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    1. P

      Chambers using fixed % sucks

      Comfort should never be a balancing factor. You shouldn't have to either do the grueling thing for the sake of optimization(example: no gravity lifts on ship, to save efficiency), or having comfort features but feeling annoyed that you aren't getting the most out of your ship. Another example...
    2. P

      Why is META such a disagreement?

      I think that, within reason, as many shapes/designs(Star Destroyer, Giant Isanth, Borg Cube, Nadesico, Enterprise) of ship as possible should have an insignificant difference in effectiveness. This is a difficult goal to achieve, especially whilst also making interesting building mechanics...
    3. P

      StarMade - Devblog May 22nd 2017

      uh, no. Also, translating the base mechanics to ship mechanics will not work well. DE outdoes everything else and outprices everything else. Not a good idea for StarMade.
    4. P

      Faction balls!

    5. P

      Should Chain Drives Remain?

      The reason for jump drives was probably at least partly to make fast movement have a set destination. Jumping somewhere probably gives a hidden loading time. So while hyperdrives are something I would like to be default, instantly dropping out of warp when you feel like it might not be an option.
    6. P

      Read by Council Homefix - fixes various problems with little downsides.

      ...this took me a minute or so to comprehend at 4:04 AM I would suggest a config option for where to transport it, perhaps center of the nearest galaxy(impossible none in void space?). Spawn is a good option too, it depends how far you want people to be able to travel and set /how close together...
    7. P

      Recognized Sharable Star Charts

      IIRC, there was going to be a limit/cost of faction points for homebase size.
    8. P

      Is slow travel a contributing factor to the decline of PvP?

      I think some lower-cost alternative pvp interactions could be cool. Say you have a mining station/base(would have to have a openness requirement I guess? IDK, that's tricky), you can go down in a transport(higher chance of evading system/turret defenses, in addition to high speed and low cost)...
    9. P

      StarMade v0.19556 - New Gear Graphics and Bugfixes

      I think coronas should kill ships quickly, but there should be a star-proximity area where you take less damage, and a warning that extends a sector or two beyond that. (Fly in/out of stars with damping. Corona is bright, but see-through. Corona/surface damage the same(corona's hotter IRL), and...
    10. P

      Fleet mechanics?

      Wouldn't be too far from what beams can do now.
    11. P

      Read by Schine Void Spaces

      Agreed, I have a slightly difficult time starting out finding a planet without a pirate station anywhere near(though last time I was able to just build a spawn homebase).
    12. P

      Rhombicuboctahedron Planets?

      Personally I'd like to see double-disk planets with a big ocean(+islands?) on the sides...
    13. P

      Missilespam, Point Defense's OP & UPness, and Turret Lag

      You would just get people missile-spamming as much as possible without endangering the server, and it still upsets the balance. People may sometimes go ballistic anyways(probably depending if mods are online). Server rules and moderator strain should(ideally) not be necessary. The game should...
    14. P

      The Ability to Upload, Create, or Select Custom Noises for Individual Ships

      I think even with the requirement of admin approval for sounds to be uploaded for others to hear, this would still be nice. Then you can also have a big ol' library of sounds to pick. (small in terms of capacity, big in terms of numbers/variety) (so it doesn't take a while to download first...
    15. P

      warp Gate Change

      Dial Home Device! Want. Perhaps the same block functions differently to save an ID? Although that'd break consistency.
    16. P

      Read by Schine RTS elements, and Shipyard Efficiency

      Eh, I don't like this. Resources not being 1:1 would, IMO, seem very weird, especially in StarMade. I would suggest power and build time, with attacks/sabatoge possibly disrupting the build, wasting these. Maybe if these were somehow worth more, or you could use faction points to speed up...
    17. P

      Shift Brake Speed

      It feels like it doesn't take your orientation and thust-distribution into account, so you have to hold back first. Would be difficult to make it do that, though.
    18. P

      Constructing ships, it must be less painful

      I haven't gotten to the point of actually building ships with all sorts of assorted decorative components in them, or even building huge ships. (Besides creative building, it's: update, restart, play some, get a decent sized ship, beat a pirate station or two, update...) What I recently found...
    19. P

      Warheads are just fine as they are???

      this so very much Two of warheads' advantages is that they cost less and bypass shields, but they are single-use melee. Without the ability for them to track, however, you're pretty much limited to throwing them at pirate stations(e.g. put them on a stick a ways away whilst cloaked, and harvest...
    20. P

      StarMade v0.19538 - New Thruster Mechanics

      I'm actually not quite sure about this. I think it would make it easy to just build your ship bigger and bigger. (BTW this system was probably much easier to implement.)