Search results

    1. StormWing0

      Isanth Update & Building onto Competition idea

      Was just wondering what was going to be done on this note most and if anyone would be interested in such a thing? The main idea here is to not just update the old Isanths but see if we can come up with new ones as well and maybe some stations to go along with them. :) For rebuilding the...
    2. StormWing0

      AI + Pulse Weapon Primary works now

      Just wondering if anyone noticed this yet for those of you that have been wanting to make AI Guided Warhead Torpedoes. The only issue I've been running into is the AI will come to a hard stop even without thrusters forcing the need for a good push clock to make them move. Even than you end up...
    3. StormWing0

      Bug Shift + V not working on logic groups and light groups?

      Noticed it wasn't working on logic groups of logic blocks and groups of lights and I could have sworn it did at one point in time.
    4. StormWing0

      DevBuild Install Path not Updating?

      Not sure what's going on but when I change to my devbuild install path it won't update, The thing gets stuck at Retrieving Versions. Any ideas what is going on?
    5. StormWing0

      Fleet Showoff Time

      Showoff you fleets you've made so far, be they mining fleets, attack, guard, etc. :)
    6. StormWing0

      Evacuation Ship/Fleet Competition Idea

      Not starting this myself but I figured it'd be interesting to say the least. Say you had to design a ship or fleet of ships to evacuate Earth or some other planet with our number of population. Your goal here is to design a ship or ships about to move that population or a chunk of it. Now...
    7. StormWing0

      Planned Various Fleet Command Ideas

      Just a long ever growing list of fleet ideas I'm sure most of which are already planned but this could also be a brainstorming topic for things that might not be as well. Attack/Guard Patrol Paths: This is an additional mode to the existing Attack and Guard Sector command, instead of just...
    8. StormWing0

      Anyone tried this with fleets yet for mining?

      Take several copies of a logic miner of your choice and make one of them the flagship, now add in some wireless logic rigging on the main ship to allow it to turn on and off the salvagers on the other ships, now just make them fly in formation with the main ship and turn the salvagers on when...
    9. StormWing0

      Possible fleet carrier logic/rail setups?

      Just wondering what some good setups would be for a fleet carrier. I'm trying to figure out how to maximize the number of ships docked without compromising the main ship if possible. So far there's 3 new blocks coming with the fleet update to let AI ships dock: Pickup Area Module: The point...
    10. StormWing0

      Where to report dev build bugs?

      I think I scared the fleet AI into erroring just testing a small 5 block ship. O_o Getting AI Error : FSMException
    11. StormWing0

      Read by Council Fleet Limits Ideas

      hmm here's an idea for those that want or don't want a per flagship limit fleet size. The main reason for these is to satisfy both sides in the debate of should they have limits or not. Well in this case they start off without any but the server admins can set them to whatever they like. :)...
    12. StormWing0

      Anyone up for murdering the dev build when it comes out?

      I'd say it'd be fun to do every so often. Why not get an organized group together for when the new patch comes out on it and basically execute the server by trying any number of legal ways to break the new build? :) Anyone up for it? :P
    13. StormWing0

      Streams Link/Tab missing

      Noticed the Streams tab was MIA for some time. What happened to it?
    14. StormWing0

      StormWingDelta Constructionyard

      This is mostly for my faction StormWingDelta and for us to show off some of the things we're cooking up. One of the main reasons it exists is to get my faction members to interact a bit more and show off what they are working on. StormWingDelta doesn't have a particular color scheme or design...
    15. StormWing0

      Bug New Sun Damage Bugs

      Found some sun damage related bugs: Sun Damage can sometimes kill collision with a ship core Sun damage isn't damaging stations correctly based on their mass Sun damage causes waves to spawn from AI faction stations and the waves of ships think you caused the damage (EX: Shop next to sun takes...
    16. StormWing0

      Bug Homebase of faction vs personal protection permission

      Not sure if this is a bug or not but some people have been mentioning things about this and how some people are shutting down factions by setting the base to personal. Not sure what is going on but it is worth looking into since being able to lockout a whole faction from their base shouldn't...
    17. StormWing0

      Wireless Frequency Logic & Codes

      I figured this would be interesting since it'd open up some doors. The main general idea is the current wireless logic blocks could be changed to operate on a binary frequency or a new version of them that does this could be made. There are also other things that could use binary codes and...
    18. StormWing0

      Download Selected Catalog Entry?

      It'd be nice if we could select an entry in the catalog and download it directly without having to spawn it in the world to make a copy of it to download. Just one of my issues I have with the catalog. :)
    19. StormWing0

      Station Wave & Docked Entity Spawning

      I found this rather funny when I saw a station spawn in a wave of pirate or trading guild when it was Set to AI Usable. :) The problem with letting stations spawn in the current wave system is the ship spawning code doesn't take into account the limit for the number of stations in a sector...
    20. StormWing0

      Recognized by Council Waypoint Chains?

      It'd be kinda handy to be able to make chains of waypoints for things like long distance jump drive flights and to map a safe path through areas for ourselves and others. In the case of using a chain of waypoints for jump drive travel the jumps would always go to the first point in the chain...