Peace Corp Shipyards index

    Apr 26, 2020
    Reaction score
    Active Projects:

    Revenant Class Frigate:
    Detailing: Pending

    - Utopia Shipyard Station:
    intial build. 50% complete in work

    - Sentinel Class Destroyer:
    Upgrade/redesign. pending
    Sentinel Class Titan | StarMade Dock
    - Spector Class Corvette:
    detailing. pending
    Spector Class Covert Ops Cruiser | StarMade Dock

    -W.I.L.O class beam turret:
    Complete/not posted yet

    - Venture Class carrier:
    detailing/launch system fix. pending

    - Goliath Class Capital turret cannon:
    Completed/not posted yet

    - Goliath Class Capital Turret Beam variant
    update. Complete/ not posted

    - Captured Warmhole Jump gate station:
    initial build. 10% complete

    - Dominion Class Frigate
    System Update. 99%, (requires combat testing)
    Dominion Class Battleship | StarMade Dock


    - Pursuit Class Heavey Fighter:
    Pursuit Class Corvette | StarMade Dock

    - Andromeda Class Carrier
    Andromeda Class Carrier | StarMade Dock
    Shipshowcase – Andromeda Class Carrier – Dire Wolf (

    - Peace Corp Standard Shipyard
    Standard Peace Corp Shipyard | StarMade Dock

    - Hulk Class Cargo Transport
    Hulk Class Transport Ship/Tug | StarMade Dock

    - Apollo Class Cargo Transport
    Apollo Class Cargo Transport | StarMade Dock

    - WP FTL Jammer station

    - PC Small Syphon Station

    - Capital city planetary Plate
    Capital City | StarMade Dock

    - PC Habitation Module
    Standard Habitation Module | StarMade Dock

    - PC Standard Cargo Container
    Dockable Thruster Unit | StarMade Dock

    - Dockable Thruster Module
    Dockable Thruster Unit | StarMade Dock

    - Mustang Class Cargo Transport

    - Delta Class light Fighter
    Delta Class Lighter FIghter | StarMade Dock

    - Piper Class Racing Shuttle
    Piper Class Racing Shuttle | StarMade Dock

    - Gremlin Class Light Fighter

    - Alpha Class Light Fighter
    Bravo Class Heavy Fighter Type A | StarMade Dock

    - Revenant Class Frigate
    Revenant Class Frigate | StarMade Dock

    - Predator Class bomber
    Predator Class Battlecruiser | StarMade Dock

    - PC Automated Factory

    - WP Outpost
    Wolf Pack Outpost | StarMade Dock

    - Warden Class Corvette
    Warden Class Destroyer | StarMade Dock

    - Excalibur Class Corvette
    Excalibur Class Cruiser | StarMade Dock

    - Falcon Class Corvette

    - Blue Bird Class Scout Shuttle
    Blue Bird Class Shuttle | StarMade Dock

    - Raider Class Scout
    Raider Class Frigate | StarMade Dock

    - Mantis Class Corvette
    Mantis Class Corvette (FOR SOE SERVER) | StarMade Dock

    - Cyclops Class Corvette
    Cyclops Class Destroyer | StarMade Dock

    - Magnum Class Corvette
    Magnum Class Light Frigate | StarMade Dock

    - Monarch Class Carrier
    Monarch Class Carrier | StarMade Dock

    - Bumble Bee Starter Mining ship
    Bumble Bee Mining Drone/Starter Ship | StarMade Dock

    V.I.P.R Class AMS
    V.I.P.R. Class AMS Turret _Blue | StarMade Dock

    S.C.O.U.T. Class AMS
    S.C.O.U.T. Class AMS Turret | StarMade Dock

    Bully Class Troop Transport
    Bully Class Troop Transport | StarMade Dock

    Valkyrie Class Heavy Fighter
    Last edited:

    colonel lacu

    Gray, Red and black.
    Aug 1, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 8
    • Community Content - Gold
    • Purchased!
    you name your ships before they're complete?
    i can never come up with a name that sticks all the way to finishing the project.
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    Reactions: Dire Wolf
    Apr 26, 2020
    Reaction score
    you name your ships before they're complete?
    i can never come up with a name that sticks all the way to finishing the project.

