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    1. StormWing0

      Old Station Update Temptation

      Really tempting to go trough the old stations and totally gut out the old docking system. :) So bored right now I might do it. :)
    2. StormWing0

      How many missile at once and/or per second is too many?

      Say on the server(s) you are on or in single player since they could be different about how many missiles at one time or even per second can you fire before the game kills over?
    3. StormWing0

      More Selections on Blueprints in the Catalog

      I noticed something when snooping around through the files and folders that there are places for the AI factions to put their own stations. In this case the only change to those area is they'd have a config file in place of a huge bunch of BPs and all BPs would be in the catalog instead. This...
    4. StormWing0

      Anyone got an Anti-Jump Minefield up yet?

      Just wondering since I'm planning to use logic and the new jump inhibitors to totally lock down a whole system. :)
    5. StormWing0

      Bug Mobs not spawning even though all settings say they should be

      Or if they do spawn it is in such low numbers no one notices them for the rest of time. Any ideas what's going on here I thought spawning was fixed.
    6. StormWing0

      AI Ship Spawning ideas - Transmitter Beacon, Wormholes, Jump Drives, etc

      Just thought of this and was wondering why the devs didn't have an idea like this pop up. It'd also be a nice way or ways to explain why mobs keep spawning as well and give the player ways to counter them. Transmitter Beacons: These would be a block even players could use and will spawn mobs...
    7. StormWing0

      Anyone figure out the Wave Manager Yet?

      Just asking since I've got no idea how to use this thing. XD
    8. StormWing0

      Bug Selected Target AI Ships not firing on selected target

      Been working on some drones lately and totally stumped on this. Selected target turrets work perfectly fine but their drone counterpart don't. Now I understand the turrets and how they only obey the main entity's selected target so I though it'd be the same way with drones. Nope when I...
    9. StormWing0

      Mining Drone and Rotating Mining Array setups?

      I've see rotating mining arrays and was wondering how you got the resources automatically from the separate entity over to the main one with the salvagers. Also getting mining drones up and running as well, I know they use logic clocks to fire the salvagers so that part is already covered but...
    10. StormWing0

      Clearing Mobs directly from the save files?

      Just wondering how dangerous this would be and how to do it safely? Figured it might help for those cases where mobs the commands aren't getting rid of turn up.
    11. StormWing0

      Ahh The Curse of Infinite Resources

      Trying to build a small starter craft in single player so I can upload it to the server I'm on but I can't keep it small enough. XD Anyone have some ideas for creating a small starter craft? Was trying to have 3 different weapons, a salvaging array and 2 jump drives on it but so far can't keep...
    12. StormWing0

      Multi Targeting Turrets?

      Anyone tempt fate and make a turret that can shoot at several targets at once rather than just one? It involves several smaller barrels docked to the main entity in some way. My current method has several fixed barrels docked to on rotating barrel but there are other ways.
    13. StormWing0

      Anti Griefing and/or Boarding logic toys?

      I'm sure we've all thought up something for those people that try to get on the ships and stations we've made to try and steal them so why not show off what you've made. :)
    14. StormWing0

      Bug AI Ships no longer spawn

      Noticed this today and was completely puzzled. I was attacking a station be it game spawned or admin spawned no pirates or trading guild in either faction's cases. Going to see if this happens in a fresh world later and if all else fails a different install directory.
    15. StormWing0

      Changing between multiple versions of the game?

      Just wondering how to freely do this and not mess up things while doing so since it seems some servers are using different versions than others and in some cases I'm not able to log onto older versions but in other cases I am. O_o
    16. StormWing0

      Collision Damage Exploiting Ships?

      Just wondering since I know there are some servers with collision damage turned on and was wondering if anyone has ever made a ship to take advantage of this? In my case I was thinking of a ship with a push clock of insane strengths and an overdrive effect at the same level in combination with...
    17. StormWing0

      Where are the block ID's in the game files?

      Just wondering since I've been hunting for them and can't find them. Sure there are sites that tell us the ID but they don't help much when new blocks get added.
    18. StormWing0

      Bug Several things like Orbital Sectors and face direction with black textures

      It is rather annoying too. Orbital sectors show up as a mesh box black texture and the facing direction arrow in build mode is also blackened out. Is there any way to fix this?
    19. StormWing0

      Changing the Default shops?

      I know full well they are a station but I see no station for them in the usual place where stations are. Also the spawner block in the advanced shops is another thing I want to know about. Say I go and make my own shop to replace the existing ones for the advances versions how'd I go about...
    20. StormWing0

      Worst deaths you've had or seen?

      I'm sure we've all had bad days and seen people have plenty more so what's the worst deaths you've had or seen. Provide pics or videos if able of them or just talk about them whatever is easier. :)