Read by Schine RTS elements, and Shipyard Efficiency


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    hey if I only needed 8-9 million blocks for a 10 million block ship, that is a significant decrease.
    Yes, but think about how many times they'd need to make that 10 million block ship before they'd start getting any decent bonuses?


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    Feb 17, 2015
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    While we are at it, warpgate paths are invisible to people until you pass through a sector that has a route in it is a good idea.
    Discovering warpgate routes and whatnot! Also if you stare at the Map you can see a little pulse or flash from a star when a warpgate is activated. Just a little twinkle that you wouldn't really notice unless you are looking in the specific system or something. Might see it out of the corner of your eye but be unable to place your finger on exactly WHERE it came from. :)

    Maybe the same with jumpdrives, very faint twinkles on the map, maybe a pixel or two in the sector, when someone uses FTL.
    Would be a neat little thing that players could use scanners for to help locate.

    Also red/green/blue pulsing or flashing # (or crosshair) should appear in sectors that your most recent scan applies in the MAP view, and you can hold your mouse over it to see the time and the player name/faction if you don't want to look at a text readout. Preforming another scan wipes all the current markers and applies any new ones (if any).
    Nov 21, 2013
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    With every ship of a single design type produced, the Shipyard's efficiency increases - eventually, after a thousand or so ship spawns, the resource consumption to produce that specific kind of ship is at, say, 20% or some other low number (ie: you can make five ships or more with the same amount of resources). This would encourage players to utilize smaller blueprints at smaller shipyards, as larger ships take longer to build and take more resources, thus reducing how easily the design can be trained.
    Eh, I don't like this. Resources not being 1:1 would, IMO, seem very weird, especially in StarMade.

    I would suggest power and build time, with attacks/sabatoge possibly disrupting the build, wasting these. Maybe if these were somehow worth more, or you could use faction points to speed up building, and you want to avoid losing these?...

    (Having a bunch of shipyards churning out drones, and one for big projects that churns through lots of FPs, would IMO still fit well for an RTS feel, like experimentals in SupCom.)

    I've always felt that salvaging a ship shouldn't give you 100% return. I would like to see this change to salvaging irrespective of any shipyard manufacturing bonuses. Perhaps, a 10-20% chance of a block becoming scrap when salvaged with a ship, and 5% chance of scrap when salvaged with Shipyard.
    Eh. I would prefer no RNG.

    -Use factory recipies to calculate the resources a block is worth, and have a buffer on the entity if salvaging gives a non-whole-number unit of resources.

    I am not 100% sure about the salvaging not giving 100% as well, as it takes 50% system HP being trashed already.
    Jun 14, 2013
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    I've always felt that salvaging a ship shouldn't give you 100% return. I would like to see this change to salvaging irrespective of any shipyard manufacturing bonuses. Perhaps, a 10-20% chance of a block becoming scrap when salvaged with a ship, and 5% chance of scrap when salvaged with Shipyard.
    just make shipyard blocks really expensive
    Feb 22, 2015
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    I think power cost and production speed bonuses make much more sense then resource bonuses.

    If you have to have resource bonuses it should be capped at something like 5%. Efficiency can make a difference in reducing the waste and excess during production, but no matter how good you get, there is a minimum amount of raw material that goes into making an object.
    The same for power consumption.

    But after you have moved the exact same part to the exact same location and twisted it the exact same amount 500 times, you tend to get very quick. This is pretty much the idea behind assembly lines and mass manufacturing, at least in the old days before robots. The cap here should be around 15%-20%.

    Maybe it should be a combination of all three? Or perhaps you can configure the shipyard to make use of 2 out of the three?

    Unless we are talking about matter/energy conversion, in which case this whole thread is a waste of time. Bigger reactor, instant titan for free.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    I think power cost and production speed bonuses make much more sense then resource bonuses.

    If you have to have resource bonuses it should be capped at something like 5%. Efficiency can make a difference in reducing the waste and excess during production, but no matter how good you get, there is a minimum amount of raw material that goes into making an object.
    The same for power consumption.

    But after you have moved the exact same part to the exact same location and twisted it the exact same amount 500 times, you tend to get very quick. This is pretty much the idea behind assembly lines and mass manufacturing, at least in the old days before robots. The cap here should be around 15%-20%.

    Maybe it should be a combination of all three? Or perhaps you can configure the shipyard to make use of 2 out of the three?

    Unless we are talking about matter/energy conversion, in which case this whole thread is a waste of time. Bigger reactor, instant titan for free.
    Power cost and production speed are totally irrelevant issues when the solution to those is to just add more reactor blocks, then log off for a week while it does its thing.

    Power cost and production speed do not make a shipyard a bigger target for enemies to attack than any other object.


    Oct 30, 2015
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    I like the RTS ideas. Here is my take:

    -There two kinds of Demolition; quick or careful. Quick if you are saving the material for re-use. Careful if you are 'salvaging' parts. Careful demolition (salvage/dismantle) should be allowed only on the HOME-base's shipyard and gives 100% of blocks back. Quick 'N Dirty salvaging should have a small penalty and be applied to front-line base's shipyards and possible Astro-Tech 'field-repairs'.
    This helps to define the 'Zone-of-Control' as different from no-mans-land.

    Not what I meant Lecic. I meant, that you could build a new shipyard for EVERY blueprint your faction uses regularly. Every time you make a new model or a new ship altogether, you just build it a separate shipyard.
    -I like the discussion here. I will add this: if we need to have constraint we could limit the Home-base to only one shipyard, or one Primary and one Auxiliary shipyard ( 50% the size of the Primary ). Alternatively, apply penalties to subsequent shipyards.

    Perhaps to help out with the balancing, it should be impossible to get Efficiency Bonuses on homebase shipyards...?
    Agreed. ( Or at least nerfed bonuses. )

    1) I also suggest that, when changing blueprints at a shipyard, the shipyard loses efficiency based on the percentage of difference between the old and new blueprint. A totally new ship design would completely reset the shipyard's efficiency to 0%, but a lightly retrofitted ship design would drop efficiency by a much smaller amount.
    2) tl;dr: the more a shipyard makes of a single ship design, the less materials it takes to do it, thus encouraging specific fleet lineups and resource management planning.
    -There is nifty mechanic here. Retooling a shipyard disrupts efficiency. Long production-runs get better over time. There is an advantage to the central-building hub of your territory. Gentle pressure to expand territory in order to increase production. I think it is essential to avoid letting an invulnerable HOME-base be an unregulated Sprawl of Exploits. It is bad enough that they are prone to large-networks-of-logic Lag.