
    1. Mork2

      Door sensing autoclose logic

      New version with sensors. This will automatically close the door after a number of delay blocks. You can probably tie in other logic ways to open the door but this will close it. Normal sensor setup. Get a clock to trigger the sensor. The sensor needs to be connected to a block on the door...
    2. Endal

      Utility Crane MK3 1.0.1

      A crane that quite literally, raises the bar. This crane is the third version of a series of cranes, this version being the most flexible and simple of the three. The crane consists of a main turret with Y axis rotation, a trolley with forward and backward movement, a hook with up and down...
    3. Space Shaman

      Display Module Formating and Number Crunching

      Display blocks have some severe limitations: Creating images is a chore born of character width The newer ship variables you can now display can't be modified in many ways one would want and in fact expect. List of solutions: Formatting: Add a monospaced option. This should take the form of a...
    4. Tomatart_B

      Thor Salvager and Maintenance 1.0

      The Thor Salvager and Maintenance is a Civilian Class ship designed for the purpose of removing and repairing ships and stations. Equipped with a large cargo bay and a 6-point axis crane, this ship can tear wreckage to pieces as well as place new pieces with precision.
    5. SchnellBier

      SBS Thor - Corvette 2016-12-15

      Introducing: The SBS Thor - Corvette Inspired by Raibens Thor blueprint from the ship of the month event. Special Features: - Landing Gear - RP Interior Additional Pictures: Base Stats: Mass: 7,145.2 [total /w rail: 7,300.1] Thrust: 7,747.6 Total rotational potential: 0.3, 0.3, 0.5...
    6. JumpSuit

      Lost-Legacy (Recruitment Closed)

      Welcome to the Lost-Legacy Forum, Where Innovation is Discovered™. We strive to expand Trading as intentions are to function as a Trade Faction. Various services are offered to Customers such as: Blueprint Fillouts ( Not Yet Implemented ) Stocked Shop ( Not Yet Implemented ) Buyable...
    7. MacThule

      Shipyards: tie to logic & fleets

      Give us the ability to automate shipyards so that when certain conditions occur (i.e. material levels reached, enemy detected, or fleet or station taking damage) shipyard begins producing and completed ships automatically join a set fleet (i.e. give shipyards ability to have a set "rally point,"...
    8. JumpSuit

      WarpGate Enhancements

      Now, I come up with brilliant ideas about everyday, some I throw on the table. Others still hang within my closet in the back-end of my mind. But, this one in particular is Unique I suppose. The idea is the implementation of StarGates, Similar to that of WarpGates currently in-game, the key...
    9. Endal

      Who says that all Starmade factories are boring?

      [Update 19/11/2016: Greeble]
    10. Jaaskinal

      Chaindrive explanations. 1

      It's a thing, that shows you how to do things.
    11. Snapems

      Display Module - [PARSE]

      Hi, I would like to suggest adding [PARSE] to the "Advanced Codes" in the display module. For reference please look at the table: Display Module - StarMade Wiki Much like [ADD], [REPLACEALL] it "must be in the very front". Here's what it does: You put "[PARSE]My Favorite Sector: [sector]" in...

      5 digit binary subtractor 1.0

      Video demo-ing construction and use of such a device: Really though it's pretty self explanatory. Please note that before the system finishes random numbers may be sent as outputs I suggest that you only read the data outputted once it finishes.
    13. wizerdwolf

      WizTech Fleetworks - Capital Ship Mainframe Computer

      So, being a fan of logic systems and technology in general, I'm working on creating a sort of logics center that I can template into my larger ships. The project is dubbed the "WizTech Fleetworks Capital Ship Mainframe Computer". Despite the name, this isn't a computer in the sense of a general...
    14. G

      Can logic blocks relink modules?

      Despite help from the nifty little "similar title" popup feature on these forums my specific question remains unanswered. Mainly I want to know if logic blocks are capable of unlinking and relinking modules to a computer. For instance, if I want to have two different types of slave on the same...
    15. FirePhoenox

      Wondering if anyone can help me with a 3 step door lock

      Curious as to how this would be done, I have 3 Activation blocks. First one is main power, second one is lockout, and Third one is the activation block that turns whatever I need on and off. So both activation blocks 2 and 3 will not function if activation block one is off and button 3 will not...
    16. Captain Tankman

      Display Porn

      I'm surprised that this thread doesn't exist yet D: As many other showcase threads, post here your creations with display logic. I'll start off with my liltle 8-frame radar screen *animation is slower ingame Another idea I wanna try is some kind of animated pixel art as ship's AI
    17. SchnellBier

      SBS Briar 2016-10-19

      Introducing: The SBS Briar Special Features: - Landing Gear - RP Interior Additional Pictures: Base Stats: Mass: 4,352.8 [total /w rail: 4,607.8] Thrust: 5,741.3 Total rotational potential: 0.3, 0.3, 0.6 Length: 107m Height: 27m Width: 65m Power: 4,424,985.8 (581,109.7 e/sec) Shields...
    18. Endal

      Logic Beam Module

      Logic Beam Module It's quite simple, implement a placeable block which emits a beam akin to the core beam when it is pulsed with a "True" signal. 6 orientations too. Feedback is welcome. (EDIT:Me no gud math, think cube 8 side)
    19. Tech-priest

      TechPriest-TerminalMk1 2016-10-21

      Terminal + other system in complect: ProtectedTerminalMk1 v0.9 functions: /logout /newpassword door controller v1 functions: /door open/close lift controller v1 functions: /lift 1-3 /lift status fan controller v1 functions: /fan off/on /fan speed 1-4 /fan revers /fan status message...
    20. AtraUnam

      Allow core beam on docked entities

      Currently the core beam (which still works for logic activation) does not appear to work when an entity is docked to another one. As far as I know there is no reason why the core beam should/could not work on docked entities and personally I can imagine a few useful applications for such a feature.