    all the projects that are pending are built functional ships already (accept for 2 stations) and are just getting upgrades, detailing of system updates due to changes in mods. when i start a new ship they get a place holder name and an "NX" series tag. once they are finished they get their final name and a MK series tag. (MK01...MK02...ext)

    colonel lacu

    Gray, Red and black.
    Aug 1, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 8
    • Community Content - Gold
    • Purchased!
    I tried out the latest Revenant class frigate.
    it's got some interesting design decisions.
    This is a review from a visual perspective.
    like how the turrets on the stern are directly in front of what appear to be thrusters:
    Could be fixed by moving the thrusters to the end of the stern.

    Also a lot of the turrets seem to have really pathetic supports: 1701705163133.png
    I understand if that's for weight saving reasons but it seems many of the turrets have their range of movement limited by the design and geometry of both the gun and the ship hull. So I take that the ship has placed form over function in some places.

    i feel the bridge could've also been raised somewhat to offer a better view to the crew. it's got a strange flange around it that blocks a significant part of the view.
    a lot of the surfaces could've also been more detailed or interesting.

    The turrets really feel like they're sticking out of the hull too much. maybe its just personal preference but I really prefer the look of turrets that have been sunk into the hull and therefore more covered and less distracting from the greater forms of the ship.
    how you'd go about doing this is making something similar to what you've done with the side turrets but on the top.
    A hole where the turret will sit, and then cover the hole up from the top with the horizontal axis part:
    It might feel like a waste of internal volume, but a lot of the space will be reclaimed by the turret. and it saves a lot of mass you can use to make the hull bigger in general. if you're aiming for a specific mass limit.

    The ship also has plenty of silly visual features that i believe could've been significantly improved in a minute of work.

    I thought it best to not rate the ship because its very clearly made for pvp and I've got very limited experience of pvp. I don't think its fair for me to judge it solely on visual value and ignore all its merits I'm not familiar with.
    Apr 26, 2020
    Reaction score
    I tried out the latest Revenant class frigate.
    it's got some interesting design decisions.
    This is a review from a visual perspective.
    like how the turrets on the stern are directly in front of what appear to be thrusters:
    View attachment 62537
    Could be fixed by moving the thrusters to the end of the stern.

    Also a lot of the turrets seem to have really pathetic supports:View attachment 62539
    I understand if that's for weight saving reasons but it seems many of the turrets have their range of movement limited by the design and geometry of both the gun and the ship hull. So I take that the ship has placed form over function in some places.

    i feel the bridge could've also been raised somewhat to offer a better view to the crew. it's got a strange flange around it that blocks a significant part of the view.
    a lot of the surfaces could've also been more detailed or interesting.

    The turrets really feel like they're sticking out of the hull too much. maybe its just personal preference but I really prefer the look of turrets that have been sunk into the hull and therefore more covered and less distracting from the greater forms of the ship.
    how you'd go about doing this is making something similar to what you've done with the side turrets but on the top.
    A hole where the turret will sit, and then cover the hole up from the top with the horizontal axis part:
    View attachment 62540
    It might feel like a waste of internal volume, but a lot of the space will be reclaimed by the turret. and it saves a lot of mass you can use to make the hull bigger in general. if you're aiming for a specific mass limit.

    The ship also has plenty of silly visual features that i believe could've been significantly improved in a minute of work.
    View attachment 62543

    I thought it best to not rate the ship because its very clearly made for pvp and I've got very limited experience of pvp. I don't think its fair for me to judge it solely on visual value and ignore all its merits I'm not familiar with.
    great review of the ascetics, and i will incorporate several of your suggestions in the next update. I however cannot use the sunken turret bases, even though they make more sense and look cool. It is too limiting for a pvp ship. As for the smaller nav thrusters... as I envisioned them as being used for turning and not acceleration, I did think they'd have long thrust plums.... but i see what you mean.
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