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    1. P

      StarMade v0.19498 Slabs & New Blocks

      -:schema: "If necessary the internal size of blocks can be expanded from 3 to 4 bytes" :eek::cool:
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      Brainstorm This Crew: Stations, bonuses, specialties, experience & expense.

      The problem is, this feels kinda lazy. I'm sure there's plenty of other mechanics that can be introduced to make crew something helpful without just arbitrarily buffing crewed ships. Am I the only one who feels that crew just sitting at stations and passively buffing the ship doesn't feel...
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      Graphics option to hide all logic pipes

      Yikes. That's a lot of pipes.
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      A restaurant. It has to happen.

      That wraparound, whoa. I wondered about this before. I wonder how the game reacts if you impulse at insane speed to the last sector's own "end of the universe". I guess it wouldn't have any interesting generation bugs though, with nothing to generate. Also, that is the perfect music for this...
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      Read by Council New planet type suggestion to supplement dodecahedrons

      Regarding the oreos, there is, to me at least, one advantage: a large terrain surface to land, move, and build on.(with fps, not spf.) I would like the oreos to be a config option. I do think the current planets are much better, but I'd like to have both for different reasons. I have a toaster...
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      Brainstorm This Crew: Stations, bonuses, specialties, experience & expense.

      *looks at page number*:eek: Anyway, a lot of the buffs seem to be artificial "use the crew now, dangit!". Even if I want to use crew, that's just going to make me annoyed with them anyway. I'd rather they do things, than have the existing systems require them. I.E. repairs, comms, translation...
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      StarMade V0.19476 Transporters, Activation Gates, Optimizations and more

      We'll have things more dangerous than sharks to play with in the future. :D
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      Free Floating Block Placement tool

      this please all of my want
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      1block starter weapons

      ... Perhaps we can just make computers cost less across the board, and give a little bit more stuff to a starting player? Would be a nice change.
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      Scanners work on everything.

      I like the idea of balancing it, but personally would prefer making larger ships easier to decloak: thus small ships can hide and run easier, giving them a useful role. I think it should be an effect system, with different effects at different percentages, and perhaps ramping power requirements...
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      Read by Schine The Nomadic Revolution [Motherships/Capital Ships as Homes]

      Basically, transporter rings ala Stargate? Those would be nice.
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      What happened to the PvP scene?

      I haven't played multi-player in a while, and wasn't far enough into it to PvP, so I'll be a broken record here, but; I think the max viable size of ship needs to be turned down. Don't just let people grind themselves to death, or they will(See: Hax's hand injury, SSBM). If people can build...
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      Make heat-seeker missiles ignore astronauts

      Sadly, that's kinda the way swarmers are right now(are they really even good anyway?)...
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      Pirate bases are useless to raid now?

      Pirate bases do give too little, besides silly farming of Isanths. Loot should definitely be improved, right now it's tedious to get and sort, and also difficult to locate. Randomness belongs in loot chests only, and even then it should be somewhat controlled. Scrap salvaging should instead...
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      500 meters vertical ship power layout

      Thanks for that picture, mine usually look more like checkerboard lines, but that might work better(besides super-long stick-ships). Learn something new all the time, no matter having been here since the days of waffle AMCs, and the old textures.
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      Brainstorm This My Two Cents on Turret AI

      Somehow I feel this wouldn't work well, such as having decoy missiles spew out of your ship at the sides, using vertical launch tubes, and large turret turn times. If PD gets increased accuracy, I'm sure they'll keep it from bleeding over(missiles could use a hitbox increase instead?), or fix it...
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      Has power generation changed?

      Note:If you set rail speed to 0, it will reduce lag. You'll have to look about that, don't remember exactly how.
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      Maximizing energy production for a given volume

      Another note: you probably want to factor weapons penetration and per-reactor-block efficiency into your reactor designs, making these probably sub-optimal for actual use anyway.
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      Maximizing energy production for a given volume

      I think these power cube things should be removed from all the wikis(Even horribly outdated ones), they're causing too much confusion.
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      I think we could use a setting for how lenient the procedural system is. So parts could have a rating of fittingness, if you set the fauna config to 1, it goes completely wacko random, .5, it does as is intended, 0, it's very strict or uses preset only. I wonder if the game could determine a...