StarMade 0.060 - Tidying Up for Play Date


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello and welcome to StarMade,
    this Version should be the most stable and clean StarMade Version yet.

    Cleaning up
    Since a bigger test will commence tomorrow, I tried to get this Version of StarMade as clean and as stable as possible. Some messy code has been worked over and cleaned up to work more efficiently. I revisited the tutorial and brought it up to date in accord to the newest system. Spelling errors and other wrong doings have been removed. Some small elements like the startup GUI has gotten some minor cosmetic changes.

    More Comfortable Ship Construction

    Ship Camera Alignment
    The camera will now be always aligned to the ship, making it easier to edit ships that are on a wired angle, and a lot easier to edit ships that are on the move.

    Fixed Camera Mode
    I also added a new mode to make ship editing more comfortable. By holding the left control key, you can place or remove blocks from a fixed camera angle. This will help a lot, if you need to place blocks in hard to reach places on your ship.
    A side-note: I will not add an explicit ship editor, since in my honest opinion I don't want my game to be an emulation of a 3D-Design program. Incredible structures in games like minecraft would not be half as impressive, if advanced tools were used to make them. There will however be a hangar like system on space stations, where you can edit your ship in full gravity, using scaffolding and all the good stuff.

    Automatic thruster connection
    Lastly, thrusters are now automatically connected to the core, since there is no real reason (yet) why players should have disconnected thrusters at all.

    AI Updates
    The aiming of AI has been improved, also the AI is now capable to fire heat seeking missiles should they be available on the ship.

    Notable Bug Fixes

    • fixed bug that could cause possible error message when editing ships

    • fixed bug that would not update the selected block in build mode correctly when entering a new ship ship after selecting a block on another

    Things to come
    I'm trying to make StarMade as bug free as possible for saturdays reddit play date (more information: ). If everything goes well, I will immediately afterwards begin to implement new features and suggestions. And of course, I will be working on fixing every bug, that occurred.

    Thanks for playing StarMade
    - schema