Space Stations Preview - Part 3


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello and welcome to StarMade,
    Space Stations are getting bigger and bigger. The first inventory block is in the game.

    Space Stations Progress
    There is now the power generator compartment in space stations. The huge array of power generators is shielded by a silo made of hull modules. The generators provide power to space stations like they do in ships. Power in Space Stations will be a very important resource because the coming usable blocks will consume a lot of energy. Therefore the player has to always defend and expand his power generators in a Space Station.

    Performance of large objects
    Since space stations are huge, they really pose as a good benchmark for the engine. Even with millions of blocks on screen, the frame rate still is more than acceptable, considering that there are still a lot of tweaks and optimizations planned. It's far from perfect of course, and I'm still not satisfied.

    New Block: The Stash Module
    This block has its own inventory and it can be used to store items, if players don't have enough space for it in their own inventory. It can also be used to share items with other players. A simple drag and drop system makes managing the inventory pretty natural. Of course, the stash module is consistent, and even if you end the game and come back later, all your precious stuff is still there for you.

    What comes next
    In the next preview I will introduce the first module that can manipulate items, and players finally will have good use for minerals, and other materials that they harvested.

    Thanks for playing StarMade,
    - schema
    May 22, 2012
    Reaction score
    Im Exited on where these Space Stations are going, But sadly Im going on Vacation where I cant play this game. But Plenty of time when I get back!