Search results

    1. StormWing0

      Read by Council Create Dock - Place existing Blueprint/Design

      This is something I'm sure the devs are working on but it'd be nice to have if able and that is the ability to place an existing blueprint or design when using the Create Dock button rather than having to make a new docked entity every time. In a Shipyard since we have infinite blocks any...
    2. StormWing0

      Server ArrayIndex Out Of Bounds Exception

      I Logged onto Fillecraft late yesterday and went patrolling around to check for if everything was working right within my faction's territory and some neighboring ally areas and I went through a gate to one of them and got hit by an ArrayIndex Out Of Bounds Exception rather hard. Server Name...
    3. StormWing0

      Logic and Warpgates

      How does this work exactly because I tried to hook up some logic blocks my a warpgate station I'm testing this on and it doesn't turn the gates on or off. >_> Uploaded the offending station and ship I'm testing with. :)
    4. StormWing0

      Physics Related Blocks & Physics changes to existing ones?

      Figured this would be interesting since chat got talking about adding blocks for things like blades, rubber, springs, and even directional gravity-wells. Lets see what we can cook up in here. Directional Gravity Well Unit (In/On Structure): Like the normal gravity unit is generates in...
    5. StormWing0

      Shop Block Ideas

      I know they are planning on updating these things at some point but I figured we'd all want to cook up ideas around them. A Couple of the main things I want to see is shops ending up with controllable volume limits just like storages but starting at a way higher volume level say 50,000 volume...
    6. StormWing0

      Bug Planet Plates and multiple faction blocks

      Found a rather strange bug to add to the ever growing list for planets. It seems if you place another faction block on a planet but on another plate it turns the planet neutral, and if the same faction it prevents the extra faction block from working. Also I'm not totally sure but someone may...
    7. StormWing0

      Races and Race Gates

      Needing a little help here on something but also hunting for ideas on setting up automated races. 1) Races don't seem to reset themselves in my testing with only 1 player do we need to have 2+ to force it to fully end and reset or does this mean we have to clear it from the list of created...
    8. StormWing0

      Read by Schine More Sun Ideas

      I'm just making a list of more ideas around the stars we have in game and some interesting changes that could be done to them. If anyone wants to help add to the list have at it. Display Option for sun Radiation Sectors: Would be very handy to have so we don't accidentally fly into the area...
    9. StormWing0

      Sun Research, Burn and melt Zones

      Just wanting to know what these are and I'm currently doings some tests with shielded and unshielded cores. If anyone wants to help speed things along just pop in and help finish this list. :) This might help. Star Color: Star Brightness (Dim, Dark, Bright, etc): Star Size (Small, Giant, etc)...
    10. StormWing0

      New single/combo weapon/support/effect ideas

      I figured I'm not the only one thinking of new ones for the game so lets see what we can cook up. Feel free to be as crazy as you want to be but remember to keep it easy to understand. Weapons: Plasma Flamethrower: This is a DOT weapon for the most part and shoots out s stream of plasma...
    11. StormWing0

      Factory cargo space questions

      Got a few questions but I'll add more as needed when they come up. meantime if anyone else has got questions and wants them answered this topic might help them too. :P First off what's the highest volume item from the basic factory, standard factory, and advanced factory? This would be very...
    12. StormWing0

      Racetrack pictures

      Show off your tracks you've made or if they are larger than a few sectors a map of them will do. :)
    13. StormWing0

      Bug Public shipyard issues

      aside from the usual bugs we on Fillecraft ran into a rather annoying one, once we had docking and building up and running it got really strange. It seems any ships made from a shipyard faction block or not are forced under the faction of the faction of the main station. This poses a problem...
    14. StormWing0

      Community content section doesn't like replacing uploaded files

      It's rather annoying that it seems to force the file to have the same name otherwise when trying to post a resource update it'll refuse to update and replace the file in question. Has this been fixed or is it going to be at some point?
    15. StormWing0

      Land/In Gravity Vehicle Part Ideas

      I don't think we need too many new blocks if any at all for this although there is some cross-entity marking to tell the AI what exactly something it so it knows what to do with it. :) We'd definitely need a either a new block to mark the parts or new functionality in the AI module or build...
    16. StormWing0

      Loot Pinata Open Shipyard

      This is going to be slightly different than the normal ones out there since this is meant to help gather everyone's idea for this one kind of ship but also allow for some funny things to happen as well. This is an Open Shipyard so anyone can post their versions of the Ships/Stations or the main...
    17. StormWing0

      Bug 100% load crash issue after patch

      No idea what's going on. I actually get 2 crashes one griping about drivers not being up to date when I know full well they are and the other is a crash at 100% when loading that doesn't let me play.
    18. StormWing0

      Bug Ship/Station Menu Inaccessible from a station

      The menu that changes back and forth between station and ship depending on what one you are in doesn't seem to be accessible right now. Seeing this issue on Fillecraft and just now noticed it since I had the need for it and it wasn't able to be used. Works fine on ships though. Nvm just...
    19. StormWing0

      Bug Faction Ranks reset and change description of BP changes faction description too

      Running into a strange issue on a couple of server. In one annoying case the Ranks of my faction reset themselves to the defaults every so often. Normally it happens while I'm offline so I can't check to see what causes it. Another issue is when I go to set the Blueprint description I also...
    20. StormWing0

      Any Veteran's Day Builds out there?

      Just wondering since it is Veteran's Day at least in the USA anyways so anyone build anything for it?