found, but without the ass hole fake kindness sarcasm.
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      modding tool set

      before the trolls come to feed, I'm aware of SMEDIT. I'm also well aware of what it does and vaguely how we are supposed to use it. what many are not aware of is what it cant do. it cant edit game scripts. it cannot specifically define files of types to scripts of code. basically it cant do...