Can logic blocks relink modules?

    Aug 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Despite help from the nifty little "similar title" popup feature on these forums my specific question remains unanswered.

    Mainly I want to know if logic blocks are capable of unlinking and relinking modules to a computer. For instance, if I want to have two different types of slave on the same gun be used for different situations, can I set up a logic system that can de-link, say, 50% of the ion blocks of an ion computer slaved to a cannon, and then re-link them as needed to change the shield damage of the cannon on the fly? I have some other ideas for weird weapon systems but I cant seem to figure out if I can perform this one task, none of the logic blocks seem to be able to do it, but I have a poor understanding of the logic system as it stands.
    Sep 18, 2014
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    Nope. Can only be done by doing it yourself in the weapons menu.