    Mar 10, 2016
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    :D btw sorry for not noticing there where different styles included in the dl, should have reviewed the proper one that is less colorful ^^"

    No problem at all my friend... at least that version of the ship got a little spotlight too, because the pictures at the download page show only the one with the black-brown-blue color scheme.

    Also, I don't know if you saw that last little ship with those electric sparks in my previous post, but I was inspired to make my own version of that after I saw one of your review videos of the original one (in Bustie's fleet submission). :^D
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    Feb 1, 2015
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    No problem at all my friend... at least that version of the ship got a little spotlight too, because the pictures at the download page show only the one with the black-brown-blue color scheme.

    Also, I don't know if you saw that last little ship with those electric sparks in my previous post, but I was inspired to make my own version of that after I saw one of your review videos of the original one (in Bustie's fleet submission). :^D
    Oh yes I saw you made that version! Very cool ship that one, Bustie came up with a very cool tesla theme for sure
    Mar 10, 2016
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    Update time. This is another comparatively minor side project. On one of these days I'm really going to go and continue work on the station mentioned one or two posts earlier, but sometimes I just can't help jumping into new projects. :^D

    Allow me to present one of the latest productions of Cyberspace Shipyards: SynoLith 'A', a heavy asteroid miner.

    SynoLith 'A' - Heavy asteroid miner

    I started building this ship because I wanted to experiment with a rail-animated mining grinder system you can see on its front. I finished it in 3 days. Make sure to check it out in-game, because the pictures don't show the awesome grinder animation. And stay tuned for SynoLith 'B', a carrier to which this ship will be docked like some power tool. (By the way, this is the second time I'm using this design, the first one being: GYRUS VIRIDIS - My Ultimate Asteroid Miner)

    The grinding system is made up of two separate 4-arm rotors, one offset with 45 degrees from the other. When you toggle the grinding system on, the two rotors start spinning at once, making them seem like a single rigid component. Both rotors have twelve grinder heads, which are all separate entities that can spin on their own. So, when the system is turned on, both the rotors and those ninja star-like grinder blades start spinning... SPINCEPTION! :rolleyes:

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    Sep 29, 2013
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    I see you gave your own ‘spinn’ on a mining vessel. Very well done.
    Mar 10, 2016
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    About time to post another progress update... Plus I want to tell a few explanations / fun-facts / announcements this time.

    First, let's get my most recently published "ship" (which is actually a logic thing) out of the way:
    CALCULATRON 9,999 - Deepspace Mechanic's adding machine

    Navigating to the download page linked above will give you all the info about this logic project of mine, so let me instead continue by explaining why I post about my Community Content stuff over here usually 3 or 4 days after uploading them.

    One of the reasons is that, at times of lively forum activity, you have your shared blueprints at the top / first page of the CC section for a limited amount of time; posting about them on a thread gives them some extra (well-deserved?) attention, and it's best not to blow both these shots at once.

    But the main reason has to do with numbers: at this point, this thread is 150 days old and has gathered around 2,300 views, which is nothing impressive, but it averages to 15 clicks for each day since it's running - which is more than what I expected (and than what I can explain with the fact that my four unpopular StarMade videos on YouTube all link to this place).

    So, although this isn't exactly reflected by likes and comments, it's kinda like my stuff won the interest of a small crowd that I "must" keep entertained ;) More precisely, it just doesn't yet feel all that pointless to keep posting stuff every once in a while about projects I'm excited about (it kinda helps fueling my workflow actually).

