Post Release Bugfixes 0.053


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    I just released a new Version with 2 Bugfixes. One was a simple crash, that could happen in the weapon assignment panel.
    The other on of them being a long known but not reproducible bug, that caused the server to freeze. This bug happened very rarely and only in remote multiplayer games before. My intention was, that it had something to do with explosions or rockets. With the release of the explosion module, this bug finally became reproducible as players were testing it out.
    I was able to finally debug and trace the bug, and it turns out, that my first intention was only partially right. The error occurred with explosions, but only if someone dies in an explosion. I always tried reproducing the bug shooting more and more missiles at structures (not players), and that always worked even with bigger numbers of missiles. A misplaced health check in the server synchronization routine caused a deadlock, when the server was receiving an update at the same time.

    I'm very happy, that I was finally able to fix this one.
    thanks for playing,
    - schema