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    1. schema

      Space Stations Preview - Part 3

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, Space Stations are getting bigger and bigger. The first inventory block is in the game. Space Stations Progress There is now the power generator compartment in space stations. The huge array of power generators is shielded by a silo made of hull modules. The...
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      Space Stations Preview - Part 2 (with Video)

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this is the second part of Space Station preview, introducing new building compartments and modules such as the lift module. Space Stations Progress I added two more compartments to the algorithm, that procedurally generates Space Stations. The lift compartment...
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      Forums now use captchas

      Because was experiencing some forum spam. Forum submissions now use Math Captchas to extinguish the spam.
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      Space Stations Preview - Part 1

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, The next few news will feature a preview of what to come in the next update. I can't release it until it's done, since it would only be barely usable. Space Stations Well, now StarMade brings Space Stations into the mix. Space Stations will either be completely...
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      StarMade 0.061 - Play Date Wrap Up

      Hello and welcome to StarMade The playdate is over, and the server gained a lot of stability from the experience. Also, we had a ton of fun. Play Date After a initial bug, which I was able to fix with a quick release, there were around 10 people on the server at times, building and trying out...
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      StarMade 0.060 - Tidying Up for Play Date

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this Version should be the most stable and clean StarMade Version yet. Cleaning up Since a bigger test will commence tomorrow, I tried to get this Version of StarMade as clean and as stable as possible. Some messy code has been worked over and cleaned up to work...
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      StarMade 0.059 - Rainbows, Keyboard & Docking

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This update finally brings full customization of the keys used in the game. Furthermore, there are now colored hull modules available to make your ship look even more awesome. Also, you can now switch to any docked ship. Switch to Docked Ships This new function...
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      StarMade 0.058 - Let there be Light

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, There are three all new modules available: The light module, the flare module, and the cockpit module. Light This module is for interior decoration of your ship or space station. It pretty much does, what its name promises. It provides light in dark areas. The...
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      StarMade 0.057 - Docking & Repair Beam

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This Update brings you a refined Version of the Docking System as well as an all new module: The Repair Beam Docking The docking system in StarMade has been completely rewritten to be a new and interesting element in the game. There were lots of bugs in the...
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      StarMade 0.056 - Share your Ship Online

      Hello and welcome to StarMade This version introduces a very special feature to StarMade: Online Ship Sharing! New Game Online Interface I build a whole Interface for new Online & Community based features. With this, I have an easy and efficient way to let users log in and interact with...
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      StarMade 0.055 - Core Destruction

      Core Destruction Before, taking out the core would only take out every player inside the ship. But I realized that in a large battlefield the amount of 'trash' floating around in space would be on one side annoying, and on the other decrease the game's performance in the long run. Since you are...
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      StarMade 0.054 - Gravity and Ship Catalog sharing

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, With this update I'm finally introducing my concept of gravity into the game. Also, you can now export and import your ship blueprints into files, which you can share with your friends. Also, it's now possible to upload your blueprints to any server you are playing...
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      Post Release Bugfixes 0.053

      I just released a new Version with 2 Bugfixes. One was a simple crash, that could happen in the weapon assignment panel. The other on of them being a long known but not reproducible bug, that caused the server to freeze. This bug happened very rarely and only in remote multiplayer games before...
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      StarMade 0.053 - New Modules: Cloak, Radar Jammer and Explosives

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, The new Version introduces three all new modules into the arsenal of your ships. The Cloaking module, the Radar Jammer and the Explosive module. The new Modules These new modules were suggestions by people who played the game. The Cloaking Module This module...
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      Getting the catalog from any old Version

      I'm having migration of catalog in place, so even if the format changes, I'll make sure you can use your old catalog. Updating the game will currently overwrite your current catalog, but don't worry, they are automatically saved to a backup. if you want your old catalog back. you'll have to...
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      StarMade 0.052 - New Coop Game Mode

      Hello and welcome to StarMade. This update features some important Bug fixes, tools as well as the promised new Game Mode "Coop Death Star" The new Game Mode: Coop Death Star This game mode is in short words "survive all enemy waves". Every 5 minutes, a new wave will jump to your system and...
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      StarMade 0.051 Huge performance and Memory boost

      Progress In the past two days I manly fixed issues of people sending in crash and bug reports. I'm doing my best to get it run for as many people as possible, so I'm taking error reports very serious, and almost every report is replied to personally. Furthermore I refined the Artificial...
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      New GameMode is coming soon: Coop-Deathstar

      Progress: AI I've been working on an Artificial Intelligence structure for the past few days. The idea is to have an efficient method to automatically control big numbers of ships from the AI module on the server. I love making AI, because the feeling you get, when for the first time your...
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      Version 0.048: AI is now available

      More info coming soon
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      Version 0.047: Bugfixes for server and client

      This version has a few critical fixes for Server and Client. Full changelog from Version 0.046 to 0.047 [GENERAL][BUG] Fixed bug that could cause the client as well as the server to crash [GENERAL][BUG] Fixed bug, that messed up the indications and UI in a multiplayer game...