Search results

    1. StormWing0

      Incrementing Clicker?

      I've working on something to help deal with a chain of drones but rather than release the whole chain I want to send them out one at a time. Since they are docked to each other I want to release them from one end to the other and need a counter of some kind that both keeps track of the number...
    2. StormWing0

      Station in the same sector as a planet?

      Not sure if this is wise or crazy but any ideas on what'd happen?
    3. StormWing0

      Faction Menu Options?

      Out of all the options I can think of that I'll post later the one that comes to mind the most is adding the option of a number of hostile acts like say the Trading Guild has before all my guns open fire. This is the one option I want most out of all the options that could be given since it'd...
    4. StormWing0

      Bug Transporters not loading/saving settings

      Sometimes they'll fail to load or save their settings and it gets rather annoying. No idea why they lose them but it might have to do with sector loading issues. Normally they work just fine but sometimes I'll come back and find my transporter network totally down for inter-station travel and...
    5. StormWing0

      Read by Council Construction Yard - Shipyard for Stations

      I was thinking since we have a way to build ships in a virtual space why not do that for stations as well? Construction Yard Computer: Allows for the building of stations in a virtual sector just like the shipyard does for ships. It's modules are placed in large arcs and also many computers...
    6. StormWing0

      Super Tight Crew Quarters?

      I'm guessing the people not whining about the need for crew and their various quarters have already figured this out or are already building with crew in mind in the first place. Needless to say anyone want to show off some ideas for making cramped areas like crew quarters, work areas, and...
    7. StormWing0

      Bug AI Mobs Spawning Strangeness

      So me and the Admin Fleche on FilleCraft are messing around with the mob spawning commands to see what's totally broken and run into something rather strange. First thing I noticed was a group of long lost Trading Guild Spawns just sitting there. Now if the AI was the only thing off I'd only...
    8. StormWing0

      Bug Rail Docking no longer checks for if an entity can fit

      Running into this bug lately and as ignoreable as it is I'd rather not have someone misdock their huge ship and end up with half of it inside my station. Not sure if a server specific issue but I'll check later to see if this is the case. First noticed it on Fillecraft so I'll check other...
    9. StormWing0

      Starmade Fail Moments

      Lets see all those fails you've seen in Starmade. :)
    10. StormWing0

      Smallest Possible Enemy Detector?

      Just wondering what the smallest version of these is since I need an enemy detector for a small to medium sized ship but don't want it taking up a good chunk of it. I know of the two currently on the content section but do they get any smaller? All I need is something that simply says an enemy...
    11. StormWing0

      Faction Point System modifying?

      I know there are several files to go through to change how faction points are gained or lost and was just wondering what files and what lines to mess with. Also what are some other ways to change the faction point system for gains and losses? Can we make these things cost or generate faction...
    12. StormWing0

      Bug Logic doesn't Unlink

      I've been testing out some logic and having a bit of an issue when I unlink them from things like rail dockers and a few other things the logic will still affect the blocks in question until the logic blocks in question are removed than replaced. Also I've found that removing the affected...
    13. StormWing0

      Secondaries used as effects for primary weapon combos?

      I've noticed a lot of people wanting salvagers as an effect so I figured why not extend this idea to all secondaries to where their defensive mode is what they are now but when but when used as part of a Primary + Primary + Effect Combo they take the Effect slot. Basically you could end up...
    14. StormWing0

      Any servers having issues with the AI not Spawning?

      Just wondering because since the update I haven't seen a single pirate or trading guild spawn and wanted to check if anyone else's servers had this issue. If you managed to fix it how'd you do so? :) In any event going to pester the bug section again to see what's up.
    15. StormWing0

      Too OP or Not? - AI with Salvage Target Setting and Return to dock Command

      Just wondering since it'd be a nice thing since a few of the missing things for the Bobby's AI is a way to command them while not docked to you, a return to docking point setting and command, and the ability to set them to target salvage targets with salvagers. This would make it so someone...
    16. StormWing0

      Read by Council Enable Use of the Rail Speed Controller on the Rail Turret Axis?

      I'm not sure if this is a bug or feature but we can't seem to use the rail speed controller on the rail turret axis. o_O No if we could this would help those that want fixed direction turrets but don't want to put up with the issue of the AI going back into ship mode and not shooting if on a...
    17. StormWing0

      Hunting for some MIA Block IDs

      I'm looking for Crystal Composite, it's wedge, and Alloyed Metal Mesh, and it's wedge. These I can't seem to find in the usual places not even in the configs. O_o
    18. StormWing0

      Logic Shuttles?

      Thinking of making some automated shuttles for a station that go out from it, stop, than come back. The general idea is this would be setup in a way it'd end up being server specific and all that'd done here is rig up some push and pull effects to an over complicated timer that ticks down until...
    19. StormWing0

      Loot Drops and Asteroid/Planet Respawning

      Well if the devs are trying to avoid items and blocks manifesting out of the void or trying to come up with good enough lore and phenomena excuses for them appearing out of thin air this might be an interesting topic to read. Also some things about how AIs control their factioned things...
    20. StormWing0

      Long List of AI and Logic Related Ideas

      Got really bored and started thinking up way too many ideas to remember. Needless to say this topic is likely to make the devs need an in post tag system. :) I'm also going to try and use what we already have as much as possible but there are a few things like Data Logic Blocks that will be...