Yes the sin of sins where you have to kill the thing to get the loot it has both storage blocks for loot to spawn from but is also mostly made out of resources in capsule form. I'm working on a ship design for these things and it is going to be maddening for players to face them because to get...
I've got two very annoying ones. The first one is a bug that causes planet plates to not just flip but end up partially inside their core. Only ways to fix it are to either make everyone affected logout of the area for a few or just murder the planet. It seems to only affect plates players...
Those lovely things you use to farm them into extinction for fun. In my case an AI controlled satellite ship with a singe super long range weapon to ping the pirate station and a crapton of logic swarm missiles to murder them as they turn up. :)
What are your tactics and other means to farm?
Someone mentioned that sometimes a star just doesn't show up on the map or even worse not at all. Anyone run into this and have evidence of it happening?
Figured since planets are a bit too big to do this with lets start with asteroids and work our way up to planets and even whole systems.
In any event in this case unless interrupted an asteroid should be slowly floating around the sun it is near. It'll follow the orbital path until the thing...
Since an entity's own weapons can shoot through it I thought of an interesting idea that I'm sure people have done before but doesn't seem anyone has talked about.
In this case we have several of the same Primary + Secondary Combo each with different effects and their output barrels right...
There has got to be a list of what costs what by default floating around somewhere. I know system control costs an amount of points but how many points per system a turn are we talking if at default settings? Also what are the other costs for different things because I'm use to seeing negative...
I figured since we can't touch the sun without getting turned into a crispy fired critter lets give a reason to go into the sun. This idea spawned from the whole is the sun killable thread a while back so who knows where this thread could go. :P
Here's a few new blocks for this.
No idea what is going on here. Sometimes when stations are loaded or spawned from their BP they won't stay displayed on the galaxy map. Now hanging around long enough will make them stay loaded on the map but not hanging around long enough results in them hardly ever showing up.
Been building a warp gate and trying to get it to fully work and so far both directions seems to be an issue. I built one gate and just loaded another copy of it for this test. Going to go do some more testing with two loaded versions of it while I'm waiting.
In the meantime anyone have a fix...
It is like it is there and not there at the same time no clue what is up. Sometimes it'll let me logon and other times it won't. When I do get online there I'm only online long enough to watch the error message pop up due to losing connection again. It wasn't having this issue a few days ago...
Been hunting around for build servers to mess around on that are good enough ping to where I can build without feeling like I'm playing in a slideshow. Learning very vast my toaster of a computer can' take more complicated builds due to there being way too many parts interacting.
I see one...
Lets see if saved with an active AI module the BP in question no longer loads with it active. Also new ones have the new stat display and the old ones don't. So we have to resave all our BPs again to get them displaying right and even than if the AI was active on save it no longer is when loaded...
Lets see if saved with an active AI module the BP in question no longer loads with it active. Also new ones have the new stat display and the old ones don't. So we have to resave all our BPs again to get them displaying right and even than if the AI was active on save it no longer is when...
lol here we go again. here's the collateral damage list. :P
AI Turrets are even worse than before. They no longer face anywhere near the direction their target is in
AI turrets meant for Anti Missile still don't shoot missiles down
AI Turrets are laggier than before any AI action now...
OK this is rather annoying. Was working on a large rack meant to drop a base on each plate of a planet in one go but now I'm too the point where it is so laggy I can't even move enough to dock the last 2 sub racks. I've got no clue why this is happening either. >_>
I know one of these is a lot of work but would it be possible to string together a network of small enemy detectors to a main display of some kind that tells you what detectors are going off in the system?
Like for example the receiving main detector has a huge cluster of lights that when no...
Getting rather annoying with flying anywhere within a few sectors of the sun and nearly getting fried like a well-done turkey. It'd be nice if the death sectors for a star were able to be displayed or not by a simple checkbox like other things are. Just a nice thing to have.
For some strange reason when an item has more text than the textbox size there are no scrollbars to account for this in either the shop or the normal inventory menus. I'll see the text and than it gets cut off. In the case of the inventories of any kind the scroll bar they do have doesn't...
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