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    1. schema

      StarMade 0.0883 new planet, new docking & more stability

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this Version features an all new alien planet, a completely revamped Docking System, and a lot more stability thanks to bugfixes, and a complete makeover of the block logic system. New Planet Welcome to the all new alien like purple planet. Enjoy the view at...
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      Quick dev update

      Hi all, Just a little dev update: During the past days I was rewriting and refining the abstract block structure that calculates block groups and their functionality. While the performance gain from this is only small, the sources of bugs have been immensly reduced. Instead of having hundreds of...
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      How to take Screenshots

      In windows, the way to take screenshots is alt+print. I'm not too familiar with mac&linux on how to create screen shots, so any help would be great. Also, if there is any demand, I put in an explicit command into the game to take a screen shot. It's not that much of a problem, since I use the...
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      StarMade 0.0878: New Planet & Accessibility Refinement Part II

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update introduces a new planet type as well as a completely revised tutorial. New Tutorial The old tutorial had many problems. One of them was, that the messages were time based, so the player had to read fast or reset the tutorial over and over. The new...
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      StarMade 0.0875: Accessibility Refinement Part I

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, the following sets of updates will bring lots of tweaks to the user interface of StarMade, to make it more accessible for new Users. Here are the first Set of changes: Uncluttered Client Startup Window, to exclude advanced options and tools (they can be now...
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      StarMade on Steam GreenLight

      Hi, StarMade is now on GreenLight. If you'd like to support the game, please vote for it here: Thanks for playing StarMade, - schema
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      StarMade 0.087: Prettier Planets & Improved Build-Mode

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This update features a better and faster algorithm for planet generation. Also a new easier to use build mode has been added. And of course, lots of bug fixes! Improved Planet Generation The old algorithm seemed to only produce flat plateaus with canyons...
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      StarMade 0.085: Economy

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update introduces shops with stocks and prices based on them. Economy System Shops now have a stock. It will be currently filled randomly, so finding new shops in the universe get more important. The price of a module is now based on the stock of the shop...
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      Starmade 0.0841: Critical Bug Fix

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This is an update to fix a critical bug in the network protocol (affects single & multi player). The bug cause some object changes to be applied very delayed or not at all. This caused a variety of bugs in the game, like segments(chunks) not being updated when...
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      StarMade 0.084: Expanding Alpha Tests

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This update features another bunch of Bug Fixes, Performance Boosts, and small Features. We are testing tirelessly to make the game & multiplayer as fast and as stable as possible. Important Changes Auto-Connecting Controllers Since the use of disconnected...
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      StarMade wiki

      As you probably have already seen, I added wiki functionality to the site. At the moment, every logged in user can contribute and edit Articles. Should there occur any vandalism or spam, I will restrict the free editing.
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      StarMade 0.0831: Multiplayer Stability & Performance

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This version has a lot of bug fixes, and eliminates multiplayer lags, and ensures its scalability, Multiplayer Tests The recent growth has made it possible to test StarMade (especially multiplayer) on a larger scale. We purposely tested with worst case...
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      0.082 More Fixes

      Here are some more fixes. I'm especially trying to increase the performance and stability of multiplayer right now. - clients no loger compensate for lag on objects in other sectors - requested segments from other sectors are no loger rerequested on timeout - fixed little performance hole in...
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      0.082 Fixes

      Hi, just a little notice of some fixes for this Version I just released: - fixed bug that would crash the game when controllable blocks where placed overlapped in advanced build mode - fixed bug that caused blocks not being autoconnected in advanced build mode - fixed bug that caused blocks...
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      StarMade Alpha 0.082 Released: New Building Tool & Bugfixes

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This Version finally gives the player a way to place multiple blocks at once. Advanced Building Mode This mode can be accessed by holding control. You can now define a cuboid of blocks, which will get placed at once. This makes ship building a lot easier. Block...
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      StarMade Alpha 0.081 released: Bug Fixes and Missile Performance

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This update fixes bugs, and adds a huge performance boots to the calculation of missile explosions. Features Increased Missile Performance I refined the calculations for missile hits. The affected blocks now get calculated a lot faster, eliminating the lag...
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      StarMade Alpha 0.080 released: Planets

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This update brings planets into the StarMade universe, along with a whole new art style, a huge performance boost, and lots of bug fixes. Planets Planets in StarMade are disk worlds. You can do anything with them, just like Space Stations. There are currently...
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      StarMade 0.080: Teaser video

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, In this teaser video we cover some of the new features that will be hitting in the Monday 0.080 update. Some of these features include: Earthlike Planet Marslike Planet New Textures TONS OF OPTIMIZATION AND BUG FIXES! and more! Don't forget to check back...
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      StarMade Preview: Planets, Part II

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, More information & screenshots for the upcoming Planet update. Planet Types in the Game There is going to be an infinite amount of planets in the StarMade Universe. Every planet will be unique in its shape and properties. You can find many different types and...
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      StarMade Preview: Introducing Planets!

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, This preview introduces a very special new feature into StarMade: fully landable & editable Planets! Planets The reason for the long wait until the next update was, because I was working on a very special feature: Planets. It is very hard to do, but I...