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    1. StormWing0

      Bug Mass Miscalculation between the catalog and other menus

      Was noticing something rather odd when working on something lately and that the mass displayed in the catalog seems to be far different than what say the nav menu picks up or even the build menu. Needless to say when a 200k block ship is suddenly lighter than a 200 block satellite we got a...
    2. StormWing0

      Bomb Ships?

      You know those dangerous things made mostly out of warheads? Any good setups that could get through shields and live long enough to cause damage? Working on some pirates that use rigged and exploding ships and need to make them lethal enough to take things out. Yes someone sneezes in their...
    3. StormWing0

      Super High Speed rails?

      Just wondering since this would be a nice way to launch things and I know it has been done but so far finding the info is a pain. I know it is Rails + Speed Controller and Activation blocks + mass enhancers + ???? No idea what else to get this working or the amounts.
    4. StormWing0

      Slaving Groups of unslaved things at a time?

      I know it is a simple key combo to do this and was just wondering. I want to connect groups of things to each other and don't want to do this one at a time.
    5. StormWing0

      Bug AI for ships broken this update

      Ship AI for any mobs doesn't react to anything and just sits there. Turrets still have their usual bugs but seem to work fine. Another bug I've seen when changing the faction of a mob or anything really is that the things docked to it don't change faction with it, like turrets, ships, etc.
    6. StormWing0

      Anyone notice something off about the AI?

      For me any ship under AI control seems to have gone into derp mode and not move or attack. Turrets seem to work fine though.
    7. StormWing0

      Would a Rapid Pulse with Auto Fire Logic work as an AMS?

      (AMS) = Anti Missile System. In any event if someone used the cheapest and fastest setup for both the logic and the rapid pulse would it work? If so it would be a handy counter to those huge swarms of missiles. Still would need a few Machine Gun turrets to keep the number of missiles down and...
    8. StormWing0

      Hunting around for some west coast American servers

      Seems the usual server list site is down and I've been hunting through the list of servers on the forum but in any event anyone know of some west coast american servers to play on?
    9. StormWing0

      Turret Designs?

      Having issues coming up with good turret designs for the amount of space I'm working it and always end up making to turret far larger than I want it. Here's the spaces I'm trying to work with on my station,3x3x3, 5x5x5, 9x9x9, and 20x20x20. Any ideas that would fit in these spaces and still...
    10. StormWing0

      Faction Territory Defenses you've seen or built?

      For some reason I keep thinking people setup huge space guns on their boarders and just wait for some poor fool to come along and eat popcorn while watching them get blown out of the sky. In any event show off some of the things you've run into or built as Faction Territory Defenses. Only...
    11. StormWing0

      Had an amusing idea for using docked shell ships as armor

      Not totally sure how this would work if at all but the general idea is to take advantage of the rail docking system by having a main ship that is shelled by what could only be called exo-armor ships that fit right into place as if they were built into the ship by default. Was reading the...
    12. StormWing0

      Fastest and smallest clock you can build?

      Just asking since I'm thinking of creating some auto firing weapons and need a very small clock that can get going as fast as able. The smaller and faster the better. Just mainly hunting for ideas.
    13. StormWing0

      Any small & interesting downloadable ships & turrets?

      Been hunting around for some small downloadable ships to spice up single player for a bit mainly for design ideas, weapons testing, cannon fodder, etc. Basically something cheap computers can handle really well and pirates will end up using without totally destroying the poor player, at least...
    14. StormWing0

      Building Stations near a Blackhole?

      Just wondering what happens in this game when you are crazy enough to build near one? It'd be a fun popcorn eating moment in my case just watching people trying to land and not get warped to the other end of the galaxy. Another case would be someone going to attack the station and getting...
    15. StormWing0

      How do you repair a station you've made?

      Been looking all over for this and there doesn't seem to be a simple reboot feature like a ship has. Is there a simple key to repair it or do I have to use a replace all? Speaking of replace filter use I just ended up dropping my armor value to 0 and have no clue how to fix this issue. :(
    16. StormWing0

      Couple of logic questions

      Automatic reactivation of inactive blocks like the Cloak? Say you have something that is off on your ship and you are too lazy to just click the hotbar key it is assigned to and just want it to turn back on after a certain time of being off. I know you can activate things on a timer but how...
    17. StormWing0

      Vertical AI Missile Silos?

      Just wondering since all this is, is a new spin on the good old turret. Rather than the missiles on the usual barrel they'd be placed so they can shoot strait up and we take advantage of the AI trying to shoot through things by hiding the AI barrel under the hull of the main body of the turret...