StarMade 0.09268: Symmetry feature + flood fix & security


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Just a little update additional to the last:

    Added symmetric mode for odd block counts
    this can be turned on and off in the advanced build mode and will basically move the planes into the middle of a block, enabling players to use symmetry modes for odd counts.

    Server could be overloaded when using 10x10x10 placement in symmetry mode
    Fixed the error by spreading out the data over multiple packets so that server doesn't get flooded.

    Client cache obfuscation
    Since players seem to have figured out how to pull ship data from the cache, the file names are now obfuscated. Ship designs can never be 100% protected (technically impossible without spending a huge amount of performance), but this will at least make it a lot harder to pull data.

    Thanks for playing StarMade,
    - schema