    That was the "explanation" part, what else? - Oh yeah, a "fun-fact": I happen to be the author of five unpublished sci-fi stories, and also have real OCD (I'm telling this just to make it clear why these posts tend to end up being so lengthy, precise and stuff) :^D

    Lastly, the things I want to announce are:

    • I've been near the finish line for a while with that Disney Land-like station as well as that heavily-turreted octagonal station shown in my thread intro video, and they are the most likely next releases of mine. Finishing and releasing those will be a milestone for me, because they are the only projects left to be put out for public use from among all the projects in the aforementioned video (except for that railed-roof-covered shipyard, which I don't feel like continuing).
    • I'm planning to put together a list of my proudest StarMade work to show in the first post (like "My best hull design", "My best interior", "My best combat ship", etc.)
    • I'm building an epic, gigantic, ultra-detailed ship for a similar interactive roleplay purpose as Crimson-Artist 's famous Lost Shangri-La. I might start posting pictures regularly of the gradual construction progress of this ship. It will fall into either the heavy dreadnought or maybe the titan class. I already have some reactors and thruster engines for it, like the ones below:

    Dreadnought 1.jpg

    Dreadnought 2.jpg

    Dreadnought 3.jpg
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    Cyberspace Shipyards wishes you a fun time with
    the many nice ships and stations you will find here!

    I'm one of those who really cares about these things, and any positive reaction
    from the community will be much appreciated, also ask any questions you have!
    Your feedback will be a major factor in the development of this thread.


    After around one and a half year of playing StarMade, I finally decided to give myself up to the long-time urge of starting a shipyard thread.

    I've been through both a lot of fun and a lot of trial-and-error frustration with StarMade, and learned a lot of advanced building tricks along the way, and now I have many things to show that I believe/hope will be enjoyed by others who appreciate StarMade or sci-fi art in general.

    My main goal here is to try to transmit a kind of "special mood" that seems to be a result of being exposed to semi-realistic and slightly mysterious visual sci-fi material - that unique, pleasant state of mind that keeps us nerdy people (of good taste) interested in sci-fi games, movies, books, etc.

    I feel a need to thank some of the major influences that lead me to this point:

    Saber , who's ship review series got me into StarMade in the first place,

    Criss , who showed a kind of dedication in his youtube productions that made me realize that this game is surrounded by people who actually care and that it's worth signing up to the forums,

    Tshara , who's amazing creations are basically the real-world examples of my ideal building standards that I myself will perhaps never fulfill, and

    Drybreeze , who's progressive station construction thread added a lot to my appreciation of role-play building and provided the final spark of inspiration to indulge in a personal thread.

    Now to the teaser demo - Warning, don't miss the actual ending scene ;)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    (The best of my StarMade work, listed by category.
    Note: only finished and published creations are listed;
    the list will be updated every time I release better
    examples in the different categories below.)

    1) My current top light-weight mining / salvaging ship:

    2) My current top high-performance asteroid miners:

    3) My current top light-weight combat ship:

    4) My current top heavy combat ship:

    5) My current top interior designs:

    6) My current top hull designs:

    7) My current top space station:

    8) My current top turret:

    9) My current top ships with serious rail & logic systems:

    10) My current top logic system:
    Awsome work ! I absolutely love your builds. And that video teaser is near perfect to me.

    You've got yourself another stalker.

    here's one of mine i think you might like and that would probably fit well in your universe.
    Hotrod Explo Mk1
    Mar 10, 2016
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    Awsome work ! I absolutely love your builds. And that video teaser is near perfect to me.

    You've got yourself another stalker.

    here's one of mine i think you might like and that would probably fit well in your universe.

    Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate your feedback! - Glad to hear that you like my builds and the teaser video :)

    As for that little fighter ship you shared, it's very nice! I like its shape and color scheme a lot, and the sliding door/cockpit cover is a nice addition too, especially on a ship of such small proportions. - Good job! (y)
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    :bigdipper::canismajor::crux: Celebration time! :bigdipper::canismajor::crux:

    It seems that today, a little after reaching 6 months of age, this thread passed the 3,000 views milestone.

    I've been working on a few impressive projects lately, and although neither are finished, I'd like to show them off for this occasion.

    1) CONSTANTINUS - Mark II:

    The first one is a massive, dreadnought or titan-sized roleplay ship that I intend to fit with an adventure interior similar to that found inside CrimsonArtist's famous "Lost Shangri La" station.

