
    1. Jaaskinal

      Display information storage 1

      This blueprint contains two useful logic contraptions, one to encode four bit logic inputs into hexadecimal in a display, and one to decode the last hexadecimal number on a display. There are displays on the blueprint that explain the interactive pieces of the logic, everything else should just...
    2. Fellow Starmadian

      Shift registers and memory storage: a logic circuit pack 1.0

      Circuits included in 1.0: -instant pulse, bi-directional shift register breadboard -binary storage using instant pulse shift registers breadboard -shift register latch template -1byte memory storage template -8 byte memory storage template Coming in V1.1 -explanation of instant pulse logic...
    3. Fellow Starmadian

      backwards connecting logic lines

      Pretty simple, but very useful! If people could hit V on a block, and hit C on all the blocks it needs to be connected to, it would greatly help in shortening build times. I suppose there could be a mode-changing button or keyboard shortcut, whatever works best. example: memory storage...
    4. Bench

      Display Module Commands 1.0

      A new group of templates to allow you to control logic by issuing commands via a display module.
    5. Fellow Starmadian

      Expandable logic storage 2016-10-09

      Expandable logic storage, in a simple template form. Everything is explained using display blocks on the ship.
    6. Fellow Starmadian

      instant pulse bi-directional shift register 1.000001

      Uses instant pulses and latches to control a shift register, capable of going in both directions. Props to Olxinos for teaching me how to do this :) The circuit is expandable, everything is explained on the circuit.
    7. FlyingDebris

      Logic Display Example 1.0

      Basically, I've constructed a few logic display setups that scroll, and switch text on the signs. Useful for creating advertisements, readouts, static, etc; to make your ship feel alive. Also serves as a good guide to beginner level logic. I do intend to add more displays onto this later...
    8. SchnellBier

      SBS Raya 2016-10-08

      Introducing: The SBS Raya Special Features: - Landing Gear - RP Interior - 2.4 Thrust/Mass ratio - 50% Overdrive Additional Pictures: e6e4fac5941c4a589bbd42aac6a93528 SBS Raya by SchnellBier on Sketchfab Base Stats: Mass: 3,218.5 [total /w rail: 3,286.1] Thrust: 7,734 Total rotational...
    9. splatthecat

      Colour Changing Lights

      With the new logic changable displays I was thinking that a similar mechanic could be applied to lights. Imagine if you will a system of green lights in your station. Attached to an enemy detection system, the logic could trigger these lights to change to red. Not two lights next to each other...
    10. Space Shaman

      Absolute Rail Rotators

      You cannot depend on rail rotators to be where a logic system expects them to be. This is due to the fact that when they collide, they return to their initial state; meaning they become desynchronized by a measure of one rotation. You can't detect what position the rail is in to correct this...
    11. C

      Operate Logic from within docked entity

      Hello everybody, with this Thread i hope to raise some good ideas on the solution of a current problem: As i try to design a (ready for RP) system for cargo pod storage and transportation i recognized, that its not possible to operate the ship cores activation beam while docked to an other...
    12. jstenholt

      Additional Sensor Block Features

      The titles speaks for itself! Some suggestions include thrusters in terms of percentage of speed cap shield rechargers in terms of whether or not they are currently recharging, so a simple high/low signal would work I know others have suggested linking them to weapons, so throw more...
    13. Rymac

      Rail simplification with use of speed controller suggestion

      I was building a complicated rail path and putting in the logic to reverse the direction, and realized this doesn't need to be so messy. Say you have a rail path that goes forward, then turns right, then up, then left, for a say a tram or turbo lift to travel around the ship. For every direction...

      Counting Docked Drones with 7 segment display. 2016-10-05

      Say you have a bunch of drones, combat drones, mining drones, whatever. Maybe you need to warp away from danger or some of the drones get destroyed, wouldn't it be great if you could see how many you had recovered so you knew exactly how many you needed to replace without having to count them...
    15. rocketman221

      Read by Council Logic Friendly Jump Drive Improvements

      I would like for jump drives to be easier to control with logic and not need laggy rail clocks to recharge. I suggest making the jump drive charge for one second on each high input. This would allow for continuous recharging with a simple clock. I also want to be able to recharge it without...
    16. Wrathserker

      Display Modules interaction, Methods Ideas Suggestions

      Now we have the technology to jump through space but no way to digitally manage our ship. Logic takes up soo much space, while im against removing it as block to block system this Idea could be a great addition. 1. Display Module This Block is sorely lacking function. A Display Module should...
    17. Designerman011

      Modified 3-bit 0-9 Randomizer 2016-09-27

      This randomizer outputs in Decimal form, with a button input. The randomizer features a modified 3-bit binary output that is converted into a 0-9 decimal output.
    18. JumpSuit

      Ship Cord-Cabling

      So, in a previous suggest I had done, I said something along the lines of re-route-able power cables going through out the ship, and gave an example. Well I am thinking Pipes that connect a storage to another storage, an example of this is Minecraft Buildcraft Pipes, or Better, Space Engineer...
    19. spaceEngineer

      Aux power logic enabled

      Here is a very simple suggestion. aux power should be logic accessible. When the sensor update came out recently my first idea was to go set aux power to turn on below 75% power. Everthing worked beautifully besides activating the aux blocks themselves. One could argue that balance could be a...
    20. jstenholt

      Read by Council Rail Dockers Linked to Displays

      A seemingly simple suggestion that has the potential to expand the newly expanded (and amazing) display block functionality. A way to transmit display block changes across entities. This could be done in a similar manner to how the new display block adjacent to an activator works. For...