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    1. StormWing0

      Turning Off the Atmosphere of a planet completely

      How do you do this? I've tried before and have no clue why I'm still seeing it. >_> As nice as they are at a distance they are annoying up close.
    2. StormWing0

      Custom AI Factions?

      Just wondering if anyone has thought of trying to pull this off yet? The general idea is meant for someone to add additional factions of the AI type and like normal factions aside from the pirates and trading guild be able to change relations with them.
    3. StormWing0

      Destroy a sun?

      Some fool says he can kill the sun but so far getting anywhere near the thing vaporizes anything and currently causes direct damage to the pilot. So is he crazy or can it be done? hmm now that I got the brag-o-matic to talk more it sounds more like he makes a ship totally out of warheads and...
    4. StormWing0

      Logic Swarm Missiles?

      Just wondering on this what the decent setup would be to fire an ungodly amount of missiles out of a logic swarm setup. Last time I tried with a basic clock setup and it was less than impressive. I know there are people around who've gotten the logic swarm missile setup to be very dangerous...
    5. StormWing0

      Planetary Pirate, Trading Guild, and Abandoned bases?

      Just wondering if this is coming at all since it would make for an interesting thing to run into making us have to check the planet for safety before landing. Meantime anyone have their own bases for this they'd like to show? Show off what you have been cooking up for planet base pirate...
    6. StormWing0


      A friendly faction that is normally very helpful unless threatened we are very good at building things to get around issues like numbers vs size of target. While most of the time the faction will be set to public on a server we turn up on it will only stay that way due to having faction block...
    7. StormWing0

      Drone Design Question

      Trying to cook up a player ship killing drone and was wondering about the design for such a thing and the number of them that'd be needed. I plan of forcing close range fighting between the drones and the players with a push clock and few if any thrusters. This way the AI won't miss if it was...
    8. StormWing0

      Starmade NOPE Moments

      You know those moments where you are doing fine minding your own and then something happens that makes you just go, nope, Nope, NOPE, Poof!!
    9. StormWing0

      Jump Ships

      You know those ships that have a large numbers of jump drives filling one or more hotbars with them. Show off you long range jump ships. Also mention how many jump drives it has in the hotbar. :)
    10. StormWing0

      Bug Endless Chunk Loading while trying to get onto a server

      Getting an endless loading of 2 chunks on a server I'm normally on. No matter how long I wait it won't load. :(
    11. StormWing0

      Random Logic?

      Just wondering if anyone has been working on some random logic meaning coming up with random numbers through logic? This would be handy for situations like say wanting a random number of activation blocks to be turned on at a given time and a few other things. The whole reason I'm asking is...
    12. StormWing0

      Read by Council Blank Parts and Blocks Idea

      I figured this would be handy for those who make AI only ships but also useful for those that want to make it so someone can change a blueprint on the fly before finishing it. Now here's how the blank part blocks work. Blank Weapons Computer: Holds a spot for a weapons computer in a...
    13. StormWing0

      Isanth Naming conventions for effects and supports?

      Just wondering right now since I've seen the letters correspond to the primary weapons but what would the letters be for the effects and support gear? Just wondering since I'm trying to extend them or their weapon naming scheme at least. Mostly interested in what the ones for effects would be...
    14. StormWing0

      Storage Checking Logic And Delayed Transfer

      Been working on this for a bit and trying to prevent instant transferring of items from the pickup box the miner I've made is using and the final destination. There's a storage box halfway between them that is suppose to be used to trigger a push effect when empty and trigger the other storage...
    15. StormWing0

      Fixed Direction Turret Axis?

      Unlike the normal one we got this one doesn't turn and it would help in retaining the settings of a turret meant to be facing a particular direction. Currently we've got to use normal rails for this but it seems bug or not the AI likes to change back to ship for some people so why not let them...
    16. StormWing0

      Give Stations their own Core?

      Not sure how this would work but say a station core works like a ship core to a degree but it is 3x3x3 rather than the 1 block size. Other than that you could get into it like a ship core and could still deploy a build block like normal. The main reason for giving stations a core is to make...
    17. StormWing0

      Large Ship Constructed with many smaller ships

      Basically one big ship made of many smaller ones that breaks into the smaller versions after a bit after spawning. Anyone done this yet? Would be kinda funny to see how much lag a server could take from one of these composite ships. :)
    18. StormWing0

      Construction Beam Tech

      This idea is meant to help speed up building rather interestingly. You just provide a blueprint and the resources, than the construction beam computer goes to work. Now it won't expend the BP like we do currently when it fully spawns something and it builds it over time rather than all at...
    19. StormWing0

      AI Spawning Questions

      Just wondering how the AI picks what to spawn in for ships since I've noticed they tend to pick a particular mass on startup of a world and make everything else super rare unless the things it defaults to are turned off. Speaking of defaults, say I want to have the Isanths in the mix as well...
    20. StormWing0

      Trying to make this basic clock faster for a push effect

      Yep just the basic clock is nice until you need it faster of course. Any ideas that could fit into the same or less space if able? Keep in mind you have space out the the remote and the armored area too.