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    1. P

      Why do Missile/Pulse Weapons destroy docked cores inside the ship?

      Seeing as how Schema wants to encourage armor tanking, the missile should be stopped even if shields are down(so long as the armor holds).
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      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      ...That's brilliant. (I didn't realize the pun until I typed it out. But I'm keeping it, because I like puns. Does anyone know how to do spoilers?)
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      Still, I think you wouldn't really be able to put components in and armor on all sides, at least not without having more armor than components. A balanced fighter shouldn't be mostly made of armor(that's a flying tank), nor should it be exposed to direct fire(didn't used to be a problem with...
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      An analysis of the relationship between planets, faction interactions and resource acquisition.

      Snk Maybe. But really, defending it from attack may be enough. :D ... :eek:
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      Developer Q&A - November 2014

      What are your(Schema, other schine members too) thoughts on armor mechanics, aside from the HP system?
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      How many stars in a galaxy?

      Is that accounting for the large void between the galaxies?
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      Honestly I would want half-blocks(plates?) for very small fighter armor, really. A proper small fighter(i.e. an A-wing or X-wing) should be lightly(lower strength, lower weight, lower cost) armored, but that's currently impossible unless it's the size of a freighter or bigger.:p
    8. P

      Java? Why not a different programming language?

      I think a certain block-based game's bad code makes people think Java is junk:p(according to the alioth benchmark, it's somewhat slower and takes a large amount of memory, but isn't awful). In a perfect world, it would probably be coded in something faster and far more memory efficient. But...
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      Default vision values need adjustment for ranged weapons

      I think if you make sectors 12K and make missile-beam approx. 10K distance(with other weapons changed to scale, and speed cap upped), it might work.
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      N00b ship of mine

      You need larimars for shields IIRC, so you'll only have armor tanking, shields from shops, and pirate-salvaged shields.
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      Buying ships with value of blocks

      Config-able shop stock would be nice(though really nice to have 0.8 spawn rate default back and finding shops on scanners).
    12. P

      block hp increase, since shields are hard to make

      I think larimar asteroids are bugged.
    13. P

      block hp increase, since shields are hard to make

      The two things I worry about with grouped armor systems is how different shapes may or may not work and how big an armor group can or can't be. But without some kind of scaling mechanic, armor seems to be ineffective at large scale or indestructible at small scale. (Aside from grouped armor, I'm...
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      Planned A proper 3rd person view (aka Chasecam)

      Sadly, Aceface's workaround could kill your turn rate for a small ship(where turn rate actually changes, on big ones it's always 1.0, though big ships are not the norm anymore. Mass based turning when?:(). Having this would be really nice, though if it's a big bother you can at least return the...
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      Regarding the blueprint revamp...

      To help alleviate problems with rare decorative items, shops in a system could replenish blocks less randomly, replacing more of the ones that are low, and moving blocks from one shop to another nearby shop. If empty, they could also direct you to a shop with that item in stock, and let you...
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      My Take On Stealth Mechanics

      Someone suggested(and I concur) that the power drain should just be negative regen(canceling out power regen, causing power drain if negative), thus ensuring that lag spikes won't decloak you.
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      A Manifesto on the Relationship Between Fighters, Titans and AI

      SilentRider_14 I think it should be a function of how many players you have. A single player and DFN shouldn't have the same AI ability, or they'll just split into 100 subfactions and clog up the list. :p
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      Things you learn...

      Oh, I know about those. I thought there was some secret building function or something that I didn't know about.:p
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      Things you learn...

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      (Suggestion)Latest post date on similar threads list.

      More than once I think, I've accidentally brought an old thread up thanks to the "Similar Threads" list at the bottom. A "Latest post" date with these, perhaps bolded if past a certain point, would be helpful. The same near the reply box would also be helpful.