    Here are two shots of its exterior plus a GIF showing its absolutely crazy core room (it is 870 meters long, the orange hull color is just temporary, it's obviously a long way from its final form):

    Titan 1.jpg

    Titan 2.jpg


    I wanted to start a project like this ever since I first saw a StarMade mech by another builder. Now, after six days of work, I finished its shell, and all I have left to build into it is a metric ton of logic to make it DANCE! - Because it has all the movement freedom needed for that (a lot of rail joints). Tell me what you think! :^D

    Mech 1.jpg

    Mech 2.jpg
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    Since I focused all my attention on my recently revealed titan project in the past few weeks of playing StarMade, I decided to start posting regular progress updates on it, and nothing else.

    I don't want the usual distractions to step in my way, like when ideas pop in about potential smaller side projects, we start construction on those, and by the time we're done with the small side project, the ambition for the serious stuff is partially gone.

    I won't allow this to happen this time, because what I'm working on now is very likely predestined to become almost as iconic or perhaps equally iconic to CrimsonArtist's great "Lost Shangi-La" project (you might not be familiar with that *ship* by name, but you have most probably encountered it before as one of the official default spawn *stations*, more precisely the Delta Derelict Station, Lost Shangri-La).

    I'm fairly confident that this very ambitious work-in-progress titan of mine will become as iconic in time as that epic work of art called Lost Shangri-La, because my titan was actually inspired by it, and will feature a similar adventure / mini-quest interior, but will probably outdo it in complexity, at least based on my long list of planned features.

    It will also be significantly larger (currently 880 meters) and will have a very well-designed set of obstacles to ensure the most enjoyable exploration experience. What will follow in forthcoming posts will probably include some lore / fictional background story, limited interior shots, and a video of flying around the whole hull... More on it later.

    Until then, I'd appreciate any feedback to get a rough idea of the level of interest for this thing. :)


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    Mar 10, 2016
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    "Constantinus Mark II"

    (Lore / Detailed fictional background)

    19 years ago, at the dawn of the 22nd century, Constantinus Mark II set forth to an interstellar voyage that ended up being its last one.

    That old mountain of steel was originally built as a secure ride for diplomats sent out to negotiate war-time policies between Humanity and the nearest technologically advanced species of the Orion Spur. As such, it was designed big enough to house two Class 'E', graviton-resonating wormhole generators capable of facilitating jumps in the 500-5000 lightyear range. It had notable armor, energy shielding and weaponry, almost but not quite enough to qualify as a warship. And it also provided the space and living necessities for a staff large enough to serve every "special need" of the diplomatic passengers, as well as to protect them in case of any serious trouble.

    After it reached its 75 year age-limit and got decommissioned, the robust starship was bought by a company owed by over-ambitious techie billionaires. They heard that the interest for extra-solar tourism, especially on-foot exoplanet sightseeing was rising fast, so that was the direction they wanted to investigate in. They intended to explore what's out there before sending their clients into a potential hell. So their engineers were put on the job to refit the dusty fossil that was Constantinus, to turn it into a versatile exploration vessel. They started by removing a great portion of the ship's armament, sparing only what felt absolutely necessary (still an impressive amount of firepower), continued by fitting in a government-funded laboratory complex, and finished by re-decorating the living quarters along a more modern style.

    What the company didn't realize is that they should've put twice the amount of care into selecting the crew they hired for the first journey of the renewed Constantinus Mark II, as the amount of attention spent on equipping the ship itself. Long story short, on the sixteenth day after landing on the very first planet meant to be explored for potential hazards, the youngest biologist guy, Samuel Infecta, felt it would be okay to bring aboard, without telling anyone else, a sample of an indigenous phosphorescent mushroom he found. On route to the second target location, several units of the ship's locomotion machinery malfunctioned, and a forward-directed explosion made the whole thing come to a dead-halt.

