StarMade Dev Update: Factions Part 2


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine

    Here is the next status update for the upcoming factions update. The feature is nearing completion. I'm for taking a little longer, but there were just som many features coming up that I just had to implement to make the faction better, and more impactful for the game.

    Here are some of the new features I implemented:

    • Rank System: individual permission system has be changed to a rank based system. Faction admins can individually assign ranks to all the members. Permissions for each rank can be edited by the faction admin, even the rank name. There is a total of 5 ranks available. Despite the permission, lower ranks cannot kick, edit, or change permissions on a higher ranked member.

    • Text area editing: a more convenient way to enter news, descriptions, etc...

    • Faction Relation Offers & Declarations: Members with the corresponent rank may declare war (instant war relationship), or offer peace or alliances (has to be confirmed by the other faction)
    I also replaced the current system with the faction system. The only thing left is adapting the AI system to the change which will then be much more useful.

    Impact of factions on the world of StarMade:
    Factions will not only be a simple topology on top of a multiplayer sandbox. It has actual impact ingame.
    I already implemented the so called Faction Module, as well as a faction home-base.

    Faction Module
    The faction module allows faction ownership for structures. Only one Faction-Module per structure is allowed. A faction module can be activated and set to the players faction, and it will keep that faction signature as long as the faction block remains intact. Blocks of a structure with an intact faction block cannot be activated or edited by players outside that faction! It can still be destroyed though, and upon placing a new faction-module, the faction of the structure will reset. This is where faction home bases come into play...

    Faction Home Base
    A faction home base can be either a space station or a planet. Faction admins have the right (or reset) to set the home base of a faction. A faction block must be placed down on that structure, set to the player's faction, and then can be set as a home base. The most important feature of home bases are that they are invincible (for now), as well as any ships, that are docked or landed on them.
    This will serve as a grieving protection since player now have a 100% secure place to leave their ships when logging out. Every faction can only have one home base though.
    Should a faction become invalid due to all members leaving, or being deleted by a server admin, the structures will lose their protection, so you can't just walk around creating new factions and declaring every planed your own :)

    The new dev-build is now available for Tester to pretest.

    Thanks for playing StarMade,
    - schema