    The company never tried to retrieve the ship after the last thing they caught from its quantum-tunneling radio broadcasts. Two decades later astronaut legends still keep piling up about what's inside that ghostly piece of space junk, and what caused the total systems breakdown. Strangely, several unrelated sources tell the same tale of gruesome irony: the sample collected by the young biologist, Samuel Infecta, infected him, turned him into some monstrous mutant, and forced the ship to stop.

    "The monster wanted to stay home" - they say - "but ended up causing enough damage that he couldn't fly the ship back to the planet. Now he's hopelessly stuck there, a mere half Astronomical Unit away from his beloved planet of origin... Still feeding on the mummified remains of the crew, and eagerly waiting for the occasional lost star-sailor to stop by."

    Do these legends bear any truth? - Probably not... Perhaps not... Let's hope not.

    In any case, if you choose to indulge in the quest of finding out what happened aboard the mighty old Constantinus Mark II... Just be careful... Be very-very careful!

    • Started sketching out the Habitation Level,
    • Cut off around 150 meters of the ship's temporary front to prepare for redesigning it,
    • Parked a separate entity, partially sunk inside the hull in a 45-degree angle, to see where to build/dock some stick-out reactors.


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    Feb 1, 2015
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    :bigdipper::canismajor::crux: Celebration time! :bigdipper::canismajor::crux:

    It seems that today, a little after reaching 6 months of age, this thread passed the 3,000 views milestone.

    I've been working on a few impressive projects lately, and although neither are finished, I'd like to show them off for this occasion.

    1) CONSTANTINUS - Mark II:

    The first one is a massive, dreadnought or titan-sized roleplay ship that I intend to fit with an adventure interior similar to that found inside CrimsonArtist's famous "Lost Shangri La" station.

    Here are two shots of its exterior plus a GIF showing its absolutely crazy core room (it is 870 meters long, the orange hull color is just temporary, it's obviously a long way from its final form):

    View attachment 45806

    View attachment 45807


    I wanted to start a project like this ever since I first saw a StarMade mech by another builder. Now, after six days of work, I finished its shell, and all I have left to build into it is a metric ton of logic to make it DANCE! - Because it has all the movement freedom needed for that (a lot of rail joints). Tell me what you think! :^D

    View attachment 45808

    View attachment 45809
    Wow, definately wanna see that mehc dance!
    Cool projects!
    Mar 10, 2016
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    Wow, definately wanna see that mehc dance!
    Cool projects!

    Cool right? :D
    I was surprised myself of how this thing turned out. Its general appearance is way better than what I thought I can do.

    I worked on it for six days until I reached its current form, but then I had to leave it to rest a bit, because honestly I have almost no idea how to program it to do complex movements.

    I mean I know the basics, like it will have to have loops of delay blocks and such, but I got to find the most efficient setup.

    But good news, I got a few other projects out of the way recently, and this thing is next in line (my titan project will have to take a nap for some time). :)
    Feb 1, 2015
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    Cool right? :D
    I was surprised myself of how this thing turned out. Its general appearance is way better than what I thought I can do.

    I worked on it for six days until I reached its current form, but then I had to leave it to rest a bit, because honestly I have almost no idea how to program it to do complex movements.

    I mean I know the basics, like it will have to have loops of delay blocks and such, but I got to find the most efficient setup.

    But good news, I got a few other projects out of the way recently, and this thing is next in line (my titan project will have to take a nap for some time). :)
    Oh I see, well it is cool anyways, I think if the movement framework is set up it should be easy to program using a long delay line to do the moves :)
    Mar 10, 2016
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    It seems we have a lot of reasons to celebrate nowadays.

    It was only one-and-a-half months ago that this thread passed the 3,000 views milestone, and now, two days ago, we have passed 4,000 as well.

    For that occasion, I finally wired up and published the first version of my Samurai Mech, and it's only natural to showcase it here too. I advise anyone to download it and try it out in-game, because the pictures and GIFs don't transmit all of its merits. Perhaps program your own animation for it, I'd love to see that :)



    As for those concerned about my promise to remain on track with building my "Constantinus" titan project and nothing else... Well, I broke that promise quite a bit. But only because I realized the you actually NEED breaks with such massive projects, to be able to come back and have a fresh new outlook on how you might proceed with the construction. So the occasional side projects actually make things less monotonous and provide inspiration. Here's what I made; I guess we can say I was on a roll:

    1) Released an older, unfinished, but very neat shipyard: Ferrum Gravidus shipyard [Shared for others to continue]

    2) Made an unusual, highly-mechanized mining ship:

    3) Changes on my "Nebular Seed" station (four new vicious turrets and an astronomical observatory atop):


    4) An outline of a crazy new ship concept, the "Supernova Shockwave Surfer":


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    It's been a long time without any activity around here, 2 months to be exact. - But "Cyberspace Shipyards" is by no means defunct.

    It seems that this thread is only 5 hits short of the 5,000 views milestone, so I might as well post an update now. Although I won't do this occasional viewcount-based thing anymore, my titan project will be covered in continuation, every time I have some good progress to report (which might become a much more common thing from now on).

    THE FUNCTION SELECTOR - 10 or more functions in 2 buttons!
    A GAME IN A GAME: The "Pixel Jet Fighter" Platform

    KORTHEX - The Deepspace Mech

    3) CONSTANTINUS - Mark II (Interior sneak-peaks, teaser material):

    If you aren't yet familiar with this adventure-oriented titan ship project, you can
    find everything about it in a few previous posts on this 2nd page of this thread.

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    Like I said earlier this week, despite some hiatus, I will keep working on and showcasing the construction progress of my "Constantinus Mark II" titan ghost-ship, which will basically be a story-driven, interior exploration-oriented adventure map, with a ton of interactive Rail-and-Logic features, similar to the "Logical Nightmare" edition of CrimsonArtist's famous Lost Shangri-La.

    Note that this will not only be a flyable titan (a ship class notorious for the fact that a high ratio of examples in this size range never got finished) but it will also be a game in a game. So progress can be difficult. I had a creative crisis with this project, but managed to alleviate it.

    First, I decided to make a documentation with a detailed, chronological list of the specific obstacles I want to have in the linear-style game within the ship. Here is a copy of the document listing the part of my plans that are already realized: OBSTACLES.docx. These are only the first four obstacles/objectives, and there will be many more very-very fun ones.

    The other thing that boosted the workflow back to its original momentum was a simple note I wrote for myself regarding how I should proceed:
    • 1) Paint it black!
    • 2) Build inaccessible rooms behind the windows!
    • 3) Measure available space ---> Create compartment templates ---> Paste in templates
    • 1) Because the original light grey basic hull made it look too bright and "benevolent" for the spooky ghost-ship it's meant to be;
    • 2) To increase the suspenseful sense of imprisonment by minimizing the player's view of the open outdoors (where he/she will aim to get once the creepiness will start escalating);
    • 3) I want to have a bird's-eye view of the well-structured labyrinths of the different floors, which can be achieved easier when building outside, copy-pasting the results in afterwards.


    (The thing in the front, resembling a vintage aircraft radial engine, is a separate cancelled ship project
    that I will properly integrate into this ship, which is currently 700 meters long with the front included)



    (Original color scheme for comparison)
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    Honestly I think you should keep looking for more color schemes. The black just looks super uninteresting and generic.
    Thanks for the feedback! - I hope this project will keep getting opinions/suggestions along the way.

    I can look at it in a way to see what you mean (it's as if it was carved out of coal), but for now my focus is mostly drawn to the sinister effect introduced by all that black.

    I intend to add wide stripes of light grey and maybe brown to the large bland surfaces, and also, as you can see, currently only the top has a good amount of greeble and color-varying microdetailing. These will change a lot once spread all around.

    But another overall recoloring is a possibility as well, given how this paintjob took less than 15 minutes (skillful abuse of the Remove/Replace filter tool).
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